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Question | Answer |
The process in which a muscle becomes or is made shorter and tighter. | Contraction |
Muscle Cells | Muscle Fibers |
Four Major Functional Characteristics | Contractility, Excitability, Extensibility, Elasticity |
Another connective tissue located outside the epimysium. | Fascia |
A connective tissue sheath | Epimysium |
2 Major kinds of protein fibers | Actin, Myosin |
Actin and myosin form highly ordered units called | Sarcomeres |
The cytoplasm of each fiber is filled with... | Myofibrils |
What helps produce heat essential for maintenance of normal body temperature. | Muscles |
Each sarcomere extends from one _______ to another _______ | Z line |
Specialized muscle of the heart | Cardiac Muscle |
A bundle of nerve or muscle fibers bound together by connective tissue | Fascicle |
Muscle consisting of spindle shaped unstriped muscle cells | Smooth muscle |
On each side of the Z line is a light area called the ________ | I Band |
Nerve cells that carry action potentials to skeletal muscle fibers | Motor neurons |
A single motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle fibers it innervates | Motor unit |
Brief reversal back of the charge | Action potential |
The charge difference across the membrane | Resting membrane potential |
A contraction of an entire muscle in response to a stimulus that causes the action potential in one or more muscle fibers. | Muscle Twitch |
A muscle fiber will not respond to stimulus until that stimulus reaches a level called | threshold |
___ is needed for energy for muscle contraction | ATP |
___ produced in the mitochondria | ATP |
___ is short-lived and unstable. | ATP |
24. Muscle composed of cylindrical multinucleate cells with obvious striations | Skeletal Muscle |
thin connective tissue surrounding each muscle cell | Endomysium |
Perimysium | Connective tissue enveloping bundles of muscle fibers |
The sheath of fibrous connective tissue surrounding a muscle | Epimysium |
Sarcolemma | oral nuclei beneath the plasma membrane |
Myosin | one of the principal contractile proteins found In muscle |
Actin | contractile protein |
Specialized smooth endoplasmic reticulum | Sarcoplasmic Reticulum |
Neuron process that carries impulses away from the nerve cell body | Axon |
Chemical transmitter substance released by certain nerve endings | Acetylcholine |
the result of muscle exercise strenuously for a long time | muscle fatigue |
Isotonic contractions | successful sliding movements of myofilaments |
contractions where muscles don't shorten | Isometric contractions |
attachment of a muscle as opposed to it's origin. | insertion |
Origin | attachment of a muscle that remains relatively fixed and contracted |
Synergists | muscles cooperating with another muscle or muscle group to produce movement |
Antagonists | muscles that act in opposition to antagonist or prime moves |
muscles acting to immobilize a joint or bone | Fixators |
42. Most stationary end of the muscles | Origin |
portion of muscle between the origin and the insertion | Belly |
the end of the muscle undergoing the greatest movement | insertion |
the amount of oxygen needed in chemical reactions | oxygen debt |
Anaerobic respiration | without oxygen |
Aerobic respiration | with oxygen |
isotonic | equal tension |
isometric | equal distance |
2 types of muscle contractions | isometric, isotonic |
High-energy molecule | creatine phosphate |
Muscles that work together to accomplish specific movements | synergists |
muscles that work in opposition to one another | antagonists |
if one muscle plays the major role in movements its called | prime mover |
Mastication | chewing |
4 pairs of mastication muscles | 2 pairs of ptreygoids, temporalis, and masseter |
Neck muscles | Sternocleidomastoid |
58. Raises the eyebrows | Occipitofrontalis |
Buccinator | flattens the cheeks |
frowning | Depressor angui oris |
Levator labii superioris | sneering |
Muscles that move the thorax | Thoracic Muscles |
Orbicularis oculi | closes the eyelids |
Zygomaticus | smiling muscle |
Rotates scapula | Trapezius |
Serratus anterior | pulls scapula anteriorly |
adducts and flexes the arm | Pectoralis major |
Latissimus dorsi | medially rotates, adducts, and powerfully extends the arm. |
Deltoid | attaches the humerus to the scapula and clavicle |
Gluteus maximus | buttocks |
extends the leg | Quadriceps femoris |
flexes the thigh | Sartorius |
Hamstring muscles | posterior thigh muscles |
Gastrocnemius and soleus | form the calf muscle |
Achilles tendon | flex the foot and toes |