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Anatomy: Tissues

Human Anatomy (Marieb)

What kind of membrane covers the body surface? Cutaneous
What kind of membrane covers the body cavities that are open to the exterior? Mucous
What kind of membrane covers the body cavities that are closed to the exterior? Serous
What are neurons? Specialized nerve cells that generate and conduct nerve impulses
What are neuroglia? Supporting cells that support, insulate, and protect neurons
What are the three types of muscle tissue? Skeletal, Cardiac muscle, and Smooth muscle tissues
What is the only kind of voluntary muscle tissue Skeletal
True or False. Nerve fibers are found in cartilage as well as in the spinal column False
What does Avascular mean Lacking blood vessels, cartilage receives nutrients from the surrounding membranes
What are the three types of cartilage? Hyaline, Elastic, and Fibrocartilage
What is the tissue name for bone? Osseous Tissue
What are 4 functions of bone? Supports the body Protects the body Stores fat synthesizes blood cells
Does bone have more collagen or cartilage? Collagen
What do Osteoblasts do? Produce Matrix
What do Osteocytes do? Maintain the matrix
What are dense regular connective tissues? closely packed bundles of collagen fibers running parallel to the direction of pull
What is Adipose tissue? Fat
What are three functions of Adipose tissue Shock absorption Insulation Energy Storage
What is adipocyte? Cell specialized for fat storage
What is the medical meaning of "-blast"? Immature form of cell
What are the abilities of extracellular matrix? bears weight soft packing around organs withstands stretching and abrasion
Name three kinds of fibers. Collagen Elastic Reticular
what are some functions of connective tissues? Binding and support protection insulation storing reserve fuel transporting substances (blood)
What is Glandular Epithelial Tissue Cells that make or secrete a product
In what two ways are Glandular Epithelial Tissue classified? Site of product release unicellular or multicellular
Describe Endocrine cells lose connection to the surface ductless secretions go directly to blood
Where are Endocrine cells located? Adrenal and thyroid
Describe Exocrine cells Retain ducts secretions empty into epithelial surface
Where are Exocrine cells located? Sweat glands, oil glands, mucus, salivary
Describe some special characteristics of epithelial tissue Fit closely together in sheets (except glandular) Have one unattached surface Have a lower surface Depend on diffusion from capillaries for nutrients and oxygen Can regenerate easily if healthy
What is the apical membrane? The unattached surface of the epithelial tissue (Cilia, microvilli here if present)
What is the name of the lower surface of the epithelial tissue? Basement or basal membrane
How are Epithelial Tissues characterized? Cell arrangement (# of layers) Shape
What are the main functions of Epithelial Tissues Protection Absorption Filtration Secretion Excretion Secretion Sensory Recept
What are some things that happen to tissues as we age? Epithelia thin so more easily breached Tissue repair becomes less efficient Bone, muscle and nervous tissues begin to atrophy DNA mutations possible (increased cancer risk)
Created by: twolden1
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