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Functions of the cerebrum: Largest portion of brain, has two hemispheres, origination of conscious thought, sensations, intellectual functions, memory storage, complex movements. NOT autonomic
What axons of CNS motor neurons control muscles and glands Ventral roots
Optic nerve Retina of eye
Visual association area Where the ability to read is developed, facial recognition,
Analytical tasks (math and logic) carried out in: Left cerebral hemisphere
What is important for reciprocal inhibition to occur: inter neurons in spinal cord
The meningeal area that contains spinal fluid: Archnoid mater
Medulla oblongata: Regulates heart rate and blood pressure.
The ability to predict the consequence of an action is in: Prefrontal cortex
The flexor reflex is: A withdrawal reflex
Sensory information enters the spinal cord through the: Dorsal root
Most superficial mater: Dura mater
"Oh Once One Takes The Anatomy Final, Very Good Vacations Are Heavenly" mnemonic stands for what: Cranial nerves: Olfactory, Optic, Oculomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal, Abducens, Facial, Vestibulochlear, Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, Accessory, Hypoglossal.
Olfactory nerve: Number/Innervention I : Only crainial nerves attached to cerebrum, sensory information responsible for sense of smell.
Optic Nerves: Number/Innervention II : Carry visual information from eyes; Retina of eye
Oculomotor Nerve: Number/Innervention III : Motor: intrinsic eye muscles that control amount of light entering eye, 4 of 6 muscles that control eye.
Trochlear Nerves: Number/Innervention IV : Motor: Smallest of cranial nerves; Superior oblique muscle of eye
Trigeminal Nerve: Number/Innervention V : Sensory and motor, Largest of cranial nerves, sensory information from hear and face, motor control over chewing muscles, salivary glands, and anterior portions of the tongue.q
Abducens Nerves: Number/Innervention VI : motor, lateral rectus muscle of eye
Facial Nerves: Number/Innervention VII : taste receptors on the anterior 2/3 of tongue, muscles of facial expression, tear glands, and submandibular and sublingual salivary glands.
Vestibulocochlear Nerves: Number/Innervention VIII : Cochlea (receptors for hearing), Vestibule (receptors for motion and balance)
Glossopharyngeal Nerves: Number/Innervention IX : Posterior 1/3 of tongue, receptors for blood pressure, parotid salivary glands.
Vagus Nerves: Number/Innervention X : Pharynx, diaphram, visceral organs, pH, abdonimnal pelvic cavities,
Accessory Nerves: Number/Innervention XI : voluntary muscles of palate, pharynx, larynx, and trapezius muscles
Hypoglossal Nerves: Number/Innervention XII : Tongue Muscles
Reflex Arc: Receptor, Sensory neuron, Interneuron, Motor neuron, effector
Occipital Lobe Processes: Visual Information
What does the right frontal lobe control Left side of body
Cerebellum: Adjusts voluntary and involuntary movements, controls balance and programming, and fine tuning of learned movements.
Pulling away from a painful stimulus is an example of: Withdrawal relfex
How many segments on the spinal cord: 31
Hypothalmus: contains centers in emotion, automatic functions, and hormone production.
Pituitary gland: Primary link between the neurons and endocrine system.
Brain stem: Contains midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongatata. Relay station.
Medulla oblongata: Segement of brain attached to spinal cord.
Cerebrospinal Fluid what brain floats in, produced in charoid plexus,
Cerebral cortex where gray matter is found, covers cerebral hemispheres
Created by: iessnorris
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