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Stack #193467

Duke PA 2010 Surgery Terms

a, an- without or not
ante- before
anti- against
dys- difficult, disordered, painful
ecto- exterior
endo- interior
hyper- above
hypo- below
inter- between
intra- within, during
post- after
pre- before
retro- behind
-al (suffix) pertaining to
-cleisis (suffix) closure, occlusion
-desis (suffix) fusion
-ectomy (suffix) surgical excision of
-itis (suffix) inflammation
-lysis (suffix) freeing of, reduction of
-oma (suffix) tumor or neoplasm
-orrhaphy (suffix) repair of
-oscopy (suffix) examine an organ by viewing
-ostomy (suffix) creation of an opening
-otomy (suffix) cutting into
-pexy (suffix) fix or suture into place
-plasty (suffix) restorative or reconstruction procedure
adeno- (root) gland
arthro- (root) joint
blepharo- (root) eyelid
cardi- (root) heart
chole- (root) gall
cholecyst- (root) gallbladder
col- (root) colon
colpo- (root) vagina
cranio- (root) skull
cysto- (root) urinary bladder
dent- (root) tooth
derma,dermato- (root) skin
entero- (root) intestines
gastro- (root) stomach
hema, hemo,hemato-(root) blood
hepato- (root) liver
hystero- (root) uterus
jejun- (root) second part of small intestine
lamin- (root) posterior vertebral arch
mast- (root) breast
myo- (root) muscle
nephro- (root) kidney
neuro- (root) nerve
oophor- (root) ovary
ophthalm- (root) eye
orchio- (root) testicle
os- (root) opening or mouth; also, bone
ot- (root) ear
pharyng- (root) throat
phleb- (root) vein
pneumo- (root) lung
procto- (root) anus
prostate- (root) prostate gland
pyelo- (root) pelvis of kidney
rhino- (root) nose
salping- (root) fallopian tube
spermato- (root) semen
splanchno- (root) viscera
teno- (root) tendon
thoraco- (root) chest
trachel- (root) neck of uterus
tracheo- (root) trachea, windpipe
ureter, uretero- (root) tube from kidney
urethra- (root) tube from bladder
vas- (root) vessel or duct
Adenoidectomy- Excision of Adenoids
Adrenalectomy- Excision of Adrenal gland
Appendectomy- Excision of Appendix
Cecectomy- Excision of Cecum
Cholecystectomy- Excision of Gallbladder
Coccygectomy- Excision of Coccyx
Colectomy- Excision of Colon
Craniectomy- Excision of Skull
Cystectomy- Excision of Urinary bladder
Embolectomy- Excision of Embolus
Esophagectomy- Excision of Esophagus
Fistulectomy- Excision of Fistula
Ganglionectomy- Excision of Ganglion
Gastrectomy- Excision of Stomach
Glomectomy, Carotid- Excision of Carotid body
Hemicolectomy- Excision of Half of colon
Hemorrhoidectomy- Excision of Hemorrhoids
Hydrocelectomy- Excision of Hydrocele
Hypophysectomy- Excision of Pituitary gland
Hysterectomy- Excision of Uterus
Laminectomy- Excision of Posterior vertebral arch
Laryngectomy- Excision of Larynx
Lobectomy- Excision of Lobe of lung or liver
Mastectomy- Excision of Breast
Mastoidectomy- Excision of Mastoid Cell
Myomectomy- Excision of Muscle tumor
Nephrectomy- Excision of Kidney
Neurectomy- Excision of Nerve
Oophorectomy- Excision of Ovary
Orchiectomy or Orchidectomy- Excision of Testicle
Pancreatectomy- Excision of Pancreas
Pericardiectomy- Excision of Pericardium
Pneumonectomy- Excision of Lung
Polypectomy- Excision of Polyp
Prostatectomy- Excision of Prostate gland
Salpingectomy- Excision of Fallopian tube
Salpingo-oophorectomy- Excision of Fallopian tube and ovary
Sequestrectomy- Excision of Necrotic bone
Splenectomy- Excision of Spleen
Stapedectomy- Excision of Staples
Sympathectomy- Excision of Sympathetic nerve
Thromboendarterectomy- Excision of Clot and lining of artery
Thyroidectomy- Excision of Thyroid gland
Tonsillectomy- Excision of Tonsils
Arthrotomy- To cut into Joint
Cardiotomy- To cut into Heart
Cholecystotomy- To cut into Gallbladder
Choledochotomy- To cut into Common bile duct
Cholelithotomy- To cut into Gallbladder to remove stone
Chordotomy- To cut into Spinal cord
Colpotomy- To cut into Vagina
Commissurotomy- To cut into Cusps of heart valve
Craniotomy- To cut into Brain
Duodenotomy- To cut into Duodenum
Hepatotomy- To cut into Liver
Hysterotomy- To cut into Uterus
Laparotomy- To cut into Abdominal cavity
Lithotomy- To cut into Duct or organ to remove stone
Myringotomy- To cut into Duct Tympanic membrane
Osteotomy- To cut into Bone
Phlebotomy- To cut into Vein
Pyelolithotomy- To cut into Kidney to remove stone
Pyloromyotomy- To cut into Muscle of pylorus of stomach
Scalenotomy- To cut into Scaleni muscles
Sphincterotomy- To cut into Sphincter muscle
Thoracotomy- To cut into Chest
Tracheotomy- To cut into Trachea
Vagotomy- To cut into Vagus nerve
Valvulotomy- To cut into Heart Valve
Colporrhaphy- Surgical repair of the Vagina
Herniorrhaphy- Surgical repair of a Hernia
