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Anat-Musc Axial Skel
Stack #218724
Question | Answer |
Semispinalis capitis action | extends and rotates head |
splenius capitis action | extends, rotates, and laterally flexes the head |
sternocleidomastoid origin | manubrium and clavicle |
sternocleidomastiod insertion | mastoid process and superior nuchal line occipital bone |
sternocleidomastoid action | simultaneous contraction of both heads of muscle--> flexion of the head; individual contraction--> rotates and flexes head to opposite side of contracting muscle (prayer muscle) |
buccinator action | compresses (pulls inward) cheeks (as in whistling and kissing); pushes food between the teeth during mastication; allows you to suck something up a straw; trumpeter muscle |
depressor labii inferioris action | depresses lower lip (as in frowning and pouting) |
levator labii superioris action | elevates upper lip (as in sneering or smiling) |
occipitofrontalis (frontal belly) action | elevates eyebrows, wrinkles skin of forehead, draws scalp anteriorly |
orbicularis oculi action | closes eye by depressing upper eyelid and elevating lower eyelid |
orbicularis oris action | closes lip, protrudes and purses lips (as in kissing or whistling) |
platysma action | depresses mandible, depresses lower lip back and down; tenses the skin of the neck (as in shaving) |
zygomaticus action | retracts and elevates upper lip and corner of mouth (as in smiling) (2 parts) |
temporalis origin | temporal lines on parietal and frontal bones |
temporalis insertion | coronoid process of mandible |
temporalis action | elevates and retracts mandible for biting and chewing |
masseter origin | zygomatic arch |
masseter insertion | lateral side of mandible |
masseter action | elevates and protracts mandible |
digastric origin | mastoid process (posterior belly), mandible near midline (anterior belly) |
digastric insertion | hyoid |
digastric action | depresses the mandible to open the mouth when hyoid is fixed by other muscles; retracts mandible and elevates hyoid |
geniohyoid action | protracts and elevates hyoid during swallowing; depresses mandible; helps to open the throat to swallow |
mylohyoid action | elevates floor of mouth and hyoid (to push food to the back of the throat when swallowing); forms part of the floor of the mouth |
iliocostalis action | extends and laterally flexes vertebral column |
longissimus action | extends and laterally flexes vertebral column |
spinalis action | extends vertebral column |
semispinalis action | extends neck and vertebral column |
interspinales action | extends back and neck |
multifidus action | extends and rotates vertebral column; only moves a few vertebrae (maintenance) |
diaphragm action | depresses floor of the thoracic cavity for inspiration (increases the volume of the thoracic cavity); responsible for 3/4 of inspired air |
external intercostals action | elevates ribs for inspiration (swing upwards to expand the thoracic cavity)-- for forced breaths |
internal intercostals action | depresses ribs for expiration (swing them downwards towards the vertebral column)--for forced breaths |
external abdominal oblique action | compression of abdomen; flexion and rotation of vertebral column |
internal abdominal oblique action | compression of abdomen; flexion and rotation of vertebral column |
transverse abdominis action | compression of abdomen |
rectus abdominis action | compression of abdomen; flexion of vertebral column |
muscles of facial expression fact #1 | attach to skin or other muscles |
muscles of facial expression #2 | used for nonverbal communication |
temporalis muscle fiber orientation | fibers go downwards at an angle |
erector spinae muscles | iliocostalis, longissimus spinalis, semispinalis |
erector spinae muscles characteristics | long, parallel, strap-like muscles running a significant length of the back |
inhalation (inspiration) | expansion of the lungs and thoracic cavity simultaneously |
exhalation (expiration) | diaphragm relaxes (dome gets steeper); thoracic cavity and lung volume decreases |
sternohyoid action | depresses hyoid bone |
omohyoid action | depresses hyoid bone; fixes hyoid during opening of mouth |