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Body Organization
Organization of the body
Term | Definition |
abdomin/o | abdomen |
anter/o | front |
brachi/o | arm |
cardi/o | heart |
caud/o | tail |
cephal/o | head |
cervic/o | neck |
chondr/i | cartilage, gristle |
cran/o, crani/o | skull |
cyt/o | cell |
dist/o | distant |
dors/o | back |
femor/o | thigh, femur |
gastr/o | stomach |
glute/o | buttock |
hom/o, home/o | same |
ili/o | flank, hip, groin |
infer/o | below |
inguin/o | groin |
later/o | side |
lumb/o | loin, lower back |
medi/o | middle |
organ/o | tool |
pelv/o | bowl, basin |
physi/o | nature |
pleur/o | pleura, rib |
poster/o | back |
proxim/o | near |
super/o | above |
thorac/o | chest, thorax |
tom/o | to cut |
umbilic/o | navel, umbilicus |
ventr/o | belly |
cellulite | a local uneven surface of the skin caused by fat deposition |
abscess | localized skin swelling that is a sign of inflammation |
cicatrix | clinical term for scar |
abrasion | scraping injury to the skin |
jaundice | abnormal yellow coloration of the skin |
nevus | a pigmented spot on the skin; a mole |
pruritus | itchy skin |
ulcer | an erosion through the skin or mucous membrane |
cyst | a closed sac or pouch filled with liquid or semisolid material |
erythema | redness of the skin |
furuncle | abscess associated with a hair follicle |
pustule | elevated area of the skin filled with pus |
verruca | a wart |
wheal | temporary, itchy elevation of the skin |
comedo | pimple |
vesicle | a small elevation of the epidermis that is filled with fluid; a blister |
urticaria | small fluid-filled skin elevations caused by an allergic reaction |
pallor | abnormally pale skin color |
papule | any small, solid elevation on the skin |
keloid | an overgrowth of scar tissue |
macule | a discolored flat spot on the skin, such as a freckle |
tinea | fungal infection of the skin |
acne | results from bacterial infection of sebaceous glands and ducts |
burn | caused by excessive exposure to fire, electricity, chemicals, or sunlight |
herpes | viral skin eruption that produces clusters of deep blisters |
alopecia | baldness |
impetigo | contagious bacterial skin infection with a yellowish crust |
scabies | skin eruption caused by the female itch mite |
psoriasis | characterized by red lesions covered with silvery epidermal scales |
biopsy | the removal of tissue for evaluation |
emollient | chemical agent that softens or smooths the skin |
debridement | wound-cleaning procedure |
cosmetic surgery | surgically changing the skin to improve appearance |
autograft | surgery that uses a patient's own skin as a graft |
Pott's | a type of fracture that involves a break at the ankle that affects both bones of the leg |
gout | caused by an abnormal accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints; usually affects the big toe joints |
bunion | an abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe |
Duchenne muscular dystrophy | a condition that causes skeletal muscle degeneration, which results in progressive muscle weakness and deterioration; DMD |
cramps | prolonged, involuntary muscular contractions |
sprain | a tear of collagen fibers within a ligament |
fracture | clinical term for a break in the bone |
strain | an injury that results from stretching a muscle beyond its normal range |
comminuted | a type of fracture that involves a break resulting in fragmentation of the bone |
rotator cuff injury | a trauma that causes tearing of tendons and/or muscles of the shoulder |
reduction | a procedure that aligns broken bones to their normal positions |
aspiration | withdrawing by suction |
arthrocentesis | a procedure in which excess fluids are aspirated through a surgical puncture in the joint |
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs | the most common pharmacological treatment for inflammation pain of muscle or bone tissue |
spinal fusion | a procedure in which adjacent vertebrae are fused together following a diskectomy |
arthroscopy | an endoscopic visual examination of a joint cavity |
chondroplasty | surgical repair of cartilage |
tennorrhaphy | a surgery that sutures a tear in a tendon |
podiatry | healthcare specialty that focuses on foot health |
arthrogram | an x-ray image of a joint that is printed on a film |
-tome | instrument used to cut |
rhytid/o | wrinkles |
lord/o | anterior curve of spine |
menisc/o | meniscus |