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Question | Answer |
Where is Smooth Muscle found? | In the walls of hollow organs |
Where is Skeletal Muscle found? | Attached to bones |
Where is Cardiac Muscle found? | In the heart |
What are Muscle Fibers called? | Muscle Cells |
What is the only Voluntary type of muscle called? | Skeletal Muscle |
Do Smooth Muscles have straitions in them? | No |
What muscle is called the "smiling muscle"? | Zygomaticus |
What is chewing also called? | Mastication |
What two muscle allow us to chew up food? | Masseter and Temporalis |
What are muscles that work together called? | Synergists |
What are muscles that work against each other called? | Antagonists |
What is abduction? | The moving of a body part away from the midline |
What is rotation? | Movement of a bone around it's longitudinal axis |
What is muscle fatigue? | A muscle being unable to contract even though it being stimulated |
What is the Gastrocnemius? | The calf muscle |
What is the Orbicularis Oculi? | It allows us to close our eyes |
What is the Orbicularis Oris? | It allows us to pucker our lips |
What are fixators? | Special synergists that hold a bone still |
What is a prime mover? | The major responsibility for a muscle to move |
What is adduction? | The moving of a body part towards the midline |
What is extension? | Movement that increases the angle between two parts of the body |
What is flexion? | Movement that decreases the angle between two parts of the body |
What is insertion? | Is attached to the movable part of the muscle |
What is origin? | Is attached to the inmoveable part of the muscle |
What is aerobic exercise? | Exercising with oxygen |
What is anaerobic exercise? | Exercising without oxygen |
What is muscle tone? | The state of continuous partial contractions of a muscle |
What happens during isotonic contractions? | Contractions of muscle that shorten the muscle |
What happens during isometric contractions? | Contractions of muscle that increases the tension in the muscle |
What is a sarcolemma? | Area just below the plasma membrane |
What are smooth muscles shaped like? | Spindled shaped |
How many nuclei does smooth muscle have? | Only one |
Is cardiac muscle striated? | Yes |
What is each muscle fiber contained in? | Endomysium |
What is a voluntary muscle? | Muscle that we can control manually |
What is an involuntary muscle? | Muscle that is contracted on its own |
What is a motor unti? | One neuron and all the skeletal muscle cells that it stimulates |
What is muscle atrophy? | The wasting away of a muscle |
What is a flaccid muscle doing? | It is soft and flabby |
What is an oxygen deficit? | Whenever our body can't replace the amount of oxygen we used up quick enough |
What is tetany? | When a muscle is contracted continuously without rest |
What is a muscle twitch? | The contraction of a muscle |
What are the thick filaments of myofilaments made out of? | Myosin |
What are the thin filaments of actin filaments made out of? | Actin |
What is the specific neurotransmitter that stimulates skeletal muscle? | Acetylcholine |
What is the gap between the nerve endings? | Synaptic Cleft |
What also are neuromuscular junctions called? | Synapses |
This muscle forms the biggest part of the buttocks? | Gluteus Maximus |
What builds up in muscles after working out for a long time without rest? | Lactic Acid |
How many ways are there to name a muscle? | 7 |
What by-product is produced by all of the muscles? | Body Heat |
What is the function of the intercostal muscles? | They allow our body to breathe in and out |
What is Pectoralis Major? | Fan like muscle that covers the top part of the sternum |
What is the trapezius muscle? | Most superficial muscle of posterior neck and upper trunk |
What is the gluteus Medius? | It is a hip abductor and important steadier of the pelvis while walking |
How many ways are there to name a muscle? | 7 |
What are graded responses? | Different degrees in shortening |
What are muscle twitches? | Single, involuntary contractions of muscles |
What are Erector Spinae? | Is the prime mover of back extensions |
What is the Latissimus Dorsi? | The two large flat muscles on the bottom of the back |
What is a by-product of muscles contracting? | Body Heat |
What is the specific neurotransmitter that stimulates skeletal muscle? | Acetylcholine |
What are the gaps between neuromuscular junctions called? | Synaptic Cleft |
What is the nickname of a neuromuscular junction called? | Synapses |
What is a sarcoplasmic reticulum? | A specialized smooth endoplasmic reticulum |
What is a motor unit? | One neuron and all the skeletal muscle cells it stimulates |
Where nerve endings meet? | Neuromuscular Junctions |
What are the 3 main functions of the muscular system? | Stabilize Joints, Maintains Posture, and Generates body heat |
How many ATP are in each glucose molecule? | 32 |
What are the initial steps of glucose breakdown called? | Glycolysis |
What is supination? | Moving forward of a muscle |
What is pronation? | Moving backward of a muscle? |
What happens in a convergent muscle? | The fascicles converge toward a single insertion point |
What happens in a pennate muscle? | Short fascicles attach obliqulely to a central tendon |
What is a fusiform? | A modification of the parallel arrangement |
What is the function of the Buccinator muscle? | It flattens the cheeks in the face |