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anterior to the upper half of the uterine cervix urinary bladder
posterior to the pubic symphysis urinary bladder
superior to prostate gland urinary bladder
What spinal cord segments increase blood pressure in the corpus cavernosum above that in the aorta S2-4
What spinal cord segments cause dull diffuse abdominal pain when your appendix is inflamed T10
Name the spinal cord segment responsible for dilatation of the deep artery of the clitoris S2-4
Name the spinal cord segment responsible for letting you know your bladder is full S3-4
Identify the first group(s) of lymph nodes to which cancer of prostate internal iliac
Identify the first group(s) of lymph nodes to which cancer of ovary para-aortic and internal iliac
Identify the first group(s) of lymph nodes to which cancer of testis para-aortic
Identify the first group(s) of lymph nodes to which cancer of skin of the glans penis superficial inguinal
Identify the first group(s) of lymph nodes to which cancer of uterus para-aortic and internal iliac
anterior to the hilum of the left kidney (outside Gerota's fascia) pancreas
on the posterior surface of the sacrospinou pudendal nerve
anterior to the hilum of the right kidney (outside Gerota's fascia) 2nd part of the duodenum
immediately posterior to the IVC at the level of T12 r suprarenal gland
in the female, anterior to the rectum for a distance of 7-10 cm superrior to the anus pouch of douglas
fused prematurely in trigonocephaly metopic suture
separates the cerebellum from the cerebrum tentorium cerebelli
running vertically on the external surface of the sternocleidomastoid, a centimeter or so posterior to the external jugular vein great auricular nerve
running vertically on the anterior surface of the scalenus anterior, immediately posterolateral to the IJV phreni nerve
occupying most of the digastric triangle submandibular salivary gland
in the posterior (mastoid) wall of the tympanic cavity, inferior to the aditus ad antrum facial nerve
anterior to the inferior half of the tympanic cavity ICA
superior to the tympanic cavity temporal lobe
inferior to the tympanic cavity jugular bulb
passing through the interscalene triangle (two answers) brachial plexus and subclavian artery
occupies the oval window of the labyrinthine wall of the middle ear footplate of stapes
opens into the inferior nasal meatus under cover of the anterior part of the inferior concha nasolacrimal duct
in the space between the lens and the retina vitreous body
What is the most important structure that limits flexion of the lumbar portion of the vertebral column? ligamentum flavum
Spinal cord segments responsible for pain from inflammation of the skin of the mons pubis L1
elevation of the testis when the inner aspect of the thigh is scratched L1/2
pain from a scratch in the skin over the xiphoid process t7
sympathetic innervation of the gall bladder t7-9
touch from the skin surrounding the umbilicus t10
pain from the gallbladder: t7-9
pain from the appendix t10
what is superior to the maxillary sinus infraorbital VAN
what is deep to playsma in the digastric triangle submandibular salivary gland
what is just lateral to the root of the frenulum lingae opening of the duct of the submandibular gland
what is ventral to the anterior tubercle of the transverse process of the sixth cervical vertbrae common carotid artery
what emerges from the petrotympanic fissure corda tympani
what courses through the pterygoid canal greater superficial and deep petrosal nerves
what passes through foramen spinosum middle meningeal artery
what ereges from the stylomastoid foramen facial nerve
what opens into the oral cavity opposite the second upper molar opening of parotid gland
what enters the internal acoustic meatus facial and vestibulococchlear nerve
