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Medical Terminology
Ch. 11 - The Urinary System/ Terms
Term | Definition |
urology | the study of conditions related to the urinary system |
urologist | specialist in disease of the urinary system |
nephrology | the study of diseases of the kidney |
nephrologist | specialist in the diseases of the kidney |
glomerulonephritis | inflammation of the kidney glomeruli |
pyelonephritis | inflammation of kidney pelvis (usually caused by bacteria) |
cystitis | inflammation of the urinary bladder that caused by bacteria, more common in female |
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) | infection of Urinary Tract caused by bacteria |
acute renal failure | sudden stoppage of kidney function; recovery is usually complete |
chronic renal failure | gradual failure of the kidney functions; requires dialysis or kidney transplant |
End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) | permanent loss of kidney function; requires dialysis for life or kidney transplant |
polycystic kidney | inherited disease characterized by the formation of many cysts in the kidney |
nephrolithiasis | presence of stones in kidney (calculi) |
urolithiasis | presence of stones in any part of the urinary tract |
hydronephrosis | accumulation of a large amount of urine in the kidney pelvis due to obstruction |
hydroureter | accumulation of a large amount of urine in the ureter |
nephrotic syndrome | a condition characterized by: protein in urine (proteinuria), edema, hypertension |
Bladder Neck Obstruction (BNS) | blockage at the base of the bladder that prevents the flow of urine; more common in male |
Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN) | necrosis of the kidney tubules due to ischemia (not enough blood) and toxin |
enuresis (incontinence) | inability to control urine; involuntary urination |
nocturnal enuresis | involuntary urination at night (uncontrol) |
stress incontinence | leakage of a small amount of urine during phusical activity; coughing, laughing, sneezing and physical exercise |
dysuria | painful or difficult urination |
oliguria | small volume of urine |
polyuria | large volume of urine |
anuria | absence of urine production |
hematuria | blood in urine |
nocturia | excessive urination at night (control) |
frequency | more frequent urination |
hesitancy | delay in starting urination |
urgency | desire to urinate immediately |
urine analysis | examining a urine specimen: physical, chemical, or microscopic |
Culture and Sensitivity (C&S) | growing bacteria in urine and testing its sensitivity to various antibiotics |
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) | blood test to check the kidney function |
ultrasonography | imaging the kidney and other internal organs using high frequency sound waves |
radiographic examination (x-ray) of the Kidney, Ureter & Bladder (KUB) | plain x-ray for the kidney, ureter and bladder |
Intravenous Pyelography (IVP) | radiographic examination (x-ray) of the Kidney Pelvis, Ureter & Bladder (KUB) after IV injection of a dye (contrast medium) |
retrograde pyelography | radiographic examination (x-ray) of the kidney pelvis after injection a contrast medium through the urethra |
cystourethrography | radiographic examination (x-ray) of the urinary bladder and urethra |
Computed Tomography (CT) | imaging of the body at different angles and cross sections |
cystoscopy | visual examination of the urinary bladder |
urethroscopy | visual examination of the urethra |
nephroscopy | visual examination of the kidney |
nephrectomy | surgical removal of one of the kidney |
nepropexy | fixation of a mobile (loose) kidney |
ureterectomy | surgical removal of the ureter |
ureteroplasty | surgical repair of the ureter |
urethrotomy | making an incision into the urethra to treat urethral stricture (narrowing) |
urethrostomy | creating an opening between the urethra and the skin |
hemodialysis | removal of toxins from the blood by hemodialysis machine |
peritoneal dialysis | removal of toxins by filtration through the peritoneum |
extra corporeal shock wave lithotripsy | crushing of kidney through the skin |