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BIOL 214

Lab Practical - Anatomical Terminology

anatomical position standing upright with the legs spread slightly apart, hands by your side with palms facing forward
transverse section cutting through the body
sagittal section cutting through the body to create left and right sides
midsagittal cutting right between the eyes
frontal section cutting the body to create anterior and posterior
the skin is ______ to the bones superficial
the bones are ________ to the skin deep
frontal forehead
nasal nose
mental chin
acromial shoulder
thoracic chest
axillary armpit
antecubital anterior elbow
antebrachial forearm
coxal hip
inguinal groin
carpal wrist
pollux thumb
femoral thigh
patellar anterior knee
crural leg
tarsal ankle
digital toe
buccal cheek
oral mouth
cervical neck
sternal breastbone
mammary breast
brachial arm
abdominal abdomen
umbilical navel
pelvic pelvis
pubic genital
digital finger
fibular/peroneal side of leg
hallux great toe
cephalic head
otic ear
manual hand
pedal foot
occipital base of skull
vertebral spine
scapular shoulder blade
dorsal back
olecranal posterior elbow
lumbar loin
sacral between hips
gluteal buttocks
perineal between the anus and genitals
popliteal posterior knee
sural calf
calcaneal heel
plantar sole
right hypochondriac region portions of the liver, large intestine and gallbladder
epigastric region portions of the liver, large intestine and stomach
left hypochondriac region portions of the stomach, large intestine, and spleen
right lumbar region ascending colon of large intestine
umbilical region small intestine
left lumbar region cecum of large intestine and appendix
hypogastric (pubic) region small intestine and bladder
left inguinal region portions of large intestine
the levels of organization atomic, molecular, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
The skeletal system functions and major organs supporting framework for the body, protects delicate inter organs, and receiver of minerals such as calcium. Has bones, cartilage, ligaments, and joints.
The nervous system functions and major organs information processing and transmission, detects internal and external stimuli and allows for rapid responses to potential threats to homeostasis. Has brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and sensory receptors.
the endocrine system functions and major organs regulates slow and/or cyclic processes in the body, sets the basal metabolic rate of the body, maintains homeostasis by responding to changes in the body's environment. Has pituitary glands, pine gland, thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands etc.
the muscular system functions and major organs moves bones and skin via contraction of muscle calls, maintain homeostasis by generating body heat, protects soft/internal organs. Has skeletal muscles, tendons, and aponeuroses.
the cardiovascular system functions and major organs transport nutrients to cells, transport waste, transport regulatory substances, distribute heat. Has heart, blood vessels, blood
the respiratory system functions and major organs obtains O2 gas from the atmosphere, release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, maintain pH balance of blood. Has nasal passages, pharynx, larynx, trachea, lungs.
the lymphatic system functions and major organs detect foreign objects, cleanse tissues, product antibodies. Has lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, spell, thymus, and tonsils.
the digestive system functions and major organs obtain raw materials and energy from environment, excrete un-used materials. Has oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small/large intestine, liver and pancreas.
the urinary system functions and major organs filter the blood, regulate BP, maintain electrolyte and pH balance. Has kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra.
The reproductive system functions and major organs produce, maintain, deliver sperm and produce ovum, received sperm, nourish fetus and deliver fetus. Has penis, testes, scrotum and vagina, uterus, previous, breasts.
the integumentary system functions and major organs protects organs, detect environmental stimuli, excrete excess salts and H2O, produce vitamin D. Has skin, hair, nails, and cutaneous sensory receptors.
magnification means higher resolution, can see things clearer and in more detail
field of view is is the size of what you are observing through the lens
Created by: ccporter13
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