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Anatomy Midterm
Term | Definition |
Conjunctivitis | Conjunctive is inflamed and red. Conjunctiva normally secretes mucus which lubricates the eye |
Sty | Inflammation of one of the ciliary glands/small oil glands |
Cataracts | lens becomes increasingly hard and opaque. Vision hazy or obstructed |
Glaucoma | drainage of the aqueous fluid interfered with. Intraocular pressure increases, nerve + retina are compressed. Pain + possible blindness |
Myopia | Near sightedness. Treated with concave lenses |
Hyperopia | far sightedness. Treated with convex lenses |
Astigmatism | irregularities in curvature of the lens + cornea. Blurriness. Treated with cylindrically ground lenses. |
Presbyopia | as age increases, elasticity of lens decreases |
Otitis media | Common ear infection of inner ear. |
Presbycusis | deafness in old people. Gradual deterioration of the spiral organ |
Nystagmus | involuntary rolling of eyes in only one direction followed by rapid movement in the opposite direction |
Vertigo | sensation of dizziness and movement when you are standing still |
Diabetes insipidus | insatiable thirst. Hypo-secretion of ADH, excessive urine output which leads to dehydration. |
Myxedema | hypo-secretion of TH. Sluggishness mentally and physically |
Tetany | Hypo-secretion of PTH. prolonged muscle spasms that can result in respiratory paralysis + death. |
Diabetes mellitus | hypo-secretion of insulin. Body unable to utilize glucose + glucose is lost in the urine |
Hypoglycemia | hyper-secretion of insulin. Low blood sugar. Anxiety, nervousness, tremors + weakness |
Ductus arteriosus ==> | ligamentum arteriosum |
Foramen ovale ==> | fossa ovalis |
Murmurs | problem with valves. Back-flow of blood |
VC= | TV+ IRV+ ERV |
Tonsillitis | palatine tonsils become enlarged + inflamed partially blocking the pharynx. Makes swallowing difficult + painful |
Hepatitis | inflammation of the liver |
Cirrhosis | the liver is severely damaged + becomes hard and fibrous |
Incontinence | lack of voluntary control of the urinary sphincter. Young children - normal Older people- spinal cord injury, emotional problems, bladder irritability, etc. |
Ectopic pregnancy | fertilized egg implants in uterine tube |