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Anatomy Chap 3,4,5

Prenatal Develp, Face & Neck Develp, Orofacial Struct Develp

3 embryonic layers are called? Trilaminar disc
Trilaminar disc is involved in facial development
The embryonic layers (trilaminar disc)are ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
Development of the face includes? primitive mouth, mandibular arch, maxillary processes, frontonasal process, nose
Facial development depends on what 5 facial process (also called prominences)? frononasal process, paired maxillary processes, paried mandibular processes
The processes surround? embryo's primitive mouth
Adult face is divided into what portions? thirds, upper, middle and lower
These portions roughly correspond to? the centers of facial growth
Facial development starts and ends? starts in the 4th week and will be completed later in the 12th week
Upper portion of the face is derived from? frontonasl process
Middle portion of the face is derived from? paired maxillary processes
Lower portion of the face is derived from? paired mandibular processes
Most facial tissues develop by fusion of? swelling tissues or tissues on the same surface if the embryo
Located between the adjecent swellings as they are created by growth, morphogenesis, differentiation are? Cleft or groove
During fusion, groove are eliminated by underlying? mesenchymal tissues migrate into the groove making the surface smooth
During fusion of grooves, mesenchyme grows and merges? beneath the external ectoderm
The over all growth of face is? inferior and anterior direction
Upper face growth is? rapid
Middle and lower face grows? slowly over prolong period of time
Upper face (forehead) ceases to grow? after 12 years of age
Middle and lower face ceases to grow? late puberty, eruption of 3rd molars (17-21 years of age) marks end of major growth.
Facial bone growth ceases? depending on center of bone formation by intramembranous ossification
Definition of disintegration? loss of unity, cohesion or integrity
Stomodeum initially appears as? shallow depression in ectoderm at cephalic end before the 4th week. It is limited in depth by oropharyngeal membrane
Oropharyngeal membrane consists of? external ectoderm overlying endoderm (which was formed by the third week)
Oropharyngeal membrane seperates the stomodeum from the? primitive pharynx
The primitive pharynx is the cranial portion of the? forgut
Disintegration of oropharyngeal membrane happens? 4th week
Disintegration of oropharyngeal membrane increases? depth in the primitive mouth
Disintegration of oropharyngeal membrane gives access to? outside fluids from amniotic cavity to reach stomodeum and internal primitive pharynx
stomodeum gives rise to? oral cavity which will be lined by oral epithelium
Within the 4th week the stomodeum has two bulges of tissue appear inferior to the primitive mouth? mandibular processes
The mandibular processes consist of a core of mesenchyme formed in part by neural crest cells that migrate to facial region
Paired mandibular processes fuse together to form the? mandibular arch
In the midline of the mandibular arch is a faint ridge an indication of? the mandibular symphysis
Mandibular arch is considered the first? branchial arch
All branchial arches depend on? neural crest cells for its formation
During growth of the mandibular arch cartilage forms? within each side of the arch
Cartilage that grows on each side of the mandibular is is called? Meckel's cartilage
Most of the mandibular cartilage disappears as? the bony mandible forms by intramembranous ossification
The remaining mandibular cartilage participates in? the formation of the middle ear bones (malleus & incus)
Mandibular arch gives rise to? lower face, lower lip, mandible, mandibular teeth, associated tissues
Part of the perichondrium surrounding Meckel's cartilage becomes? ligaments of the jaw and middle ear
The mesoderm of mandibular arch forms? the mastication muscles, palatal muscles, and superhyoid muscles
Muscles derived from mandibular arch are innervated by? the nerve of the first arch
The nerve of the first arch is? the fifth cranial nerve, the trigeminal nerve
The mandibular arch is involved in the formation of the? tongue
During the 5th and 6th week mandibular arch primitive muscle cells from mesoderm? differentiate
Mandibular arch primitive muscles cells from mesoderm? become oriented to site of masticatory muscles
During 7th week mandibular muscle mass has enlarged, cells mirgrate and differentiate into? 4 muscles of mastication
4 muscles of mastication are? masseter, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid, temporalis muscles
Masseter and medial pterygoid cells form? vertical sling that will form angle of the mandible
Temporalis muscle differentiates in? temporal fossa & coronoid process
Lateral pterygoid muscle cells arise from the? infratemporal fossa and extends horizontally into condylar neck and the articular disc
Nerve branches from trigeminal cranial nerve are? incorporated early in mastication muscle masses
Created by: 1573855843
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