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Neck Flashcards

Competencies for the Superficial Structures of the Neck

Superficial Structures of Neck 6.1 Discuss the (anterior, posterior, base and apex) boundaries of the posterior triangles of the neck 6.1 Anteriorly: SCMPosteriorly: TrapeziusBase: ClavicleApex: Where SCM meets Trapezius(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.2 Discuss the Roof boundaries of the posterior triangles of the neck 6.2 Roof: platysma, investing layer of deep fascia (pierced by external jugular vein and supraclavicular nerves) (Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.3 Discuss the Floor boundaries of the posterior triangles of the neck 6.3 Floor (superior to inferior): semispinalis capitis, splenus capitis, levator scapulae, middle scalene, anterior scalene, covered by a portion of prevertebral fascia which constitutes the facial carpet(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 4.Describe clinical manifestations of: lesions involving the mandibular and cervical branches of cranial nerve (CN) VII (facial nerve). 4. This branch innervates the Risorius muscle, muscles of the lower lip & angle of the mouth. Symptoms: Drooping of corner of the mouth
Superficial Structures of Neck 5.1 Explain congenital torticollis (Wryneck/twisted neck) 5.1 SCM is damaged during difficult childbirth (excessive pulling). This condition can be corrected w/ daily massage & other manual therapy.
Superficial Structures of Neck 13. Define diaphragma oris. 13. This thin partition (found underneath the chin) is formed by the two mylohyoid mm and the raphe b/w them. It separates the floor of the mouth from the submental triangle. (Moore 5th, 1063, Class Notes, Stedmans Dict)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.4 Discuss the Contents of the Submental Triangle of the Neck 6.4 Submental Lymph Nodes: receives lymph from 1. floor of mouth, 2. tip of tongue, 3. middle of the lip, 4. skin of chin, 5. mandibular incisor teeth & associated gingiva (gums)Small veins that unite to form the anterior jugular vein(Monica's + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.5 Discuss the boundaries of the Submental Triangle of the Neck 6.5 Laterally: anterior bellies of digastric mm (nn by CN5)Superiorly: mandibleInferiorly: hyoid boneFloor: mylohyoid muscles unite in a median raphe, forming diaphragma orisRoof: deep fascia(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.6 Discuss the boundaries of the Muscular Triangle of the Neck 6.6 Medially: midline of neckLaterally:ssuperior belly of omohyoidSuperiorly: hyoid boneInferiorly: jugular notch(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 8.1 Describe the scalenus anticus syndrome. 8.1 Symptoms resemble those seen in cervical rib; can cause thoracic outlet syndrome; is due to spasm or hypertrophy of anterior scalene muscle; is treated by transaction of anterior scalene at its insertion.
Superficial Structures of Neck 8.2 Describe a brachial plexus nerve block. 8.2 Injection site is superior to midpoint of clavicle (depress subclavian artery); is used for anesthetizing upper extremity.
Superficial Structures of Neck 8.3 Describe a cervical plexus nerve block. 8.3 Injection site is at nerve point of neck (junction of upper and middle thirds of posterior border of sternocleidomastoid); is used for anesthetizing neck; respiratory and cardiac conditions are contraindicated.
Superficial Structures of Neck 9. Identify the location of, and name the areas drained by the submental lymph nodes. 9. In submental triangle; drain lymph from tip of tongue, middle of lower lip, floor of mouth, mandibular incisor teeth and associated gingiva, and skin of chin.
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.7 Discuss the contents of the Muscular Triangle of the Neck 6.7 Contents: Infrahyoid Strap Muscles: 1. sternoHyoid, 2. OmoHyoid, 3. SternoThyroid, 4. ThyroHyoid + Thyroid and ParaThyroid glands(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.8 What nerves innervate the Infrahyoid strap muscles 6.8 SternoHyoid, OmoHyoid and SternThyroid are all innervated by: Ansa Cervicalis (C1, C2, C3 the Anas Cercicalis Waltz) ThyroHyoid: C1 (piggy backs on) via Hypoglossal Nerve (CN 12)(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.9 What action do all of the Infrahyoid Strap muscles perform 6.9 Action: All depress the Hyoid Bone(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.10 What is the Key Structure of the Infrahyoid Strap Muscles/contents of the Muscular Triangles 6.10 Omohyoid(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.11 How many Muscular Triangles are there in the Neck & where they located? 6.11 2. One on either side of the neck.(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.12 How many Submental Triangles are there in the Neck & where are they located? 6.12 1 it is located in the Suprahyoid Region.(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.13 How many Carotid Triangles are there in the Neck 6.13 2. One on either side of the neck.(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.14 Discuss the contents of the Carotid Triangles of the Neck 6.14 Carotid Sheath (a tubular condensation of deep cervical fascia) contains 5 things: 1. common carotid aa 2. internal carotid aa 3. external carotid aa 4. internal jugular vv 5. vagus N. (CN10) Other contents: Accessory N.