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URI Anatomy Quiz 6
URI Anatomy Quiz 6 The Heart and Circulation
Question | Answer |
The structure that does NOT have the anatomy of a vessel, but carries blood from the heart walls back to the right atrium is the _____. | coronary sinus |
The heart sounds (lub/dub) are caused by the opening and closing of the valves associated with the heart. | False |
The thin walled vessels that receive blood from the capillaries are the _____. The blood that they hold then drains into the veins. | venules |
In the fetus the arteries carry _____ (be specific). Most of the fetal veins do not carry this. | mixed blood |
The systemic system of an adult moves _____ (be specific) to the tissues to ensure their environment will sustain them. This is not the case in the pulmonary system. | oxygen rich blood |
The depression between the ventricles is the _____. This is where some of the large coronary arteries and veins carry blood to and from the cells of the heart walls. | interventricular sulcus |
The fibrous bridge found between the aorta and the pulmonary trunk is the _____. It formerly served as one of the bypasses of the pulmonary circulation in the fetus. | ligamentum arteriosum |
In the human, the _____ directs blood from the area superior to the diaphragm to the right atrium. | superior vena cava |
In the adult the blood normally flows from the right atrium into the _____ (name of the chamber or vessel). | right ventricle |
The muscular ridges found on the walls of the ventricles are the _____. They are most obvious just caudal to the tricuspid valve in the calf heart. | papillary muscles |
The vessel that the right ventricle pumps blood into is the _____. | pulmonary trunk |
The depression found between the atria and the ventricles is called the _____. In this depression we find coronary blood vessels. | coronary sulcus |
The valve between the right atrium and right ventricle is known as the _____. This atrioventricular valve is important functionally because it prevents backflow of blood from the right ventricle to the right atrium. | tricuspid valcve |
The _____ is the heart chamber that pumps blood into the aorta. | right ventricle |
The vessels that supply blood to the walls of large vessels are known as the _____. Functionally these are very important as the cells of vessel walls would die otherwise do to lack of a suitable environment for life. | vasa vasorum |
The _____ in conjunction with one-way semilunar valves helps to move blood against gravity from the feet back to the heart. | skeletal muscle pump |
The circulation to the walls of the heart is _____ (be specific). | coronary circulation |
The arteries of the pulmonary system carry _____ (be specific) to the lungs. The arteries of the systemic system do not carry this. | oxygen deficient blood |
The first artery to carry deoxygenated blood in the adult human is the _____. | pulmonary trunk |
The chordae tendineae are attached to the _____ on the walls of the ventricles. | papillary muscles |
The thin oval portion of the interatrial septum is called the _____. | fossa ovalis |
The _____ is the first heart chamber to receive blood from the pulmonary veins. | left atrium |
The pulmonary semilunar valves and the _____ prevent the back flow of blood from the pulmonary trunk and aorta respectively. | aortic semilunar valves |
Vessels that carry blood away from the heart chambers are the ____ | arteries |
In the adult human all arteries carry oxygenated blood and all veins carry deoxygenated blood. | False |
The two major functions of the circulatory system are diffusion and _____. | bulk flow |
The _____ carries the most oxygenated blood in the fetus. | 1 umbilical vein |
_____ requires fully functional arteriole to arteriole anastomoses. | collateral circulation |