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Bradley Joseph 3
human Anatomy prefixes and surffixe list (G to M)
Term | Definition |
gastr(o) | stomach - gastrostomy, gastrointestinal |
ger(o) | old age - geriatric, gerontology, geratology |
-gen | an agent that produces or orginiates |
-genic | produced from, producing |
gingiv(o) | gum, gums - gingivitis, gingivoplasty |
gloss(o) | tongue glossal - hypoglossal, glossopathy |
gluc(o) | sugar glucose - glucogenesis, glucolipid |
glyc(o) | sugar, sweet - hyperglycemia, glycosuria, glycogen |
-gram | picture, graph, a record, recording -encephalogram, cholecystogram |
-gran | grain, particle |
-graph | recording instrument - electrocardiograph, craniograph |
-graphy | process of making an image - echocardiography, tomography |
gravi- | heavy |
gyn- | female sex |
gynec(o) | woman, female - gynecology, gynecologist |
haplo- | simple or single (half) - haploid |
hem(o), hemat(o) | blood - hemorrhage, hemostasis, hematemesis |
hemi- | half- hemiplegia, hemianalgesia, hemicrania |
hepat(o) | liver - hepatitis, hepatotoxic, hepatomegaly |
hetero- | other, different – heterosexual |
hidr(o) | sweat, sweat glands - hidradenoma, hidrosis, hidradenitis |
hist(o) | web, tissue - histogenesis, histamine |
holo- | whole, entire - hologram |
homo- | same, alike - homogenized, homothermal, homogeneous |
hydr- | water - hydration, dehydration |
hydro- | water - hydrocephalus, hydronephrosis |
hyper- | excessive, high, above, upward - hypertension, hyperglycemia |
hypo- | deficient, low, below, down, under - hypoallergenic, hypocalcemia, hypodermic |
hyster(o) | uterus - hysterotomy, hysteroscopy, hysterectomy |
-ia | abnormal state or condition |
-iatrics | medical specialties |
-iasis | condition of disease - trichomoniasis, giardiasis, amebiasis |
idio- | self, separate |
ilio- | ilium |
immun(o) | immune -immunodeficiency, immunization |
infra- | below, beneath - inframammary, infracardiac, infrasonic |
inter- | between, among - intercellular, intercerebral |
intra- | within, inside - intravenous, intramuscular, intradermal |
-ion | process |
-ism | condition or state |
iso- | equal, same - isotonic, isometric, isomorphic |
-it is | inflammation - colitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, laryngitis |
labi- | lip |
lacri- | tears |
later- | side |
kerat(o) | cornea - keratotomy, keratoplasty, keratocele |
lact(o) | milk - lactose, lactase, lactosuria, lactic |
lapar(o) | abdomen - laparotomy, laparoscopy |
laryng(o) | larynx, voice box - laryngitis, laryngospasm, laryngoscope |
later(o) | side - lateral, mediolateral |
leuk(o) | white -leukemia, leukopenia |
lingu(o) | tongue - sublingual, linguiform |
lip(o) | fat - lipoprotein, liposuction |
lith(o) | stone, calculus - nephrolithiasis, lithotripsy, urolith |
-logist | one who studies or specializes - cardiologist, anesthesiologist |
-logy | the study of - biology, histology |
-lysis | destruction, dissolution, breakdown - urinalysis, histolysis, thrombolysis |
macro- | large, big - macromolecules |
mal- | bad, abnormal - malnutrition, malaise, malpractice |