between the common carotid artery adn subclavian arteries at the base of the neck on the left side thoracic duct
anterior layer of the carotid sheath descends hypoglossi
tracheoesophageal groove recurrent laryngeal
superior to the cribiform plate of ethmoid olfactory bulb
deep surface of mylohyoid inferior to submandibular duct sublingual gland
if he tip of the scapula droops and the vertebral border of the scapula is unusually prominent especially when the arm is abducted what nerve is injured accessory n
if there is weakness of turning the head to face the left what nerve is injured R accessory n
if the tongue deviates to the left upon attempts to protrude it what nerve is injured L hypoglossal n
if the jaw deviates to the left when the mouth is opened what nerve is injured L V3
earlobe is numb what nerve is injured V3
upper eyelid is mildly ptotic and the pupil is smaller than the other eye sympathetics to the eye
bouths of pain radiating from the back of the tongue through the throat to the eardrum glossopharyngeal
what level - cell bodies for the sensory axons that carry the sense of touch from the mons pubis DRG of L1
surface anatomy - where common carotid enters the neck deep to the sternoclavicular joint
surface anatomy - pulse of facial artery 1 fb anterior to masseter on body of mandible
surface anatomy - deep cervical lymph nodes deep to SCM
surface anatomy - beginning of esophagus cricoid cartilage
what level is cricoid cartilage C6
BODY OF THE hyoid bone C4
vocal folds c5
bifucation of common carotid lower c4
isthmus of thyroid c7
taste from anterior 2/3 of the tongue facial --> corda tympani --> lingual
touch and pain from the inner surface of the cheek V3 buccal nerve
touch and pain from just above clavicle supraclavicular nerve (c3&4)
touch and pain on the anterior surface of the neck transverse cervical C2&3
touch and pain on anterior surface of nose external nasal nerve V1
general sensory to posterior 1/3 of tongue glossal branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve
lateral surface of the carotid artery within the cavernous sinus abducens nerve
deep surface of mylohyoid inferior to submandibular duct lingual n
surface anatomy - bifurcation of common carotid upper border of thyroid lamina
surface anatomy - where common carotid enters neck posterior to sternoclavicular joint
surface anatomy - c6 cricoid cartilage
surface anatomy - isthmus of thyroid gland 1fb inferior to cricoid cartilage
what passes through the infraorbital foramen infraorbital VAN
what passes through foramen magnum CNS
what passes through infraorbital fissure infraorbital thing, zygomatic n or emissary vein
what passes through mandibular foramen inferior alveolar VAN
what passes through incisive foramen sphenopalatine artery and nasopalatine nerve
bone with the hypophyseal fossa sphenoid
bone with the bony labyrinth temporal
bone with the coronoid process mandible
bone with the pterygoig hamulus sphenoid
bone with crista galli ethmoid
bone with dens axis
bone with mastoid process temporal
bone with clivus occipital and sphenoid
what muscle attaches to the common annular tendon (tendon of Zinn) rectus of the eye
what muscle attaches to the zygomatic arch masseter or zygomaticus major
what muscle attaches to the pterygomandibular raphe buccinator or superior pharyngeal constrictor
what muscle attaches to the first rib scalenus anterior or scalenus medius
what opens into the sphenoethmoid recess sphenoid air cells
what opens into the middle meatus middle ethmoid air cells, maxillary air sinus, anterior ethmoid air cells, frontal air sinus
what opens into the inferior meatus nasolacrimal duct
what opens into the epotympanic recess mastoid air cells, auditory tube
deep to the oral mucosa between the socket for the most posterior molar and the mylohyoid line lingual n.
