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Group Therapy

Covers group therapy terms as it relates to the LMSW Exam.

Problem Solving Groups Although these groups deal with problems that could probably have been solved through individual effort, the group adds diverse resources, error safeguards and motivation.
Education Groups Exemplified by study groups and designed to advance learning, education groups should have demographically similar members with different ability levels according to Shaw
Experimental Groups These include T-groups as well as therapy, encounter, personal growth and sensitivity-training groups.
T Groups Emphasizing feedback, problem solving and decision making, this group aims to improve organizational relationship skills by focusing on the group process
Personal Growth groups Typically meeting for a set time, these groups encourage risk taking for personal growth and development.
Guidance Groups Primarily for prevention of problems facing high-risk populations, these groups focus on improvement of life skills and overall direction of members.
Counseling Groups For secondary prevention and/or correction, these groups include encounter, sensitivity and organizational development groups.
Psychotherapy Groups These groups are tertiary prevention groups with the purpose of reeducating, rehabilitating and generally bringing members to healthy function.
Uniqueness A sense of belonging, shared problems, support, a microcosm, information, and giving all add to the _____________ of group therapy.
Autocratic This style of leadership is one in which the leader does not seek any sort of input or consultation with others of the group, resulting most often in high levels of discontent.
Democratic This style of leadership allows everyone within the group to have a voice in the decision-making process, although the final power of decision may still rest on the group's leader
Laissez Faire This style of leadership allows everyone within the group to make their own decisions.
Groupthink The mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives.
Screening This is an absolutely necessary aspect of beginning a group.
Heterogeneous Groups Groups whose members share few similarities.
Homogeneous Groups Groups whose members share the same characteristics.
Deviant It is best to screen out people who may be labeled this due to being the youngest, unmarried, sickest, or the only one with a certain characteristic.
Communication Patterns Paying attention to verbal and nonverbal communication helps the therapist to effectively move toward group goals. These verbals and nonverbals are known as........
Cohesiveness Irving Yalom argues that this group dynamic is a major factor in a successful outcome
Social Control This involves the norms, roles, expectations and status that let groups function effectively, if not always smoothly.
Norms Principles of right action, binding upon the members of a group and serving to guide, control, or regulate proper and acceptable behavior.
Role Expectations Group determined behaviors expected of a person performing a role
Status The position outside the group combined with behavior in the group, contribute to in-group ranking of members; willingness to conform to group norms is affected by this.
Group Culture Arising from beliefs, customs and values of its members and the environment in which a group is set, group culture influences objectives, tasks, interaction and methods.
Performing Forming Storming Norming Name Tuckman's four stages of a group.
Post Group Initial Transition Working Final Name Corey and Corey's five stage of a group.
Anxiety Responsibility Freedom What are the three central issues in an existential group and individual therapy?
Existential Vacuum In Existential Group Therapy, this is an enduring pervasive pattern of existential frustration, where one experience ones life as being mostly empty.
Logotherapy A form of existential group therapy that emphasizes need to find and maintain meaning in one's life
Existential Crises In Existential Group Therapy, theses are struggles that occur when people are forced to face disturbing questions about themselves such as "Who am I?" or "What is my life purpose now?"
Life and Death Existential group therapy focuses on the meaning of these two aspects of life.
Gestalt Group Therapy This group therapy promotes self awareness and the ability to take responsibility for one's own actions and behaviors.
Psychoanalytic Group Therapy For this type of group, it is particularly important to focus on experiences from the first 6 yrs of life,.Group work encourages participants to relive significant relationships.
Insight In Psychoanalytic Group Therapy, this should be the main focus of therapy and is characterized by working through repressed material.
Long Term In Psychoanalytic Group Therapy, is group work normally long term or short term?
Transference and Resistance In Psychoanalytic Group Therapy, these two aspects constitute the bulk of the work.
Group Disequilibrium This occurs when members experience too little intimacy (isolation) or too much intimacy (engulfment)
Group Mal Equilibrium This exists when group members become so comfortable with one another, they avoid challenging each other's defenses.
Group Polarization The enhancement of a group's prevailing inclinations through discussion within the group.
Maintenance Role Relationship-related role consisting of behavior that fosters constructive relationships among team members.
Group Task Role Role that help the group focus more specifically on achieving its goals.
Facilitator This type of role coordinates teams and makes sure that everything works well
Gatekeeper This type of role ensures the group stays on track.
Conciliator This type of role smooths out conflicts.
Neutralizer This type of role offers thinking solutions.
Observer This type of role likes to sum up what is happening.
Follower This type of role helps things along by their agreement.
Initiator This type of role brings up the idea or identifies a need.
Coordinator This type of role shows relationships among ideas.
Elaborator This type of role expands on suggestions.
Evaluator This type of role critically questions the course of action being taken.
Group Factors Setting, group size, format, duration, frequency, involuntary or required participation, and developmental stage are all..........
Play Favorites One of the MOST important things a group leader should remember is to NEVER..........
Limited and Constructive According to Yalom's idea of being transparent in a group, transparency should be....
Created by: searcysm
Popular Human Services sets




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