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Anat & Physio terms
Term Prefixes and Suffixes
Term | Definition |
a-, an, non | without, not ex. apnea (not breathing) Anurial (without urine) nonstriated (muscle not striated) |
ab-, ef- | away ex. Abductor Muscle (muscle pulling away from midline- deltoid) Efferent Neuron (carrying info away from brain) |
ad-, af- | toward ex. Afferent neuron (carrying info toward brain) Adductor Muscle (muscle pulling toward midline- groin) |
adi-, lip(o) | fat ex. Adipose (fat tissue) Liposuction (removing fat from body through suction) |
alg | pain ex. Neuralgia (nerve pain) Fibromyalgia (muscle pain) |
ana- | up ex. Anabolic Reaction (building up molecules- bonding amino acids together to make proteins) |
ang(i) | vessel ex. Angiogenesis (making of a new blood vessel) Vasodialator (medicines that widen a vessel) |
ante-, pre-, pro- | before ex. Prenatal (before birth) Antebrachial (before the upper arm) Promonocyte (before the monocyte is mature) |
anti-, contra- | against, resisting ex. Antibody (resisting a foreign body -pathogen) Contraception (against conception- egg and sperm) |
aqua(e)-, hydr- | water ex. Aqueous (water solution) Hydrocephalus (water- cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)- on the brain) |
anthr(o), artic- | joint ex. Arthritis (joint inflammation) Articulation (joint where 2 points meet) |
-ase | enzyme ex. Maltase (enzyme breaking down maltose) Lipase (enzyme breaking down lipids/fats) |
audi- | hear ex. Auditory Nerve (nerve connecting the ear to the brain) |
aut(o)- | self ex. Autoimmunity (self immunity- when one's antibodies attack it's own cells/tissues) |
bi-, di-, diplo | two ex. Bicuspid (2 pointed- tooth or heart valve) Diencephalon (2 parts within the brain) Diplococcus (2 round bacteria) |
brachy-, brev(i)- | short ex. Brachydactyly (short digits- toes/fingers) Fibularis Brevis (short muscle in lower leg) |
brady- | slow ex. Bradycardia (slower than normal heart rate) |
bronch- | airway ex. Bronchitis (airway [bronchus] tube entering lungs- inflammation) |
card- | heart ex. Cardiology (study of the heart) |
cat- | down ex. Catabolic Reaction (breaking down molecules- protein bonds being broken to form amino acids) |
hepat- | liver ex. Hepatitus (inflammation of the liver (usually caused by viral infection)) |
hex- | Six ex. Hexose (a sugar containing 6 carbons (glucose=C6H12O)) |
hist- | Tissue ex. Histology (study of tissues) |
hyper- | Over, Excessive ex. Hypertonic (greater solute concentration) Hyperesthesia (excessive _______ sensitivity) |
hypo, infra-, infer, sub- | Under, Below, Less ex. Hypotonic (lesser solute concentration) Infraorbital (below eye) Submandibular (under the jaw) |
hyster- , metr- | Uterus ex. Hysterectomy (cutting out of uterus) Endometrium (inner lining of uterus (lost each month in females)) |
-iasis, -osis | Condition of ex. Cholelithiasis (having gallstones) Nephrosis (kidney disorder) |
itis | Inflammation of ex. Appendicitis (inflammation (swelling, redness, warmth, and pain ) of the appendix) |
inter- | Between ex. Interstitial Fluid (an extracellular fluid found between cells) |
kilo- , milli- | 1000, 1000th ex. Kilogram (1000 grams) Milligram (1000th of a gram) |
hemi- , semi- | Half ex. Cerebral Hemisphere (one half of the brain (left or right cerebral hemisphere)) |
hem- | Blood ex. Hemothorax (blood that has leaked into chest cavity) |
-graphy | ... |
-graph | Writing Apparatus ex. Electrocardiograph (apparatus/machine used to make an electrocardiogram) |
-gram | Something Written ex. Electrocardiogram- ECG (print-out of the electrical cavity of the heart) |
gyn | Women ex. Gynecologist (doctor specializing in the treatment of females and their reproductive system) |
gluc- , gly , -ose | Sugar ex. Glucose (monosaccharide of carbohydrates (sugars) Glycogen (big molecule made of glucose) |
gloss/tt, lingu | Tongue ex. Hypoglossal (cranial nerve connected under the tongue) Sublingual (salivary gland under tongue) |
glom | Ball ex. Glomerulus (ball of capillaries in kidney where metabolic waste is filtered) |
ger (o,i) | Aging, Old ex. Gerontology (study of aging) Geriatrics (branch of medicine dealing with older patients) |
-gen, poie- , blast | Create, Form ex. Oogensis (create an egg) Hemopoiesis (form new blood cells) Osteoblast (make new bone cells) |
gastr- | Stomach ex. Gastric Bypass Surgery (surgery for obese patients to dramatically reduce stomach size) |
