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Antomy exam II Anterior ab wall

The abdomen contains abdominal cavity-separated from thoracic cavity by _____; and from pelvic cavity by an imaginary plane, the plane of the _____ respiratory diaphragm; pelvic inlet
What does the abdomen border superiorly? diaphragm
The abdomen borders the plane of _____ pelvic inlet
The ______ extends from superior border of pubic symphysis to sacral promontory; pelvic brim
_____ refers to pectineal line of pubis + arcuate line of ilium + promontory of sacrum linea terminalis
The abdomen borders the _____ anteriorly anterior abdominal wall
The abdomen borders the _____ laterally lateral abdominal wall
The abdomen borders the ______ posteriorly posterior abdominal wall
What are the boney landmarks of the superior border? (2) xiphoid process and costal margin
What are the boney landmarks of the inferior border? (8) 1.iliac crests 2.ASIS3.pubic crests 4.pubic tubercle 5.pubic symphysis 6. pecten pubis 7. arcuate line 8.sacral promontory
What are the landmarks for the lateral border? (1) anterior axillary folds
What are some other important landmarks for the abdomen? (5) 1. umbilicus 2. linea semilunaris- lateral border of rectus abdominis m. 3. linea alba- midline 4. tendinous intersections 5. rectus abdominis m.
What is located in the horizontal/transumbilical plane? umbilicus; IV disc between LV3-LV4
What is located in the vertical/median plane? indicates the postion of the linea alba
What is in the subcostal plane? part of the horizontal plane; 10th costal cartilages, body of LV3
What is in the transtubercular plane? part of the horizontal plane; iliac tubercles, body of LV5
What is in the midclavicular plane? part of the vertical plane; midpoint of clavicle to midinguinal point
What abdominal regions are on the right side? right hypochondriac; right lumbar; right inguinal (iliac)
What abdominal regions are on the left side? left hypochondriac; left lumbar; left inguinal (iliac)
What abdominal regions are located in the center of the abdomen? epigastric; umbilical; hypogastric (pubic)
The _____ is the imaginary plane running through the tips of 9th costal cartilages and body of LV1 transpyloric plane
The transpyloric plane contains the _____ of stomach pylous
The transpyloric plane contains the _____ junction duodenojejunal
The transpyloric plane contains the origin of _______ artery superior mesenteric
The transpyloric plane contains the _____ of the kidneys hila
The transpyloric plane contains the _____ of the pancreas neck and body
The transpyloric plane contains the _____ costal cartilages 9th
The transpyloric plane contains the body of the _______ L1
What are the common structures of the lateral and medial components of the anterior abdominal wall (1-4) and (8-10) 1. skin 2. camper's fascia 3. scarpa's fascia 4. deep fascia 8. transversalis fascia 9. extraperitoneal fatty layer 10. parietal peritoneum
What are the compnents of hte lateral anterior abdominal wall that differ from the medial abdonimal wall? (5-7) 5. external abd. oblique m 6. internal abd. oblique m 7. transversus abd. m
What are the compnents of hte medial anterior abdominal wall that differ from the lateral abdonimal wall? (5-7) 5. anterior rectus sheath 6. rectus abdminis m 7. posterior rectus sheath
What are the 2 components of the superficial fascia? camper's fascia; scarpa's fascia
The superfical fascia consists of ____ and _____, superficial _____ and ____ nerves subcutaneous tissue; hypodermis; blood vessels; cutaneous
The _____ is the superfical fatty layer of the anterior abdominal wall camper's fascia
The _____ is the deep membranous layer of the anterior abdmoinal wall scarpa's fascia
With a ruptured urethra, _____ in the space between superficial and deep fasciae do not extend into the thigh extravasated urine
What are the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall? (5) 1. external oblique 2. internal oblique 3. transverse abdominus 4. rectus abdominis 5. pyramidalis
The _____ muscle of the anterior abdominal wall runs inferiomedially external oblique
The _____ muscle of the anterior abdominal wall runs superioanteriorly internal oblique
