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Normal Size Small Size show me how
chapter 6 muscles
Question | Answer |
contractility | shorten with force |
excitability | respond to a stimulus |
extensibility | ability to be stretched |
elasticity | recoil back to resting length |
fascia | located outside of the epimysium |
epimysium | connective tissue sheath that covers the skeletal muscle |
fascicle/fasciculi | numerous bundle of muscles |
perimysium | loose connective tissue that surrounds the fascicle |
fibers (muscles fibers) | single muscle cell |
myofibrils | thread-like structure that expands from one end of the fiber to the other |
endomysium | each fiber in a connective tissue |
actin myofilaments | thin myofilaments |
myosin myofilaments | thick myofilaments |
sarcomeres | units the make up actin and myosin myofilaments |
myofibrils | actin myofilaments and myosin myofilaments |
sarcomere | basic structural |
resting membrane potential | charge distance across the membrane |
action potential | brief reversal back of the charge |
motor neurons | nerve cells that carry action potential to skeletal muscle fibers |
neuromusclular junction/synapse | each branch that connects the muscle forms |
motor unit | a single motor neuron and all muscle fibers it inntervates |
neuromusclular junction | is formed by an enlarged nerve terminal |
presynaptic terminal | the enlarged never terminal |
syaptic cleft | the space between the presynaptic terminal and the muscle cell |
postsynsaptic terminal | muscle fiber |
synaptic vesicles | presynaptic terminal that secretes neurotransmitter |
acetylcholine | neurotransmitter |
acetylcholinesterase | the acetylcholine released is rapidly broken down by enzymes |
sliding filament mechanism | sliding of actin past myosin myofilaments during contration |
muscle twitch | contraction of an entire muscle in response to a stimulus in the muscles |
threshold | a muscle fiber will not respond to stimulus until it reaches a level |
all-or-none response | the phenomenon |
lag phase | time between the application of a stimulus and the beginning of an contraction |
contraction phase | time on contraction |
relexation phase | time which muscles are relexed |
tetany | where the muscle stay contracted without relexing |
recruitment | an increase of motor units being activated |
ATP | is needed for energy for muscle contraction |
ADP | more stable than ATP and has phosphate |
anaerobic respiration | without oxygen |
aerobic respiration | with oxygen (more efficient) |
oxygen debt | amount of oxygen needed in chemical reactions to convert lactic acid to glucose and to replenish the depleted stores of creatine phosphate stores in muscle cells |
muscle fatigue | results when ATP is used during muscle contraction faster than it can be produced in the muscle cells |
isometric | equal distance |
isotonic | equal tension |
muscle tone | contrast tension |
fast twitch fibers | contract quickly and fatigue quickly |
slow twitch fibers | contract more slowly and are more resistant |
origin | most stationary end of the muscle |
insertion | greatest movement of the muscle |
belly | portion between the head and insertion |
synergists | muscles that work together |
antagonists | muscles in opposition to one another |
prime mover | in the synergists, where one muscles plays a major role |
occipitofrontalis | rasises the eyebrows |
orbicularis oculi | closes the eyelids |
orbicularis oris | puckers the lips |
buccinator | flattens cheeks |
zygomaticus | smiling muscle |
leavator labii superioris | sneering |
depressor anguli oris | frowning |
mastication | chewing |