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What is the name of the gaseous waste in the respiratory system?
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What is the main muscle utlized for breathing?
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Chapter 12- Resp

Chapter 12- Respiratory Review

What is the name of the gaseous waste in the respiratory system? carbon dioxide
What is the main muscle utlized for breathing? diaphragm
This diagnostic term refers to a fine crackling sound heard during inspiration. rale (crackle)
This diagnostic term refers to a strained, high-pitched, relatively loud sound made on inspiration. stridor
The process of gas exchange where oxygen is added to the blood and carbon dioxide is removed is called ____________________. respiration
This diagnostic term refers to a loud, rumbling sound. ronchi (rhonchus)
This diagnostic term refers to listening to sounds within the body. auscultation
__________________ are the hair-like projections in the nose. cilia
____________________ are the air-filled cavities that connect with the nasal cavity via small passageways. sinuses
The _______________ also known as the throat is a hollow muscular structure lined with epithelial tissue. pharynx
The ________________ also known as the voice box is a semi-rigid structure composed of cartilage that is connected by muscles and ligaments. larynx
The medical term for a nosebleed is ______________________. epistaxis
The _________________ is also known as the windpipe. trachea
______________ is a chronic inflammatory disorder with airway obstruction. asthma
_________________ is the persistent inflammation of the bronchi over a long period of time. chronic bronchitis
The incomplete expansion of the alveoli, causing a collapsed, functionless, airless lung is called ___________________. atelectasis
A pulmonary _______________ is a large collection of pus in the lungs. abscess
Formation of scar tissue in the connective tissue of the lungs is called _________________. pulmonary fibrosis
This chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause presents with small nodules or tubercles in the lungs, lymph nodes and other organs. sarcoidosis
The general term used to describe a lung disease in which the airways become obstructed. COPD
A ___________________ is the collection of air in the pleural space. pneumothorax
An accumulation of fluid in the pleural space is called ______________________. pleural effusion
A machine used to induce the alternating inflation and deflation of the lungs is called _____________________. mechanical ventilation machine
A fiberoptic or rigid endoscope that is inserted into the bronchial tubes for diagnosis, biopsy or the collection of sepcimens is called a _____________________. bronchoscopy
The surgical puncture to remove fluid from the pleural space is called a ___________________. thoracentesis
The procedure whereby an opening is created in the trachea is called a ___________________. tracheostomy
A removal of the entire lobe of the lung is called a _____________________. lobectomy
A _______________________ is performed by entering a chest tube through an opening in the skin of the chest to continuously drain pleural effusion. tube thoracostomy
A condition whereby fluid accumulates in the lungs is called ___________________. pulmonary edema
A blood clot in the lung is known as a/an _________________________. pulmonary embolism
__________________ is defined as the lung receiving adequate air flow. ventilation
____________________ is defined as the lung receiving adequate blood flow. perfusion
The placement of a tube through the mouth into the pharynx, larynx, and trachea to establish an airway is called a _______________________. endotracheal intubation
This disease is characterized by the hyperinflation of the air sacs with subsequent destruction of the alveolar walls. emphysema
An inflammation of the lungs and bronchial tubes that is due to foreign material getting into the lung is called __________________________. aspiration pneumonia
A major surgical incision into the chest is called a _____________________. thoracotomy
This is a highly contagious disease that is caused by a rod-shaped bacilli. tuberculosis
In order to create a tracheostomy the physician needs to perform an incision into the trachea called a __________________. tracheotomy
ABGs arterial blood gases
ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome
BAL bronchioalveolar lavage
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CXR chest x-ray
DPT diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus
LLL left lower lobe
LUL left upper lobe
PE pulmonary embolism
PFTs pulmonary function tests
RDS respiratory distress syndrome
RLL right lower lobe
RUL right upper lobe
SOB shortness of breath
URI upper respiratory infection
V/Q scan ventilation-perfusion scan
capn/o carbon dioxide
coni/o dust
orth/o straight, upright
pector/o chest
phon/o voice
pneum/o, pneumon/o air, lung
spir/o breathing
tel/o complete
-osmia smell
-pnea breathing
-ptysis spitting
-sphyxia pulse
Created by: leanneweit
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