(CN11), Hypoglossal N.(CN12)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.15 Discuss the boundries of the Carotid Triangles of the Neck 6.15 Anteriorly (medial): superior belly of omohyoid Posteriorly (laterally): SCM Superiorly: posterior belly of digastric Floor: middle & inferior pharyngeal constrictor m.Roof: platysma, deep fascia(Monica's Supp Notes)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.16 Which nerve innervates the Posterior Belly of Digastric muscle 6.16 C7 innervates the posterior belly of this muscle(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.17 What artery divides @ the upper border of the Thyroid Cartilage? What does this artery divide into? 6.17 The Common Carotid Artery. It divides into an Internal & External Carotid Artery(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.18 Discuss the 5 Branches of the External Carotid Artery. Where are they located? 6.18 1.Occipital 2.Superior Thyroid 3. Lingual 4. Facial 5. Maxillary (1 of the terminal branches) arteries(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.19 Discuss the boundries of the Submandibular (Digastric) Triangles of the Neck 6.19 Anteriorly: anterior belly of digastric mmPosteriorly: posterior belly of digastric mm, stylohyoid mmSuperiorly: inferior border of the mandible boneFloor: hypoglossus mm, mylohyoid mm(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.20 Discuss the 7 major contents of the Submandibular (Digastric) Triangles of the Neck 6. 20 1. Submandibular gland & Lymph nodes 2. Submandibular ganglion 3. Lingual nn 4. Mylohyoid nn (mandibular division of CN5)5. Hypoglossal nn (CN12)6. Lingual arteries7. Facial arteries(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.21 What type of ganglion are the Submandibular ganglion? What do they suspend from? 6. 21 Parasympathetic ganglion that suspend from Lingual nn(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 7.1 Where would you physically see signs of a prominent external jugular vein 7.1 When venous pressure rises the vine is prominent through its course along the side of the neck(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 7.2 What conditions cause a prominent external jugular vein? 7.2 SVC obstruction, heart conditions (e.g. congestive cardiac failure is most likely to cause this b/c its a chronic condition)(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.22 # of Submandibular Triangles? Another name? 6.22 2. One on either side. Digastric.(Monica's Supp Notes + Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 1. Define the anatomical terminologies pertaining to the neck 1. Obviously if there is an anatomical term throughout the outline that is confusing for you look it up. :)
Superficial Structures of Neck 2. Define the laryngeal prominence, jugular notch and the clinical significance of the supraclavicular fossa. 2. Laryngeal prominence is- an enlarged portion of the thyroid cartilage. AKA Adam’s apple. Jugular notch is- T2 a rounded depression superior to Mandible. Supraclavicular fossa is- The pressure point for subclavian artery
Superficial Structures of Neck 3. Describe clinical manifestations of: lesions involving the mandibular and cervical branches of cranial nerve (CN) VII, the facial nerve. 3. The cervical innervates the platysma and would cause drooping of the skin around the chin The mandibular branch serves the risorius muscle. A lesion would cause the sides of the mouth to droop.
Superficial Structures of Neck 10. Name the artery and the nerve piercing the thyrohyoid membrane. 10. Superior laryngeal artery and superior laryngeal nerve (Dr. T's Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck 11.1 Describe the carotid sheath 11.1 A tubular condensation of cervical fascia extending from base of skull to root of neck. (Dr. T's Lecture)
Superficial Neck 11.2 Discuss the contents of the Carotid Sheath 11.2 Contents: vagus nerve, internal jugular vein, common carotid artery and the beginning of external and internal carotid aa., carotid sinus nerve and deep cervical lymph nodes. (Dr. T's Lecture)
Superficial Structures of Neck To get a better understanding (visual) of the Triangles in the neck refer to: page 1054 in Moore (5th edition)
Superficial Structures of Neck 6.23 Are the 5 branches of the external carotid artery contained in the Carotid Triangle 6.23 Yes, the beginning parts of those five branches (Dr. Thomas email response to this question)
Superficial Structures of Neck 5.2 Explain the other form of Congenital Torticollis: Fibromatosis torticollis (colli) 5.2 Fibrous (inflammation)tissue develops in SCM while in uterus. This type is NOT treated with manual therapy like the congenital torticollis from a difficult birth is treated.
Superficial Structures of Neck 5.3 Explain the signs of congenital torticollis (Wryneck/twisted neck)if it is not corrected with manual therapy 5.3 Fixed rotation & tilting of the head from contracture of SCM
Superficial Structures of Neck 5.4 Explain Aquired Torticollis: spasmodic torticollis 5.4 Develops in Adults due to Tonic (continuous) or Clonic (intermittent) spasms of 1 SCM. At times, the trapezius on the affected side may also develop spasms.
Superficial Structures of Neck 5.5 define the terms: tonic and clonic 5.5 Tonic: continuous spasms of 1 SCM Clonic: intermittent spasms of 1 SCM
Created by: drthomas
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