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Med Term TS CombForm
Med Term for TS COMBINING FORMS Body Organization & Systems
Question | Answer |
abdomin/o | abdomen |
acr/o | extremities |
aden/o | gland |
adenoid/o | adenoids |
aer/o | air |
alb/o albin/o | white |
algesi/o | sensitivity to pain |
alveol/o | alveoli (clusters of air sacs at the end of each bronchiole) |
amyl/o | starch |
angi/o | vessel |
ankyl/o | stiff |
an/o | anus |
anter/o | anterior, toward the front |
aort/o | aorta |
arter/o arteri/o | artery |
arteriol/o | arterioles |
append/o appendic/o | appendix |
arthr/o | joint, articulation |
atel/o | imperfect, incomplete |
ather/o | yellow fatty plaque |
bi/o | life |
bil/i | bile |
blast/o | embryonic form |
blephar/o | eyelid |
brachi/o | arm |
bronch/o bronchi/o | bronchi |
bronchiol/o | bronchiole |
burs/o | bursa (sac of fluid that helps reduce friction especially where a tendon passes over a bone) |
calcane/o | calcaneus (heel) |
calc/i | calcium |
cancer/o carcin/o | cancer |
cardi/o | heart |
carp/o | wrist bones |
caud/o | tail, in a posterior position |
cec/o | cecum (first portion of the large intestine, appendix hangs down from this) |
cephal/o | head |
cerebr/o | brain |
cervic/o | neck (cervical vertebrae C1 - C7 & cervix - neck of uterus ) |
cheil/o | lips |
chem/o | chemical |
chir/o | hand |
chlor/o | green |
chol/e | bile, gall |
cholangi/o | bile duct |
cholecyst/o | gallbladder |
choledoch/o | common bile duct |
chondr/o | cartilage |
cirrh/o | orange,yellow |
clavicul/o | clavicle (collarbone) |
coagul/o | coagulation (blood clotting process) |
coccyg/o | coccyx (tailbone) |
col/o colon/o | colon, large intestine |
coni/o | dust |
coron/o | heart |
cost/o | ribs |
crani/o | cranium, skull |
crin/o | secrete |
cry/o | cold |
crypt/o | hidden |
cutane/o | skin |
cyan/o | blue |
cyst/o | cyst, bladder, sac |
cyt/o | cell |
dacry/o | tear, tearing, crying |
dactyl/o | digit (toe, finger, or both) |
dent/i | teeth |
dent/o | teeth |
derm/a dermat/o | skin |
dips/o | thirst |
dist/o | far or distant from the origin or point of attachment directed toward or situated on the side |
dors/o | directed toward or situated on the backside |
duoden/o | duodenum (first part of small intestine) |
ech/o | sound |
electr/o | electricity |
embol/o | embolus |
encephal/o | brain |
enter/o | intestines, small intestine |
epiglott/o | epiglottis |
erythr/o | red |
esophag/o | esophagus |
esthesi/o | feeling |
faci/o | face |
femor/o | femur |
fibr/o | fiber |
fibul/o | fibula |
fluor/o | emitting or reflecting light |
gastr/o | stomach |
gen/o | beginning, origin |
ger/a ger/o geront/o | aged, elderly |
gingiv/o | gums |
gloss/o | tongue |
glyc/o glycos/o | sugar |
gram/o | to record |
gynec/o | female |
hem/o hemat/o | blood |
hepat/o | liver |
herni/o | hernia |
hidr/o | perspiration |
hist/o | tissue |
home/o | sameness |
humer/o | humerus |
hydr/o | water |
ile/o | ileum (3rd and final section of the small intestine) |
ili/o | ilium (anterior ilium are your hip bones located just above your jeans) |
immun/o | immune |
infer/o | lowermost, below |
inguin/o | groin |
intestin/o | intestines |
ischi/o | ishium |
kinesi/o | movement, motion |
jejun/o | jejunum (second section of the small intestine) |
lacrim/o | tear, tearing, crying |
lact/o | milk |
lapar/o | abdominal wall |
laryng/o | larynx (voice box) |
later/o | toward the side, farther from the midline |
leps/o | seizure |
leuk/o | white |
lingu/o | tongue |
lip/o | fat |
lith/o | stone |
lob/o | lobe |
lumb/o | lumbar |
lymph/o | lymph, lymphatics |
lymphat/o | lymphatics |
lys/o | destruction, dissolving |
malac/o | soft, softening |
mamm/o mast/o | breast |
medi/o | middle |
melan/o | black |
metacarp/o | metacarpals, bones between the wrist and the fingers |
metatars/o | metatarsals, bones between the ankle and the toes |
