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KINE 306 MT (1-60)
Term | Definition |
a- | no, not, without, away from, negative |
ab- | away from, negative, absent |
abdomin/o | abdomen |
abras/o | rub or scrape off |
abrupt/o | broken away from |
abscess/o | collection of pus, going away |
absorpt/o | suck up, suck in |
acetabul/o | acetabulum (hip socket) |
acous/o,acoust/o | hearing, sound |
acromi/o | acromion, point of shoulder blade |
acu/o | sharp, severe, sudden |
acuit/o, acut/o | sharp, sharpness |
ad- | toward, to, in the direction of |
aden/o | gland |
adhes/o | stick to, cling to |
adip/o | fat |
adren/o, adrenal/o | adrenal glands |
alg/e, algi/o, alg/o, algesi/o | relationship to pain |
-algesia, -algesic | painful, pain sense |
-algia | pain, painful condition |
align/o | bring into line or correct position |
alveol/o | alveolus, air sac, small sac |
ambi- | both sides, around or about, double |
ambul/o, ambulat/o | walk |
amput/o, amputat/o | cut away, cut off a part of the body |
an- | no, not, without |
angi/o | blood or lymph vessel |
angin/o | angina, choking, strangling |
ankyl/o | crooked, bent, stiff |
ante- | before, in front of |
anter/o | before, front |
anti- | against |
aort/o | aorta |
ap- | toward, to |
ap-, apo- | separation, away from, opposed, detached |
aponeur/o | aponeurosis (type of tendon) |
append/o, appendic/o | appendix |
arter/o, arteri/o | artery |
arthr/o | joint |
articul/o | joint |
attenuat/o | diluted, weakened |
aur/i, aur/o | ear, hearing |
aut/o | self |
axill/o | armpit |
bi- | twice, double, two |
bifurcat/o | divide or fork into two branches |
-blast | embryonic, immature, formative element |
blephar/o | eyelid |
brachi/o | arm |
brachy- | short |
brady- | slow |
brev/i, brev/o | short |
bronch/i, bronchi/o, bronch/o | bronchial tube, bronchus |
burs/o | bursa, sac of fluid near joint |
calcane/o | calcaneus, heel bone |
calcul/o | stone, little stone |
call/i, callos/o | hard, hardened and thickened |
calor/i | heat |
capit/o | head |
cardi/o, card/o | heart |