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Lecture 1.1 (part 2)

Element 1- Anatomy: Terminology and Tissues of the body

Describe the epidermis of the skin Keratinised stratified squamous epithelium. Avascular (no blood vessels)
Describe the dermis of the skin Dense connective tissue underneath the epidermis. Contains Hairs, nerves, blood vessels and glands
Describe the superficial fascia The skin rests on the superficial fascia (subcutaneous tissue). Loose connective tissue, contains adipose cells, blood vessels, nerves, lymphatics
Describe the deep fascia Covers most of the body deep to the superficial fascia. Thick, tough connective tissue.
What is a retinaculae, where would i find one? When deep fascia thickens around a joint to form a single sheath around the joint to hold tendons down during flexion. Found at the ankle and at the wrists
Describe the subserous fascia Lies between the serous membrane and the musculoskeletal walls of body cavities
Name three functions of bones Gives body shape, supports weight of body, provides muscle attachments and levels for transmitting movement forces, protects soft tissue, contains haemopoietic tissue, provides calcium store
What are the 5 classification of bones? Long, short, irregular, flat, sesamoid
What is intramembranous ossification and where does it take place? Mineralisation of a membrane, mainly occurs of the flat bones of the skull
What is endochondral ossification and where does it take place? Mineralisation of a cartilage model, occurs in most bones at the growth plate
Where would I find a fibrous joint? Skull (suture), between the radius and the ulna (syndesmosis) and the teeth sockets (Gomphosis)
What are the three types or cartilage and where are they found? Hyaline cartilage (covering the ends of bones) , Fibrocartilage (between bones) and Elastic cartilage (the ear)
What are venue comitantes? Veins that accompany medium sized arteries
What is the function of the lymphatic system? Fluid balance, lipid absorbance and defence
Where do most lymph drain into Thoracic dudct
In what areas of the adult skeleton do you find red blood marrow? Flat bones (e.g. pelvis, sternum, vertebrae) and the ends of long bones
How many cervical vertebrae are there? 7
How many thoracic vertebrae are there? 12
How many lumbar vertebrae are there? 5
What are the characteristics of a cervical vertebrae? Small body, bifid spinous process, transverse foramen
What are the characteristics of a thoracic vertebrae? Heart shaped body, long downward facing spinous process, costal fovea to articulate with ribs
What are the characteristics of a lumbar vertebrae? Large body, short, square spinous process
Created by: macdonkr
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