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Ch 17 & 9
Endocrine and Nervous Systems
Term | Definition |
ab/lat/ion | action to take away from |
acro- | highest point, extremity |
ad/ren/al | pertaining to toward the kidney |
alges | sensation of pain |
aneurysm | dilation |
angi/o | blood vessel |
anti/di/uret/ic | pertaining to against complete urination |
arteri/o | artery |
astr/o | star |
audit | hearing |
axon | axis; single process of a nerve cell carrying nervous impulses away from the cell body |
calc | calcium |
cerebell | little brain |
cervic | neck |
cognition | knowledge |
concuss | shake violently |
contus | bruise |
crani | cranium, skull |
crin/o | secrete |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
dendrite | looking like a tree; branched extension of the nerve cell body that receives nervous stimuli |
diagnost | decision |
dict | consent, surrender |
dips | thirst |
ech/o | sound wave |
electr/o | electricity |
encepahl/o | brain |
epi/dur/al | pertaining to above dura mater |
epilep | seizure |
epi/nephr/ine | pertaining to upon the kidney |
esthesi/a | sensation, feeling |
exophthalmos | protrusion of the eyeball |
ganglion | collection of nerve cell bodies outside of the CNS |
gemin | twin |
gland | acorn |
gluc/o/neo/genesis | creation of new glucose |
hormon | chemical messenger |
hyper/glyc/emia | blood condition of excessive sugar |
hypo/glyc/emia | blood condition of deficient sugar |
hypophysis | pituitary gland |
-in | chemical compound |
ket/o | ketone |
lact | milk |
megaly | enlargment |
meninges | membrane |
mot | move |
myel/in | substance of the spinal cord; sheath around the axon of a nerve |
myx- | mucus |
nerve | a cord of fibers in connective tissue that conduct impulses |
neur/o | nerve |
neuron | nerve cell |
occipit | back of the head |
ocul/o | eye |
olfact | smell |
-or | doer |
-ory | having the function of |
oxy- | rapid |
pancreas | sweetbread |
pariet | wall |
phag | eating |
pheo- | gray |
pineal | like a pine cone |
pleg | paralysis |
-plexy | stroke |
press | press, close |
pro- | before |
saline | salt solution |
somat/o | the body |
somn | sleep |
son/o | sound |
spinal tap | placement of a needle through an intervertebral space to withdraw CSF |
thec | shield |
thromb/o | clot |
thymus | sweetbread |
toc | childbirth |
trochle | pulley |
-tropin | stimulation |
ultra- | beyond |
ur | urine |
vas/o | blood vessel |
ven/o | vein |
ventricle | a cavity of the heart or brain |
vuls | tear, pull |