The _____ muscle of the anterior abdominal wall runs horizontally transverse abdominis
The _____ muscle of the anterior abdominal wall runs vertically within rectus sheath retus abdominis
The _____ muscle of the anterior abdopminal wall tenses linea alba; in 80% of people pyramidalis
What are the external obique components above the umbilicus? (3) 1. external oblique aponeurosis 2. anterior retus sheath 3. linea alba
What are the external oblique components below the umbilicus? (3) 1. inguinal ligamnet 2. lacunar ligament 3. external spermatic fascia
What are the internal oblique components above the umbilicus? (3) 1. internal oblique aponeurosis 2. ant/post retus sheath 3. linea alba
What are the internal oblique components below the umbilicus? (2) 1. conjoint tendon (falx inguinalis) 2. cremaster muscle
What are the transversus abdominus components above the umbilicus? (3) 1. transverse abdmoninis aponeurosis 2. ant/post rectus sheath 3. linea alba
What are the transversus abdominus components below the umbilicus? (1) 1. conjoint tendon (falx inguinalis)
The rectus abdominis and pyramidalis contain ____ and ____ tendinous intersections; linea semilunaris
The rectus sheath formation above the costal margin contaians ____ anteriorly external oblique
The rectus sheath formation above costal margin contains ____ posteriorly absent (lie on costal cartilages)
The rectus sheath formation between costal margin and arcuate line contains ____ anteriorly? external and interal obliques
The rectus sheath formation between costal margin and arcuate line contains ____ posteriorly? internal oblique and transverse abdominis
The rectus sheath formation between arcuate line and pubic crest contains ____ anteriorly? external, internal, obliques and transverse abdominis
The rectus sheath formation between arcuate line and pubic crest contains ____ posteriorly? absent (lie on transversalis fascia)
What are the contents of rectus sheath? (4) 1. rectus abdominis muscle and pyramidalis muscles 2. superior and inferior epigastric vessels 3. lymphatic vessels 4. terminal parts of ventrsl primary rami of T7-T12
The ______ is a continuous layer of fascia lining the abdominal cavity deep to the transversus abdominis muscle transversalis fascia
The _____ is directly in contact with the rectus abdominis below the arcuate line transversalis fascia
What are the derivatives of the transversalis facia? (2) 1. deep inguinal ring 2. internal spermatic fascia
What are the superficial arteries of the anterior abdomenal wall? (3) 1. superficial epigastric 2. superficial circumflex 3. superficial external pudendal
What are the deep arteries of the anterior abdominal wall? (6) 1. brnaches of the posterior intercostal 2. branches of the subcostal 3. lumbar arteries from abd aorta 4. deep circumflex iliac 5. inferior epigastric 6. superior epigastric
What 2 deep arteries in the anterior abdominal wall are in the rectus sheath? inferior epigastric and superior epigastric arteries
What are the superficial veins? (5) 1. lateral thoracic 2. superfical cicumflex iliac 3. superficial epigastric 4. superficial external pudendal 5. thoracoepigastric
The ____ vein drains into the portal vein; dump portal blood into the superfical veins around umbilicus (______) in portal hypertension paraumbilical vein; caput medusae
What is the nerve supply of the ventral rami of T7-T12? thoracoabdominal nerves
T10 ventral rami supplies ____ and ____ tissues at the level of the umbilicus skin and tissues
T12 ventral rami branch is ____ nerve subcostal nerve
The ventral rami of L1 branches the ____ and _____ nerves iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal
The ilioingunial is the sensory nerve of the ____ reflex cremaster
The motor _______ is elicited by stroking the medial aspect of thigh cremaster relex
What are the superficial lymphatic drainage sites? (2) axillary lymph nodes and the superficial inguinal nodes
What are the deep lymphatic drainage sites? (3) lumbar nodes; common iliac nodes adn external iliac nodes
Created by: luckynikki
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