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Bradley Joseph 4
human Anatomy prefixes and surffixe list (M to Z)
Term | Definition |
macro- | large, great |
mal- | bad, abnormal, disorder |
-malacia | soft, softening - encephalomalacia, osteomalacia |
mamm(o) | breast- mammary gland mammogram, mammography |
mast(o) | breast-mammary gland mastectomy, mastocytoma |
melan(o)- | black color, dark pigment-melanoma, melanocyte |
medi- | middle |
mega- | great, large |
megalo) | large, enlarged - megalomania, megalocephaly |
-megaly | enlargement - cardiomegaly, acromegaly |
men(o)- | menstruation, menses- menopause, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia |
mening(o) | meninges, membranes- meningitis, meningococcus |
mero- | part |
meso- | middle or moderate |
meta- | after, beyond, in succession to-metacarpus, metastasis, metatarsals |
-meter- | measure, instrument to measure or count- cytometer, cephalometer |
-metry | process of measuring or counting- audiometry, pelvimetry |
micro- | small-microbiology |
mito- | thread |
mono- | alone, one, single |
morph- | form, shape-metamorphic |
multi- | many, much - multifunctional, multilateral |
musculo- | muscle |
myel- | muscle |
my(o)- | muscle-myocardial, myalgia, myofibroma, |
myc(o) | fungus, fungi-mycosis, mycelium, dermatomycosis |
myel(o) | bone marrow, spinal cord-myelopathy, myelocele, myeloma |
narc- | numness, stupor |
nas(o) | nose nasal-nasosinusitis, nasotracheal |
necro- | corpse, dead |
neo- | new |
nephr(0) | kidney-nephropexy, nephrolysis |
neur(o)- | nerve-neurosurgery, neurolysis, neurotransmitter |
non- | not- nonsteroidal, nonallergic, nontoxic |
normo- | normal |
noto- | back -notochord |
ob- | against, toward, in front of |
oc- | against |
ocul(o)- | pertaining to the eye -ocular |
odont(o)- | pertaining to the teeth |
-oid | resembling, likeness |
-ole | small |
oligo- | few, small |
-oma | tumor, abnormal growth- carcinoma, osteosarcoma |
Onc(o) | tumor-oncology, oncogenic |
onych(o)- | pertaining to the nail of a finger or toe |
oo- | egg |
oophor(o) | woman's ovary - oophorectomy, oophoroma |
-opia | vision-myopia, presbyopia, nyctalopia, diplopia |
Opthalm(o)- | eye - ophthalmology, ophthalmoscope |
or- | mouth |
orch(o)- | testis, testicle-cryptorchidism, orchiectomy |
ortho- | straight, normal, correct |
-ory | pertaining to |
-ose | full of |
osseo- | boney |
ossi- | bone |
-osis | state of having or being (abnormal condition) |
ost- | bone |
oste(o)- | bone-osteoporosis, osteoarthritis |
-ostomy | opening |
Ot(o)- | ear-otic, otalgia, otorrhea |
ovo- | egg |
par- | give birth to, bear |
para- | near, beyond, beside, abnormal-paramedic, paracystitis, parathyroid |
-pathy- | disease, that which undergoes sickness-myopathy, osteopathy |
ped- | children |
ped-,-pes-ped- | foot |
pelv(o),pelv(i) | pelvis-pelviscope, pelvic |
pen- | need, lack |
-penia | deficiency, absence, low number-eosinopenia, thrombocytopenia |
peps(o) | digestion-peptic, pepsin |
-pepsia | digestion- dyspepsia, eupepsia |
per- | through |
peri- | near, around, surrounding-pericardium, periodontal |
-pexy | fixation-hysteropexy, orchiopexy, gastropexy |
Phag(o)- | to eat,swallow-phagolysis, phagedena, phagocyte |
-phagia | eat, swallow-dysphagia, onychophagia, aerophagia |
pharyng(o)- | pharynx,throat-pharyngomycosis, pharyngoplegia |
-phil | have an affinity for |
phleb(o)- | vein-phlebotomy, phlebosclerosis |
-phobia | abnormal fear,dread-hydrophobia, necrophobia |
physi(o) | body function -physiology, physiopathology |
phren(i),phren- | diaphragm |
-plasia | development, formation- myelodysplasia, hyperplasia |
-plasma | fluid |
-plasty | reconstruction of, surgical repair-arthroplasty, osteoplasty |
-plegia | paralysis - paraplegia, diplegia |
platy- | flat,side |
-plegia | stroke, paralysis |
-phea, -pnea | respiration, breathing - apnea, hyperpnea, orthopnea |
