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Anatomy Lab
Muscles Origin/ Insertion/Action
Term | Definition |
sternocleidomastoid | o: sternum, clavicle i: mastoid process a: tilts head side to side, rotate head |
orbicularis oculi | a: close eyelids |
orbicularis oris | a: compress, protrude lips |
levator labii superioris | a: elevate upper lip |
depressor labii inferioris | A:pulls lower lip inferiorly & laterally |
levator anguli oris | a: elveate angle of mouth |
depressor anguli oris | pulls angle of mouth down & laterally |
temporalis | o: lateral surface of cranium i: coronoid process of mandible a: elevate, retract, laterally move mandible |
masseter | o:zygomatic arch i: mandible a: elevate protrude mandible |
trapezius | a: retract, rotate, stabilize, depression, elevate scapula |
rhomboid major | a: aDduct scapula |
rhomboid minorr | a: adduct scapula |
levator scapulae | a: elevate scapula |
teres major | a: extend should, medially rotate, adduct arm |
serratus anterior | a: protract & rotate scapula upward |
latissimus dorsi | a: extend shoulder adduct & medially rotate arm |
pectoralis major | a: flex adduct shoulder; medially rotate arm |
pectoralis minor | depress scapula; rotate glenoid cavity inferiorly |
deltoid | o: clavicle, acromion, scapular spine i: deltoid tuberosity a: extend & flex shoulder, abduct arm |
bicep brachii | o long: upper lipof glenoid cavity o short: tip of coracoid process i: radial tuberosity a: flex elbow & shoulder, supinate forearm & hand |
coracobrachialis | o: coracoid process i: shaft humerus a: flex shoulder; adduct arm |
brachialis | o: humerus shaft i: ulnar tuberosity a: flex elbow |
triceps brachii | o long: lower lip of glenoid cavity o lateral: prox. posterolateral humerus shaft o medial: prox posteromedial shaft of humerus i: olecranon a: extend elbow; extend shoulder; adduct arm |
supraspinatus | o: supraspinous fossa i: greater tuberosity a: abduct arm |
infraspinatus | o: infraspinous fossa i: greater tuberosity a: laterally roate arm |
subscapularis | o:subscapular fossa i: less tuberosity a: medially rotate arm |
teres minor | o: lateral border of scapula i: greater tuberosity a: laterally rotate arm |
brachioradialis | a: flex elbow |
flexor carpi radialis | a: flex wrist; abduct hand |
flexor carpi ulnaris | a: flex wrist; adduct hand |
flexor digitorum superficialis | a: flex digits |
flexor digitorum profundus | a: flex digits |
flexor pollicis longus | a: flex thumb |
palmaris longus | a: flex wrist |
pronator quadratus | a: pronate forearm & hand |
pronator teres | a: pronate forearm & hand |
supinator | a: supinate forearm & hand |
extensor carpi raadialis | a: extend wrist; abduct hand |
extensor carpi ulnaris | a: extend wrist adduct hand |
extensor digitorum | extend digit |
extensor digiti mini | extend 5 digit |
extensor indicis | extend 2nd digit |
abductor pollicis longus | abduct pollicis |
extensor pollicis brevis | extend pollicis |
extensor pollicis longus | extend pollicis |
psoas major | o: transvers processes of l1-l5 |
illiacus | o: iliac fossa |
iliopsoas | i: lesser trochanter a: flex hip; laterally rotate thight |
gluteus maximus | o: gluteal surface & sacrum i: iliotibial tract & gluteal tuberosity a: extend hip; laterally rotate thigh |
gluteus medius | o: gluteal surface i: greater trochanter a: abduct thigh; medially rotate thigh |
gluteus minimus | o: gluteal surface i: greater trochanter a: abduct thigh; medially rotate thigh |
tensor fasciae latae | o: anterior superior iliac spine i: iliotibialtract a: tenses iliotibial tract (fascia lata); flex hip; abductt thigh |
sartorius | o: anterior supoerior iliac spine i: medial side of tibial tuberosity a: flex hip; abduct laterally roate thigh; flex knee |
adductor | adduct thigh |
gracilis | a: flex hip; adduct thigh; flex knee; medially rotate leg |
rectus femoris | o: anterior inferior iliac spine i:tibial tuberosity a: flex hip; extend knee |
vastus medialis | o: linea aspera i: medial side of tibial tuberosity a: extend knee |
vastus lateralis | o: linea apsera i: lateral side of tibial tuberosity a: extend knee |
vastus intermedius | o: linea aspera i: tibial tuberosity a: extend knee |
semimembranosus | o:ischial tuberosity i: posterior to medial condle of tibia a: extend hip; flex knee |
semitendinosus | o: ischial tuberosity i: medial side of tibial tuberosity a: extend hip; flex knee |
bicep femoris | o long: ischial tuberosity o short: linea aspera i: head of fibula a long: extend hip; flex knee a short: flex knee |
tibialis anterior | a: dorsiflex ankle; invert foot |
extensor hallucis longus | a:dorsiflex foot; extend hallucis |
extensor digitorum longus | dorsiflex foot; extend digits; evert foot |
fibularis longus | plantar flex; evert foot |
fibularis brevis | plantar flex; evert foot |
gastrocnemius | plantar flex; flex knee |
soleus | plantar flex |
plantaris | flex knee; plantar flex plantaris tendon |
popliteus | flex knee; medially rotate leg |
tibialis posterior | plantar flex; invert foot |
flexor hallucis longus | plantar flex; invert foot; plantar flex hallucis |
flexor digitorum longus | plantar flex; invert foot; plantar flex digits |