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Vulv/o Vulva
Colp/o Vagina
Cervic/o cervix
uter/o uterus
hyster/o uterus
Metr/io uterus
Salping/o fallopian tubes
oophor/o ovary
gonad/o sex gland - ovaries for female, testes for male)
amnionicity number of amniotic sacs in a multi gestation pregnancy
bartholin's gland two glands in the vulvar area, also called the greater vestibular glands
cerclage placement of stitches to hold the cervix closed
chorionicity number of placentae in multi gestation pregnancy
colpopexy procedure to return vagina/uterus to its normal position
colporrhaphy repair vagina
conization of cervix removal of cone shaped piece of tissue from cervix, LEEP conization
corpus uteri the main body/fundus of the uterus
dilation and curettage dilation and scraping
ectopic pregnancy pregnant outside the uterus
fulguration destruction of tissue, by needlelike electrode
gravida number of times pregnant
hymenotomy cut away the hymen covering the vaginal opening
hysterectomy removal of uterus
introitus opening from outside of the body into the vagina
lysis destruction
marsupialization cut an opening in the top of an abscess pocket
missed abortion fetus dies before 22 weeks but conception retained
para number of viable offspring: full-term, preterm, abortion, living child
perineum area between pubic symphysis and coccyx, legs
pessary ring placed in vagina
postpartum after birth up to 6 weeks
puerperium after labor up to 42 days
skene's gland in vulva area, lesser vestibular glands, or periurethral glands
urethrocele condition from vaginal prolapse, prolapse of the urethra
urethrovaginal fistula abnormal opening between urethra and vagina
vaginal septum congential anomaly vagina
vulva external female genitalia including labia major, ninora, mons pubis, clitoris, vestibule-introitus of vagina and urethra.
Created by: ninacode
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