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Medical Terminology

Ch. 7 - The Respiratory System/ Terms

acute bronchitis - sudden onset and short duration - recovery is usually complete
chronic bronchitis - gradual onset and long duration - usually caused by smoking
bronchial asthma caused by narrowing of the bronchi and bronchioles
emphysema caused by destruction of the walls of the alveoli with loss of the elasticity
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - chronic obstruction/ blockage - chronic inflammation - usually associated w/ smoking - may lead to respiratory failure
pleural effusion accumulation of fluids in the pleural cavity
pyothorax = empyema accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity
pneumothorax air in the pleural cavity
hemothorax blood in the pleural cavity
pneumonia - inflammation of the lung tissue - can affect one lobe only
bronchopneumonia - inflammation of the lung and bronchi - affects the whole lung or both lungs
pneumoconiosis disease caused by inhaling dust particles
anosmia loss of the sense of smell
TB tuberculosis - caused by bacterial infection of the lung - causes destruction of the lung tissue
cystic fibrosis - a genetic disease characterized by the presence of multiple cysts - affects several body organs and can be fatal
pulmonary edema accumulation of fluids in the lungs
pulmonary embolism blockage of the pulmonary artery or one of its branches by a mass of undissolved matter (blood clot)
SIDS Sudden Infant Death Syndrome sudden death of an infant w/out a known cause
epistaxis bleeding from the nose
RDS Respiratory Distress Syndrome - difficcult of breathing in a premature baby - caused by absence of surfactant
atelectesis - collapse of the lung - atel is incomplete - ectesis is expansion
deviated nasal septum deviation of the nasal septum to one side (not in the middle line)
coryza - URI Upper Respiratory Infection - head cold
pertusis whooping cough
stridor high pitched, harsh, adventitious breath sound caused by a spasm or swelling of the larynx (voice box) or an obstructive of the airway
Mantoux test (TB test) test for previous exposure to TB
sputum culture to identify the type of bacteria in the sputum (phlegm) in case of Lower Respiratory Infectrion
throat culture to identify the type of bacteria in case of throat infection
CXR Chest X-ray radiographic imaging of the lung
CT scan computed tomography scan imaging cross sectional views of the chest at different level
bronchoscopy visual examination of the bronchi
larangoscopy visual examination of the larynx (voice box)
nasopharyngoscopy visual examination of the nasal cavity and pharynx (throat)
spirometry - measurement of breathing - to measure differences lung volumes and capacities
oximetry measuring the percentage of hemoglobin saturation w/ oxygen
ABGs Arterial Blood Gases measuring the level of oxygen and carbond dioxide in the arterial blood
thoracocentesis puncture of the chest to drain fluids from the pleural cavity
sinusotomy making an incision to drain out fluids from the nasal sinuses
tracheostomy creating an opening in the trachea (windpipe)
tonsillectomy surgical removal of the tonsills
pleurectomy surgical removal part of the pleral
lobectomy surgical removal of one lobe of the lung
pneumonectomy surgical removal of one lung
septoplasty surgical repair of the nasal septum
rhinoplasty surgical repair of the nose
asphyxia insufficient oxygen due to lack of breathing
hypoxia decrease oxygen level in tissue
hypoxemia decrease oxygen level in the bloos
eupnea normal breathing
apnea without/ stop breathing
orthopnea better breathing when standing straight
Created by: Hip
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