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Which of the structures is a part of the brainstem?
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Anatomy Mod 8 Test


Arrange the structures listed above from inferior to superior. Medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, hypothalamus, thalamus.
Which of the structures is a part of the brainstem? Medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain.
Which of the structures is a part of the diencephalon? Thalamus and hypothalamus.
In which of the structures does most of the decussation of neurons take place? Medulla oblongata.
Which of the structures has nuclei that control many of the body’s vital functions? Medulla oblongata.
Which of the structures have nuclei specifically dedicated to reflexes involving the senses of hearing and sight? Midbrain.
Which of the structures relays messages from the cerebrum to the cerebellum? Pons.
Which of the structures controls the pituitary gland? Hypothalamus.
Which of the structures performs a crude interpretation of sensory information and relays that info to the cerebrum? Thalamus.
If you were to think of the cerebrum as a series of hills and valleys, would the gyri be the hills of the valleys? What about the sulci? Gyri = hills, sulci = valleys.
Which major structure in the brain deals with the motor functions that we perform without consciously thinking about them? Cerebellum.
What is the purpose of the corpus callosum? There are other structures in the brain and spinal cord that perform the same task. What is the general term that describes all of these structures? Communication between the hemispheres of the brain. Commissures.
Where is the majority of the cerebrospinal fluid produced? The lateral ventricles.
Where is the rest of the cerebrospinal fluid produced? The 3rd and 4th ventricles.
What is the purpose of cerebrospinal fluid? To cushion and protect the brain.
What 3 structures covering the skull protect the brain? What are they called collectively? Name them from outermost to innermost. 3 specific layers of tissue. The meninges. Dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater.
What are arachnoid granulations, and what do they do? Arachnoid granulations are like tiny sewers that dump CSF into the superior sagittal sinus. Then it combines with the blood and gets carried back to the heart.
What are the 3 neurons in a reflex arc, and in what order are they activated? Afferent neuron, association neuron, efferent neuron.
Where can you find the association neuron in a reflex arc? In the spinal cord.
Of the 3 circuits we discussed in the previous module, which type of circuit is formed by the afferent neuron in the reflex arc? Diverging.
In the reflex arc, of which kind of circuit is the efferent neuron part? Converging.
Collections of neuron cell bodies and their association neuroglia. Gray matter.
Bundles of parallel axons and their coverings. White matter.
The anatomical crossing over of neurons from left to right. Decussation.
Those functions of the body necessary for life. Vital functions.
Connections of neuron axons that allow the two hemispheres of the brain to communicate with one another. Commissures.
What are the 3 benefits of the reflex arc? Automatic, pre-programmed, quick response.
What is the function of ventricles in the brain? Producing and moving cerebrospinal fluid.
Primary somatic sensory area localizes the sensations that come from the body.
Somatic sensory association area determines the meaning of a sensation.
Visual association area compares images to provide context
Visual cortex interprets the basics of shape color and size
Wernicke's area comprehends speech
Auditory association area puts sound into context
Primary auditory area hears volume and pitch
Broca's area initiates muscle movements for speech
Taste area interprets taste
Prefrontal area ability to reason, think things through, and foresee consequences
Premotor area decides where action potentials must be sent, and sequences neural signals for learning complex motions
Primary motor cortex controls basic skeletal movements
Created by: 100006766900221
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