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Chapter 6
Question | Answer |
Contractility | muscle shorten with force |
Excitability | reponse to stimulus |
Extensibility | stretched |
elasticity | recoil to orginal length |
epimysium | connective tissue on muscles |
Fascia | connective tissue outside the epimysium |
perimysium | loose connective tissue |
fibers | single muscle cells |
endomysium | fiber is surrounded by thiis |
myofibrils | Thread like structure from one end of a fiber to another |
Resting membrane potential | charge difference across the membrane |
Action Potential | brief reverseal back of the charge |
Motor nerouns | nerve cells that carry action potientials |
synapse | branch formed by muscles |
motor unit | single neuron in fibers |
presynaptic terminal | enlarged nerve terminal |
Synaptic cleft | between the presynaptic |
postsynaptic terminal | muscle fiber |
synaptic vesicles | secrete the acetylcholine |
Muscle twitch | contraction of a muscle |
Lag Phase | time between application of a stimulus |
Contraction phase | time of Contraction |
Relaxation Phase | muscle relaxes |
Tetany | Muscle remains contracted without relaxing |
recruitment | motor units activating |
Creatine Phosphate | high energy molecule |
Anaerobic respiration | without oxygen |
Aerobic respiration | with oxygen |
Muscle Fatigue | muscle contracts faster than can produce |
isometric | equal distance |
isotonic | equal tension |
Fast twitch | fatigue quickly |
slow twitch | contract slow |
Origin | head |
Insertion | end of muscle |
belly | between head and end |
Occipitofrontalis | raises eyebrows |
bcularis oculi | causes crows feet |
orbicularis orbis | puckers the lips |
buccinator | flattens cheeks |
zygomaticus | smiling muscleowning |
levator labii superioris | sneering |
depressor anguli oris | frowning |
mastication | chewing |
intristic tounge | shape |
extrinsic | movement |
sternocleidomastoid | prime mover |
plastysma | pulls mouth |
erector spinae | back straight |
thoracic muscle | move thorax |
External Intercostals | elevate ribs during inspiration |
Internal Intercostals | Contracted during forced expiration |
Diaphragm | accomplishes quiet breathing |
Abdominal wall Muscles | flex AND rotate vertebral columnn |
Linea Alba | tendious area of wall |
rectus abdominals | lines on each side of alba |
Tendinous inscriptions | cross rectus |
Trapezius | rotates Scapula |
Serratus anterior | Pulls Scapula Anteriorly |
Pectoralis Major | adducts and flexs the arm |
Latissimus Dorsi | medaily rotates adducts and powerfully extends the arm |
Deltoid | attaches the humerus to the scapula |
Triceps brachii | extends forearm |
Biceps brachii | flexes forearm anterior compartment |
Brachialis | flexes forearm |
Brachioradialis | flexes and supinates forearm |
Retinaculum | bracelete |
Flexor Carpi | flexes wrist |
extensor carpi | extends wrist |
flexor digtorum | flexes fingers |
ectensor digtorum | extends fingers |
Gluteus Maximus | Buttocks |
Quadriceps femoris | extends leg |
Sartorius | flexes thigh |
Hamstring | postieror thigh muscle |
Achillies tendon | flex toes |
soleus | calf |