between the lingual artery and the hypoglossal nerve hyoglossus muscle
lateral surface of masseter 1fb inferior and parallel to the zygomatic arch parotid duct
medial wall of the inner ear just superior to the oval window facial n
cavernous sinus lateral to sella turcica, between inner and outer dura
2 structures at the root of the tentorium cerebelli transverse sinus, superior petrosal sinus
sacral segments of the spinal cord are located at what vertebral level L1
L1 spinal segment is located at what vertebral level T11
visceral structure composed chiefly of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle or gland (found in body wall AND body cavity)
end of the subarachnoid space S2
what lies in the right atrioventricular sulcus on the anterior surface of the heart right coronary artery
what chamber of the heart contributes to the superior border of the hear left atrium
what is cantlie's line line through the cystic and caval fossae of the liver. demarcates the physiological right and left lobes
what is anterior to the uncinate body of the pancreas superior mesenteric vein
what is anterior to the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery 3rd part of the duodenum
level 1 lymph nodes drain to what blood vessels? lateral thoracis, subscapular and 3rd part of the axilalry
anterior to the inferior pole of the right kidney hepatic flexure of the colon
contacting the inferior pole of the spleen splenic flexure of the colon
posterior surface of the sacrospinous ligament pudendal nerve
1cm lateral to the lateral vaginal fornix, postero-inferior to the uterine artery ureter
crossing the common iliac bifurcation 1cm posteromedial to the infundibular ligament ureter
pleasure of clitoral stimulation S2-4
voluntary ability to retain urine until you get to the bathroom S2-4
surface anatomy of the prostate gland finger in the rectum as far as it can go and palpate the anterior wall
what spinal nerve carries sensation to the earlobe great auricular C2
what muscle opens the auditory tube tensor veli palatini
what muscle protects the cochlea from loud sounds staepedius
opens into nasopharynx posterior to the inferior nasal meatus auditory tube
contains postganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies that send axons to the lacrimal gland pterygopalatime ganglion
abducts the vocal folds posterior cricoid aetynoid
provides sensation to the laryngeal vestibule internal laryngeal n
anterior to the middle portion of the sigmoid sinus mastoid air cells
medial surface of the eardrum corda tympani
anterior to the beginning od the left recurrent laryngeal nerve ligamentum arteriosum
medial to the right vagus nerve in the superior mediastinum trachea
anterior to the root of the lung alongside the right atrium phrenic n
;ateral surface of the serratus anterior at the posterior edge of pectoralis minor lateral thoracic vessels
in the lienorenal ligament tail of the pancreas, splenic artery and vein
encircling the male urethra immediately inferior to the prostate gland sphincter urethra
passing transversely in the root of the broad ligament uterine vessels
connecting the laminae od adjacent lumbar vertebrae ligamentum flavum
surface anatomy of the best place to hear the aortic valve right 2nd intercostal space near sternum
surface anatomy of the spleen deep to the 9-11 ribs posterior to the left mid-axilalry line
what spinal nerves must be anesthetized to eliminate pain from an episiotomy S2-4
what spinal nerves must be anesthetized to eliminate pain from inguinal hernia surgery T12-L1
crosses the left side of the aortic arch between the origins of the left common carotis and subclavian arteries l vagus n
right side of the aortic arch immediately posterior to the trachea esophagus
superoinferiorly in contact with the pericardium over the left margin of the heart left phrenic nerve
surface anatomy of the aortic arch deep to the lower half of the manubrium
surface anatomy of the horizontal fissure of the lung right side, 5th rib in midaxilalry line to fourth costal cartilage at costal amrgin
openings of the ducts of Bartholin's gland lateral to the posterior part of the vaginal orifice
begins posterior to the neck of the pancreas portal vein
immediately to the right of the head of the pancreas duodenum
structures in the infundibulopelvic fold ovarian VAN + lymphatics
anterior to the anterior cul-de-sac urinary bladder
surrounded by corpus spongiosum urethra
CN IX Eustachian tube, mastoid air cells, middle ear, palatine tonsils, posterior one-third of the tongue, throat
V2 lateral side of the nose, lower eyelid,, skin over the bony cheek, and upper lip
The trigeminal nerve innervates three muscles that play no role in jaw movement tensor veli palatini, tensor tympani, mylohyoid
tensor veli palatini equilibrates middle ear pressure, prevents nasal regurgitation
tensor tympani promotes intelligibility of one's own speech
mylohyoid promotes upward swelling of the tongue
ureter crosses the medial surface of the common iliac a. bifurcation to enter the pelvis
ureter is a fingersbreadth posteromedial to the infundibulopelvic ligament
ureter 1 fb lateral to the uterine cervix
ureter crossing below the uterine artery
Created by: LCiminello
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