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Term | Definition |
Personality | Individual’s unique constellation of consistent behavioral traits. Depends on consistency and distinctiveness |
Consistency | Stability in personality over time and situations |
Distinctiveness | Behavioral differences between people reaction to the same situation |
Factor analysis | Correlations among many variables analyzed to identify related clusters |
Extraversion | Personality trait - Outgoing, sociable, friendly |
Neuroticism | Personality trait - Anxious, hostile, insecure, self-conscious |
Openness to experience | Personality trait - Curiosity, flexibility, vivid fantasy, imaginativeness, artistic, unconventional attitudes |
Agreeableness | Personality trait - If high, sympathetic, trusting, cooperative, modest, trustworthy. If low, suspicious, antagonistic, aggressive |
Conscientiousness | Personality trait - Diligent, disciplined, well-organized, punctual, dependable |
Id | Freud personality - Primitive, instinctive component - pleasure principle - raw biological urges. Primary process thinking - primitive, illogical, irrational, fantasy oriented |
Ego | Freud personality - Decision making component - operates according to reality principle - between urges of id and constraints of society. Secondary process thinking - rational, realistic, problem solving |
Superego | Fredu personality - moral component. Incorporates social standards |
Preconscious | Awareness level just beneath surface of awareness - easily retreived |
Conscious | Awareness level of what one is aware of at a time |
Unconscious | Awareness level of thoughts, memories, desires below awareness that still influence behavior |
Repression | Def. mech where one keeps distressing thoughts in unconscious |
Projection | Def. mech where one attributes one's feelings towards someone else |
Displacement | Def. mech where one diverts emotional feelings from original to different source |
Reaction formation | Def. mech where one acts in opposite way than actually feeling |
Regression | Def. mech where one reverts to immature patterns of behavior |
Rationalization | Def. mech where one creates false but plausible excuses to justify unacceptable behavior |
Identification | Dfe. mech where one bolts self-esteem by forming imaginary / real alliance with someone else |
Sublimation | Def. mech where one channels unacceptable instinctive drives to socially acceptable ways |
Psychosexual stages | Developmental periods with characteristic sexual focus that leave their mark on adult personality |
Fixation | Failure to move from one stage to another of development |
Stage 1 (p.s.) | Oral. 0-1. Erotic focus mouth. Key task is weaning (solid food). Fixation if smokes / overeats |
Stage 2 (p.s) | Anal. 2-3. Erotic focus anal. Key task is toilet training. Fixation if hostile or anxious |
Stage 3 (p.s) | Phallic. 4-5. Erotic focus genitals. Key task is oedipal complex. |
Stage 4 (p.s) | Latency. 6-12. No erotic focus. Key task is expanding social constructs |
Stage 5 (p.s) | Genital. Erotic focus genitals. Puberty+. Key task is establishing intimate relationships |
Personal unconscious | Jung's theory - houses material not within one's conscious awareness because repressed or forgoteen |
Collective unconscious | Jung's theory - houses material of latent memory traces inherited from people's ancestral past. Shared by all humans |
Archetypes | Emotionally charged images and thought forms w/ universal meaning. |
Introverts | Jung's thought of people occupied with internal world of own thoughts, feelings, experiences |
Extroverts | Jung's thought of people interested in external world of people and things |
Compensation | Adler's idea that people try to conceal inferiorities by developing abilities |
Overcompensation | Adler's idea that people hide inferiorities, work to achieve status, gain power over others |
Reciprocal determinism | Idea that internal mental events, external mental events, and overt behavior all influence each other |
Mischel | Argued that behavior is situationally specific, and consistency is low throughout situations. Controversial b/c if no consistency, no need for 'personality' |
Self concept | Collection of beliefs about one's own nature, unique qualities, and behavior. Many times distorted to be positive |
Incongruence | Degree of disparity between self concept and actual experience. If too large, undermines one's psychological well being |
Roger | He was concerned with what children believe within themselves and their reality, as well as parents' beliefs of them |
Conditional love | Type of love where children block out self-concept and feel unworthy. Leads to incongruence |
Unconditional love | Type of love where children do not feel need to block out unworthy experiences. Leads to congruence |
Hierarchy of needs | Systematic arrangement of needs, according to priority. Basic needs > less basic needs |
Physiological needs, safety, love, self-esteem, cognitive, aesthetic, self-actualization | Maslow's theory of self-actualization stages |
Open and spontaneous, enjoy peak experiences, strong and limited friendships, philosophical, not hostile sense of humor | Characteristics of self-actualized people |
Superficial traits | Derived from a smaller number of basic traits derived from higher order traits |
Extroversion | Eysenck's high order trait - sociable, assertive, active |
Neuroticism | Eysenck's high order trait - anxiety, tense, moody, low self-esteem |
Psychoticism | Eysenck's high order trait - egocentrism, impulsive, cold, antisocial |
Eysench's theory - biological perspective | Believed that personality was mostly genetic |
40-58% | Percentage of heritability that varies with genetics |
Locus of Control | Expectancy of degree in which individuals control outcomes |
External locus of control | Expecting successes and failures to be by chance |
Internal locus of control | Expecting successes and failures to be by one's effort |
Sensation seeking | General preference for high / low levels of sensory stimulation (high / low) |
Self monitoring | Degree to which people attend to or control impression they make on others (high / low) |
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) | Personality test that scores 10 personality characteristics like paranoia, depression, and social introversion |
Raymond Cattell - 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire | Personality test that shows 16 traits |
NEO test | Personality test that measures 5 big personality traits |
Projective tests | Personality test category where subjects respond to vague stimuli to reveal needs / feelings / etc. |
Thematic Apperception Test, Rorschach, word association, incomplete sentences, drawing people | Types of projective tests |