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med term word parts
Term | Definition |
azot/o | nitrogenous waste |
bacteri/o | bacteria |
cyst/o | bladder |
glomerul/o | glomerulus |
glycose/o | sugar,glucose |
keten/o | ketones |
lith/o | stone |
meat/o | meatus |
nephr/o | kidney |
noct/i | night |
olig/o | scanty |
pyel/o | renal pelvis |
ren/o | kidney |
ur/o | urine |
ureter/o | ureter |
urethr/o | urethra |
urin/o | urine |
-lith | stone |
-ptosis | drooping |
-uria | urine condition |
colp/o | vagina |
episi/o | vulva |
gynec/o | woman/female |
hyster/o | uterus |
mamm/o | breast |
salping/o | uterine tubes, fallopian tubes |
perine/o | perineum |
nat/o | birth |
oopphor/o | ovary |
vas/o | vas deferens |
andr/o | male |
crypt/o | hidden |
balan/o | glans penis |
orch/o | testes |
vesicul/o | seminal vesticle |
varic/o | dilated vein |
testicul/o | testes |
-arche | beginning |
-salphinx | uterine tube |
-tocia | labor, childbirth |
-gravida | pregnancy |
-spermia | condition of sperm |
concuss/o | to shake violently |
cerebell/o | cerebellum |
cerebr/o | cerebrum |
encephala/o | brain |
gli/o | glue |
mening/o | meninges |
myel/o | spinal cord |
neur/o | nerve |
astr/o | star |
poli/o | gray matter |
pont/o | pons |
radicul/o | nerve root |
thalam/o | thalamus |
vertricul/o | vertricle |
medull/o | medulla oblongata |
ethesi/o | senstation, feeling |
-paresis | weakness |
-taxia | muscle coordination |
alges/o | sense of pain |
ton/o | tone |
dur/o | dura mater |
clon/o | rapid contracting and relaxing |
centr/o | center |
meningi/o | meninges |
ment/o | mind |
angi- | vessel |
anther- | aorta |
cardi | heart |
atri | atrium |
isch | to hold back |
phleb | vein |
sphygm | pulse |
steth | chest |
thromb | clot |
valvul | valve |
vascul | blood vessel |
vas | vessel, duct |
ven | vein |
ventricul | ventricle |
aort | aorta |
arteri | artery |
coron | heart |
valv | valve |
-ule | small |
-ole | small |
-manometer | instrument to measure presure |
-tension | pressure |
varic | dilated vein |
myocardi | heart muscle |
thromb | clot |
agglutin | clumping |
chrom | color |
coagul | clotting |
erythro | red |
fibrin | fibers, fibrous |
hemat | blood |
phag | eat, swallow |
leuk | white |
morph | shape |
sanguin | blood |
eosin | rosy red |
thym | thymus |
adenoid | adenoids |
tonsill | tonsills |
tox | poison |
splen | spleen |
lymphaden | lymph node |
lymphangi | lymph vessel |
-cytosis | more than normal number of cells |
-globin | protein |
-poiesis | formation |
-penia | abnormal decrease |
-stasis | standing still |
bar | weight |
appendo | appendix |
chloecyst | gallbladder |
cec | cecum |
hepat | liver |
lingu | tongue |
gastr | stomach |
proct | anus and rectum |
pharyng | throat, pharynx |
cholangi | bile duct |
sialaden | salivary gland |
or | mouth |
odont | tooth |
choledoch | common bile duct |
gingiv | gums |
gloss | tongue |
colon | colon |
enter | small intestine |
labi | lip |
-tripsy | surgical crushing |
-pepsia | digestion |
-prandial | pertaining to a meal |
-phagia | eat, swallow |