Perinerorrhaphy- Surgical repair of the Perineum
Tenorrhaphy- Surgical repair of a Tendon
Antrostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Nasoantral window
Cholecystoenterostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Gallbladder and intestine
Cholecystojejunostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Gallbladder and jejunum
Choledochojejunostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Common bile duct and jejunum
Choledochostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Common bile duct
Colostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Colon
Duodenoduodenostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Two portions of duodenum
Enterostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Intestine
Gastroenterostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Stomach and intestine
Gastrojejunostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Stomach and jejunum
Ileostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Ileum
Jejunostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Jejunum
Nephrostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Kidney
Thoracostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Chest
Tracheostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Trachea
Ureterosigmoidostomy- Make and leave an opening or form a connection between the Ureter and sigmoid colon
Arthroscopy- Examination through endoscope of Joint
Bronchoscopy- Examination through endoscope of Lung
Choledochoscopy- Examination through endoscope of Common bile duct
Colonoscopy- Examination through endoscope of Colon from ileocecal valve to anus
Colposcopy- Examination through endoscope of Vagina and cervix
Culdoscopy- Examination through endoscope of Cul-de-sac to retrouterine space
Cystoscopy- Examination through endoscope of Urinary bladder
Esophagoscopy- Examination through endoscope of Esophagus
Gastroscopy- Examination through endoscope of Stomach
Laparoscopy- Examination through endoscope of Abdominal and pelvic organs
Laryngoscopy- Examination through endoscope of Larynx
Mediastinoscopy- Examination through endoscope of Mediastinal spaces in chest cavity
Nephroscopy- Examination through endoscope of Kidney
Peritoneoscopy- Examination through endoscope of Peritoneum
Proctoscopy- Examination through endoscope of Anus
Sigmoidoscopy- Examination through endoscope of Sigmoid colon and rectum
Urethroscopy- Examination through endoscope of Urethra
Hysteropexy- Fixation of the Uterus
Nephropexy- Fixation of the Kidney
Orchiopexy or Orchidopexy- Fixation of the Testicle
Salpingopexy- Fixation of the Fallopian tube
Ureteropexy- Fixation of the Ureter
Abdominoperineal resection- Removal of rectum
Amputation- Removal of a portion or all of the arm or leg; excision of other appendage such as uterine cervix.
Anastomosis- Surgical joining of two organs or surfaces such as blood vessels or intestine
Arthodesis- Surgical fusion of a joint
Arthrodesis, triple- Surgical fusion of three joints of ankle
Biopsy- Removal of tissue for diagnostic purposes
Bypass graft- Surgical creation of a diversion for the bloodstream by suturing a graft to blood vessel so that blood bypasses an obstructed or weakened portion of the vessel.
Cesarean section- Abdominal delivery of infant via incision in uterus
Cauterization; conization- Use of electric current to destroy or remove tissue
Circumcision- Excision of foreskin of penis
Closure of colostomy- Closure of opening previously made in colon to empty bowel content outside abdomen.
D&C or D&E (Dilation and curettage or evacuation)- Operation to dilate uterine cervix and scrape lining of uterus or empty contents or uterus
Decompression- Surgical relief of pressure, such as intracranial
Disarticulation- Amputation of an arm or leg at a joint
Enucleation- Removal of eyeball
Episiotomy- Surgical incision into perineum to prevent tears during childbirth
Evisceration- Removal of viscera or internal organs; removal of contents of eyeball
Palliative operation- An operation done to relieve symptoms rather than cure
Pelvic exenteration- Radial removal of contents of pelvis
Portacaval shunt- Surgical creation of anastomosis between portal and caval veins
Skin graft- Transfer of skin from one site to another to improve function or appearance
Splenorenal shunt- Surgical creation of anastomosis between splenic and renal veins
T&A (Tonsillectomy
and adenoidectomy)- Excision of tonsils and adenoids
Vein ligation and stripping- Tying off and removing a major blood vessel for treatment of varicose veins.
Created by: bnthomps
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