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A&P 1

Chapters 7-9 exam questions

Articular cartilage is hyaline cartilage.
Which of the following is not found associated with spongy bone? Osteons
Men and women begin to lose bone at the same rate by about age 70. True
Compact bone has ________, whereas spongy bone has __________. osteons; trabeculae
The parietal bones meet each other along the sagittal suture. True
Which of the following describes a female's pelvis compared to a male's pelvis? A cavity that is wider in all dimensions, with lighter bones.
In a child, a vitamin D deficiency results in ______, whereas a vitamin A deficiency results in ______. rickets; retardation of bone development
Which of the following groups of bones, based on shape, is associated with an incorrect example? Flat bones - thigh bones
At what age are nearly all bones completely ossified? 25 years
Osteoblasts are ______, whereas osteocytes are ______. bone-forming cells; mature bone cells
A bone shaft is the diaphysis; the expanded parts at the ends are the epiphyses. True
The sternum is part of the axial skeleton.
The primary curves of the vertebral column are the thoracic and sacral curvatures.
A bone thickens as compact bone is deposited beneath the periosteum of the diaphysis.
The pectoral girdle consists of two scapulae and two clavicles. True
The number of bones in most people is 206. True
Bones in the human body are non-living. False
Endochondral ossification ______, whereas intramembranous ossification ______. replaces hyaline cartilage; replaces undifferentiated connective tissue
The acetabulum is a depression in the hip bone that receives the head of the femur.
In a push-up, the elbow joint flexes as the person lowers. True
Which of the following movements could occur at the hip joint? All of the above 1-Abduction and adduction 2-Rotation 3-Flexion and extension
Synovial fluid moistens and lubricates the cartilaginous surfaces in a joint. True
A gomphosis is a ______ joint. fibrous
Classifying joints as synarthrotic, amphiarthrotic, or diarthrotic represents the degree of movement possible at the joint.
Fibrous joints are the first to change with age. True
A synovial membrane secretes synovial fluid.
Arthritis is a circulatory problem. False
A joint capsule is reinforced by ligaments binding articular ends of bones together.
A meniscus cushions articulating surfaces of bones. True
The joint between adjacent vertebral bodies is a symphysis that is amphiarthrotic.
A saddle joint forms between bones whose articulating surfaces have both convex and concave regions. True
The increase in the number of motor units activated as a result of more intense stimulation is called recruitment.
A plank position is part of a yoga/Pilates workout. The person supports the body on the floor in a prone position with the arms and feet supporting the body. Contraction of the abdominal muscles in a plank is most likely isometric.
The outermost layer of connective tissue surrounding a skeletal muscle is the epimysium.
At a neuromuscular junction neurotransmitters are released.
Which of the following statements is correct? Actin filaments slide along myosin filaments.
The more movable end of a muscle is its insertion.
The amount of oxygen liver cells require to support the conversion of lactic acid to produce glucose or glycogen is the oxygen debt
Short muscle cells with centrally located nuclei are smooth muscle fibers.
Which of the following is not a muscle of mastication? Zygomaticus
Transverse tubules and sarcoplasmic reticulum are well developed in skeletal and cardiac muscle fibers.
The soleus is a muscle that forms part of the calf.
Myofibrils are composed primarily of actin and myosin.
In the initiation of muscle fiber contraction calcium ions bind to tropomyosin, exposing active sites on actin for cross-bridge formation. False
Endomysium separates individual muscle fibers from each other. True
The buccinator muscle is in the Cheek
The muscle that causes an action is the agonist.
Binding sites on the surface of actin allow the formation of cross-bridges with molecules of myosin.
A motor unit is a motor neuron and the muscle fibers connected to it.
Created by: lluckey3
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