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Muscles F and N
Muscles of Face and Neck
Term | Definition |
Frontalis | O-Cranial Aponeurosis I-Skin of eyebrows and root of nose A- raises eyebrows (wrinkles forehead) |
Occipitalis | o-occipital bone I-cranial aponeurosis a-pulls scalp posteriorly |
orbicularis oculi | o-frontal and maxillary bones; ligaments around orbit i-tissue of eyelid a-blinking, squinting, moves eyebrows downwards; strong closure causes lateral creasing of skin |
zygomaticus major | o- zygomatic bone i- skin and muscle at corner of mouth a- raises lateral corners of mouth upward |
Depressor anguli oris | o- body of mandible below incisors i- skin and muscle at corner of mouth a- draws corners of mouth downward and laterally |
orbicularis oris | o- arises indirectly from maxilla and mandible i- inserts into muscle and skin at angles of mouth a- closes lips, purses and protrudes lips |
masseter | o- zygomatic process and arch i- angle and ramus of mandible a-elevates mandible, prime mover of jaw |
temporalis | o- temporal fossa i- coronoid process of mandible a- closes jaw, elevates and retracts mandible |
buccinator | o- molar region of maxilla and mandible i- orbicularis oris a- draws corners of mouth laterally, compress cheek, holds food between teeth during chewing |
sternocleidomastoid | o- manubrium of sternum and medial part of clavicle i- mastoid process of the temporal a- bilateral: flexion of the cervical vertebrae Unilateral: contralateral rotation of the head |