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Integumentary system


What are the three layers of the skin epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous
Top layer that is shed constantly (dead cells) stratum cornium
makes new cells to replace old cells gerimativum/ stratum basale
what is the function of fat insulate/absorb shock
what are 3 functions of skin protection, sensory perception, body temperature regulation, storage, absorption, excretion, production
how do blood vessels regulate temperature dilate- heat escapes constrict- heat retained
what are hair and nails made of keratinized cells
what determines color melanin (black/brown)carotene (red/yellow)
what is the purpose of the sudiferous gland temperature regulation, sweat
what do the sebaceous glands do keeps hair and skin from becoming dry and brittle, slows water loss. secrete sebum (oily substance)
Where does hair grow from, and what determines the shape follicle, root.
what is the lack of color pigment albino
what is jaundice and what causes it yellow discoloration cause by liver/gallbladder ds
reddish dicoloration caused by burns or congestion of blood vessels. erythema
bluish skin cause by lack of oxygen cyanosis
flat spots macules
firm and raised skin eruption papules
fluid filled vesicles
pus filled pustules
driep pus/blood crusts
itchy elevated with irregular shapes wheals
deep loss of skin surface ulcer
inflammation of sebaceous gland acne vulgaris
contagious fungal infection that affects the feet athlete's foot
what are the three types of skin cancer and what is the most dangerous basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma(most dangerous)
allergic reaction that irritates the skin dermatitis
contagious skin infection that causes oozing vesicles, pustules, and yellow crusts impetigo
noncontagious skin infection. sx include white/silver scales psoriasis
what is ringworm contagious fungal infection. formation of a flat or raised circular area with a central area surrounded by itchy, scaly, or crusty ring.
what is another name for warts verrucae
what does skin eliminate salt, waste, excess water and heat
skin uses uv rays to produce what vitamin D
where do nails grow white portion of nail bed
what part of hair projects from the skin shaft
what is another name for fat adipose
what do ceruminous glands produce earwax (cerumen)
what is sweat made up of water, salts, nitrogenous wastes
what are 2 causes of skin cancer exposure to sun, radiation, chemicals, tanning bed
how is impetigo treated antibiotics
Created by: Javier Alban
Popular Anatomy sets




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