pleur(o)-, pleure(a)- | pertaining to ribs |
-pnea | to breath - apnea, hyperpnea, orthopnea |
pneumo- | lung, air, breath - pneumococcal, pneumothorax, pneumatic |
pneumon(o) | lung - pneumonia, pneumonocentesis |
pod(o)- | foot - podiatrist, podiatric, podalic, podagra |
-poiesis | formation of |
polio- | grey |
poly- | many,much -polyuria, polycystic, polyarthritis |
post- | after, behind - postnatal, postpartum, postoperative |
poster(i), poster(o) | back, beind- posterior, posterolateral |
pre- | before in time or place, in front of |
presby(o)- | old age - presbyopia, presbycusis, presbyope |
pro- | before in time or place, early, giving rise to |
proct- | anus,rectum -proctoscopy, proctology |
pseudo- | false-pseudopodia |
psych(o) | mind, mental- psychotropic, psychotherapy |
pulmon(o) | lung-pulmonary, pulmonectomy |
py(o) | pus - pyorrhea, pyogenic, pyemia, empyema |
pyel(o) | pelvis of kidney, renal pelvis - pyelonephritis, pyelitis, pyeloplasty |
pyro-,pyro- | fire,heat,fever - pyrogen, pyretic, pyrosis, pyrolysis |
quad- | fourfold |
radi(o) | x-ray-radiology, radiograph |
re- | back, again |
rect- | straight |
ren(o) | kidney - renogram, renal |
rete- | network |
retro- | behind, backward, in back of - retrocolic, retromammary, retroversion |
rhin(o) | nose - rhinolith, rhinorrhea, rhinoplasty |
-rrhagia | hemorrhage, excessive discharge- enterorrhagia, metrorrhagia |
-rrhea, -rrhoea | flow, discharge -diarrhea, leukorrhea |
salping(o)- | pertaining to the fallopian tubes, uterine tube -salpingostomy, salpingectomy |
sanguin- | blood |
sarc- | flesh, muscle |
schiz(o)- | denoting something 'split' or 'double-sided' |
scler(o) | hard, hardening - atherosclerosis, corneoscleral |
-scope | instrument used to exam or look - microscope, arthroscope |
-scopy | process of examining arthroscopy - colposcopy, endoscopy |
semi- | half, partly, partially - semiconscious, semicomatose, semicircular |
-sect | cut –bisect,intersect |
sinistr(o)- | left, left side |
-sis | process or action |
somat(o)-, somatico- | body, bodily |
-some | body |
spondyl(o) | spine, vertebra, vertebrae - spondylosis, spondylopathy, spondylolysis |
stomat(o) | mouth - stomatitis, stomatoscope |
sperma-, spermo-, spermato- | semen - spermatozoa |
spleen(o)- | spleen |
steno- | narrow |
-stomy | surgical opening |
sub- | under, below - sublingual, subcutaneous, subcostal |
super- | above, beyond, upper, greater -supersonic |
supra- | above, over, at the top of - supraspinal, suprapubic, suprarenal |
syn-(sym-) | together, with, joined, fused- synergistic, syndrome, synarthrosis |
syphil(o) | syphilis - syphiloma, syphiloderm |
tachy- | fast, rapid, accelerated - tachycardia, tachypnea |
tele- | far |
tens- | stretch |
tetra- | four |
thorac(o) | chest, thorax - thoracotomy, thoracoplasty |
thromb(o) | blood clot - thrombosis, thrombogenic |
thyr(o) | thyroid - thyroxine, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism |
-tomy | incision, incise, to cut into - gastrotomy, duodenotomy |
-tonic | tones (pressure) |
tono- | tone, pressure |
tox-, toxi-, toxo- | poison -toxin, toxic, toxicology, toxicity |
trache(o)- | trachea |
trans- | across, over, through- transfusion, transthoracic, transurethral |
tri- | three |
trich- | hair |
-trope | to turn |
-trophe | nourishment |
-trophy | development, growth, relating to nutrition -dystrophy, hypotrophy |
tympan(o)- | eardrum |
-ule, -ulus | small |
ultra- | beyond, uni- |
urethr(o) | urethra -urethrorrhaphy, urethrotomy |
-uria | urine - glucosuria, nocturia, albuminuria |
uro- | urine, urinary organs or tract |
vagin- | pertaining to the vagina |
vas(o) | vessel, - vas deferens, vasospasm, vasectomy, vasodilator |
ven(o) | vein - venipuncture, venous, venopressor |
ventr(o)- | pertaining to the belly, stomach |
viscer- | organ, pertaining to the internal organs, the viscera |
vit- | life |
zoo- | animal |
zygo- | union |