ex- , ecto- | Outside ex. Extracellular Fluid (solute/fluid located outside of cells) |
foram- | Opening ex. Infraorbital Foramen (an opening in the bone below the eye for nerves and vessels to pass) |
fasci- | Bundle ex. Muscle or Nerve Fascicle (a bundle r grouping of muscle or nerve cells) |
-esthe | Sensation ex. Anesthesia (with sensation or feeling) |
erythr- | Red ex. Erythrocyte (red blood cell) |
equi- , homo- , iso- | Same, Equal, Balanced ex. Homeostasis (constant internal balance (of body function)) Isotonic (equal solute (ICF and ECF)) |
epi- | Upon, Over, Above ex. Epidermis (layer of skin over epidermis) Epididymis (coiled tubes above testes) |
en- , endo- , intra- | Inside, Within ex. Endosteum (cavity/space inside a bone) Intraocular (inside the orbit or eye socket) |
-emia | Blood Condition ex. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) |
-emesis | Vomiting ex. Hyperemesis (excessive vomiting) |
edem- | Swelling ex. Lymphedema (swelling of tissues due to accumulation of lymph) |
ectop- | Displaced ex. Ectopic Pregnancy (displaced pregnancy (embryo implant outside uterus- usually oviduct)) |
-ectomy , -tom , -sect | Cut, Cut out ex. Appendectomy (cut out appendix) Lobotomy (cut out cerebral (brain) lobes) Dissect (cut in two) |
dys- , mal- | Bad, Painful, Difficult ex. Dyspnea (difficult breathing) Malnutrition (bad nutrition/diet) Malabsorption (poor nutrient absorption) |
dia- , per- , trans | Through, Separate, Across ex. Diarrhea (flow through intestines) Permeable (across a membrane) Transcutaneous (across skin) |
dent , dont | Tooth, Teeth ex. Dentalgia (tooth pain) Orthodontist (doctor that straightens teeth) |
dec (k) | 10, 1/10th ex. Decade (10 years) Dekagram (10 grams) Deciliter (1/10th of a liter) |
dactyl, digit | Finger or Toe ex. Syndactyly (fingers or toes that are together (webbed)) |
-cyte | Cell ex. Leukocyte (white blood cell) |
cyan- | Blue ex. Cyanosis (condition causing skin to turn blue (due to low oxygen levels)) |
cut , derm | Skin ex. Subcutaneous (below the skin) Dermatitus (skin inflammation) |
-crine | Secrete, Release ex. Endocrine Gland (glands that secrete hormones into bloodstream) |
corp- , soma- | Body ex. Corpus Luteum (yellow body (former follicle in ovary)) Somatic Cell (body cell (all non-sex cells)) |
coel- , sinu- | Cavity, Space ex. Coelom (body cavity) Frontal Sinus (space in the frontal bone) |
co- , con- , sym , syn , sys- | Together, With ex. Congenital (born with) Synthesis (put together) System (organs working together) |
-clast | Osteoclast (bone breaker (cells that destroy cells, thus shaping a bone) |
circ- , peri- | Around ex. Circumcision (cut around) Periodontal (around the teeth) |
-cide | Kill ex. Spermacide (sperm killer) |
chondr- | Cartilage ex. Chondrocyte (cartilage cell) |
chol- , cystic | Gall Bladder ex. Cholecystokinin (hormone causing gallbladder contraction) Cystic Duct (tube (for bile) from gallbladder) |
cephal- , -ceps | Head ex. Hydrocephalus (water in the brain (in the head)) Biceps Femoris (2-headed (2 tendons) muscle by femur)) |
-centesis | Puncture ex. Amniocentesis (puncture to aspirate (remove) amniotic fluid from amniotic sac) |
cent- | 100, 100th ex. century (100 years) Centigram (1/100th of a gram) |
mnem- | Memory ex. Amnesia (loss of memory) |
mono- , uni- | One ex. Monozygotic (twins coming from the same zygote (twins)) Unicellular (one-celled organism) |
morph, -plasty | Shape ex. Morphology (differentiating/distinguishing by shape) Rhinoplasty (nose shaping (surgical repair)) |
mort, necr | Death ex. Post Mortem (after death) Necrotic Tissue (dead tissue) |
multi- , poly- | Many ex. Multinucleate (many nuclei (ie. skeletal muscles)) Polysaccharide (many monosaccharides) |
mut- | Change ex. Mutation (any change in the sequence of DNA) |
myo- | Muscle ex. Myopathy (muscle disease) Myofibril (skeletal muscle cell) |
nas- , rhin | Nose ex. Nasal Septum (division/wall in nasal cavity) Rhinovirus (virus frequently infecting the nose) |
nat- | Birth ex. Prenatal (before birth) |
neo- | New ex. Neonatal (newborn) |
nephr- , ren | Kidney ex. Nephrosclerosis (hardening of the kidney) Renal Vein (vessel carrying blood away from the kidney) |
o(o), ovi | Egg ex. Oophorectomy (removal of ovary (egg maker)) Oviduct (tube transporting egg to uterus) |
oct | Eight ex. Octet Rule (atom's desire to fill its outer shell with 8 electrons which allows bonding) |