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MBLEx Hydrotherapy
SFSM MBLEx Hydrotherapy
Question | Answer |
Application of heat or cold, using water as the medium. | hydrotherapy |
Why was Sebastian Kneipp initially rejected from priesthood? | tuberculosis |
How did Sebastian Kneipp cure himself of tuberculosis? | water treatments and diet |
A cloth soaked in hot or cold water or infused with medicine and applied directly to the skin. | hot or cold compress |
Using friction with an abrasive agent such as salt or sugar added to oil or lotion to stimulate circulation to the skin and to exfoliate. | salt glow or salt scrub |
Immersing one body part in hot or cold water. | partial immersion bath |
A bath in which the client sits in a tub to immerse the buttocks, legs, torso, or entire body. | sitz bath |
A bath with jets that agitate the water. | whirlpool bath |
An enclosed room which is heated either with steam or a dry heating element. | steam or sauna |
A cabinet filled with steam in which the body is enclosed and the head remains outside the cabinet. | russian steam bath |
An immersion bath for the feet. Often used to treat pain or headache. | foot bath |
Placing a body part or entire body in a hot bath followed by immediate immersion in a cold bath. The process can be repeated several times. | alternating hot and cold immersion |
An autonomic response by which blood vessels are opened wide allowing more blood flow to an area and decreasing systemic blood pressure. | vasodilation |
An autonomic response by which blood vessels are narrowed, restricting blood flow to an area and increasing systemic blood pressure. | vasoconstriction |
The application of cold. | cryotherapy |
pain relief | analgesia |
Reddening or darkening of the skin due to vasodilation or increased blood flow to the surface. | erythema |
Intermittent pain along a nerve due to a nervous system disorder. | neuralgia |
Application of water by hand covered in a mitt or towel. | ablution |
The pouring of water in a stream on the body or a localized segment of the body. | affusion |
A soft, moist substance spread between layers of cloth, heated, then applied to a local area. | poultice |
A moist pad of folded material applied to an area with pressure; sometimes medicated. | compress |
A very hot, moist application. | formentation |
The drawing of blood or lymph from one part of the body, by increasing circulation to another part. | derivation |