metr/o | measure, uterine tissue |
muc/o | mucus |
muscul/o my/o | muscle |
myc/o | fungus |
myel/o | spinal cord, bone marrow |
narc/o | stupor |
nas/o | nose |
nat/o | birth |
ne/o | new |
necr/o | dead |
neur/o | nerve |
obstetr/o | midwife |
odont/o | teeth |
omphal/o | umbilicus (navel) |
onc/o | tumor |
onych/o | nail |
ophthalm/o | eye |
opt/o optic/o | vision |
or/o | mouth |
orth/o | straight |
oste/o | bone |
ot/o | ear |
ox/o | oxygen |
pancreat/o | pancreas |
patell/o | patella (knee cap) |
path/o | disease |
pector/o | chest |
ped/o | child or foot |
pelv/i | pelvis |
periton/o | peritoneum |
phalang/o | phalanges |
pharmac/o pharmaceut/i | drugs, medicine |
pharyng/o | pharynx (throat - performs swallowing action) |
phas/o | speech |
phleb/o | vein |
phon/o | voice |
phot/o | light |
phren/o | diaphragm, mind |
plast/o | repair |
pleg/o | paralysis |
pleur/o | pleura membrane surrounding each lung |
pneum/o | lung, air |
poster/o | nearer to or toward the back, situated behind |
proct/o | anus or rectum |
prote/o protein/o | protein |
proxim/o | nearer the origin or point of attachment |
psych/o | mind |
pub/o | pubis |
pulm/o pulmon/o | lung |
py/o | pus |
pyr/o | fire |
rachi/o | spine |
radi/o | radius, radiant energy |
rect/o | rectum |
rheumat/o | rheumatism |
rhin/o | nose |
sacr/o | sacrum |
scapul/o | scapula (shoulder blade) |
schis/o schist/o | split, cleft |
schiz/o | split, cleft |
scler/o | hard |
scop/o | to examine, to view |
sial/o | saliva, salivary gland |
sigmoid/o | sigmoid colon |
silic/o | silica (dust of stone, sand, or flint containing silica) |
sin/o | sinuses |
som/a somat/o | body |
son/o | sound |
spermat/o | sperm |
spin/o | spine |
spir/o | spiral, to breathe |
splen/o | spleen |
spondyl/o | vertebrae |
stern/o | sternum (breastbone) |
stomat/o | mouth |
super/o | uppermost, above |
tars/o | tarsals (bones of the ankle) |
tel/e | distant |
ten/o tend/o tendin/o | tendon |
therapeut/o | treatment |
therm/o | heat |
thorac/o | chest |
thromb/o | blood clot |
tibi/o | tibia |
tom/o | to cut |
tonsill/o | tonsil |
top/o | place, position |
tox/o | poison |
trache/o | trachea (windpipe) |
troph/o | nutrition |
uln/o | ulna |
ur/o | urine, urinary tract |
vag/o | vagus nerve |
vas/o | vessel, ductus deferens |
vascul/o | vessel |
ven/o | vein |
venul/o | venule |
ventr/o | belly side |
vertebr/o | vertebrae |
viscer/o | viscera (interal organs of the body) |
xanth/o | yellow |
albumin/o | albumin (type of protien in urine) |
glomerul/o | glomerulus (filtering structure of the kidney) |
nephr/o | kidney |
ren/o | kidney |
pyel/o | renal pelvis (reservoir in kidney that collects urine) |
ureter/o | ureter |
urethr/o | urethra (alows you to hit the toilet) |
vagin/o | vagina |
vulv/o | vulva |
ovar/o | ovary |
oophor/o | ovary |
men/o | month |
metr/o | uterine tissue |
uter/o | uterus |
colp/o | vagina |
genit/o | genitals |
gonad/o | genitals or reproduction |
salping/o | uterine tube/fallopian tube |
fet/o | fetal |
ov/o | ovum (egg) |
amin/o | amnion (fetal membrane) |
par/o | to bear offspring |
adip/o | fat |
pub/o | pubis |
orchi/oorchid/otest/o orchid/otesticul/o orchi/o | testicles |
pen/o | penis |
prostat/o | prostate |
scrot/o | scrotum |
semin/o | semen |
ser/o | serum |
spermat/o | sperm |
axill/o | axilla (armpit) |
folliculo/o | follicle (as in hair) |
ichthy/o | fish |
kerat/o | horny or cornea |
ungu/o | nail |
pil/o | hair |
trich/o | hair |
seb/o | sebum (oil) |
seps/o | infection |
sept/o | infection or septum |
xer/o | dry (think zero moisture) |
physi/o | nature |
aut/o | self (think autobiography) |
cerebell/o | cerebellum |
dendr/o | tree |
gli/o | neroglia, sticky substance |
ment/o | mind |
nerv/o | nerve |
retin/o | retina |
dur/o | dura mater |
mening/o | meninges |
andr/o | male or masculine |
gigant/o | giant |
iod/o | iodine |
myx/o | mucus |
parathyroid/o | parathyroid |