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MedTerm 9

Blood, Lymphatic, and Immune Systems

blood body tissue composed of formed elements suspended in plasma
formed elements erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets
plasma water, proteins, gases, nutrients, and salts
erythrocytes (RBCs) contain hemoglobin
Leukocytes (WBCs) provide for body protection and defense
platelets (thrombocytes) cell fragments, possess the ability to control bleeding
lymphatic system network of vessels that drain excess fluid from tissue spaces and return it to the blood, maintains the cells that defend the body against disease causing agents
immune system protects the body against disease causing organisms
aden/o gland
agglutin/o clumping, gluing
blast/o embryonic cell
chrom/o color
erythr/o red
granul/o granule
hem/o, hemat/o blood
immun/o immune, immunity, safe
leuk/o white
lymph/o lymph
lymphaden/o lymph gland (node)
lymphangi/o lymph vessel
morph/o shape, form, structure
myel/o bone marrow, spinal cord
nucle/o nucleus
phag/o swallowing, eating
poikil/o varied, irregular
ser/o serum
sider/o iron
splen/o spleen
thromb/o blood clot
thym/o thymus gland
-blast embryonic cell
-globin protein
-penia decrease, deficiency
-phil attraction for
-phylaxis protection
-poiesis formation, production
-stasis standing still
aniso- unequal, dissimilar
iron deficiency anemia decrease in RBCs caused by insufficient iron in the diet
pernicious anemia caused by inadequate levels of vitamin B12 needed for RBC development
sickle cell anemia RBCs take on an abnormal crescent shape, preventing them from passing through blood vessels
leukemia malignancy of the bone marrow, proliferation of WBCs that are unable to carry on their normal function
lymphedema abnormal accumulation fo fluid within tissues
capos sarcoma malignancy of connective tissue, especially in the cells that line the lymph and blood vessels
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) development of autoantibodies that attack the skin, joints, and other organs
thrombocytopenia deficiency in the number of circulating platelets
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) abnormal activation of proteins involved in blood coagulation
apheresis separates out a particular component of blood
plasmapheresis apherisis that involves removal of plasma from the patient
blood transfusion IV transfer of blood products to an individual
bone marrow transplant replace damaged or destroyed bone marrow with healthy bone marrow stem cells
bone marrow aspiration withdrawal of bone marrow for microscopic evaluation
sentinel node excision removal of the first node receiving drainage from a tumor site and the one most likely to contain cancer cells
antibody protective protein produced in response to a foreign substance
antigen substance that stimulates formation of antibodies
immunocompitent possessing the ability to develop an immune response
anticoagulants prevent formation of clots
antifibrinolytics prevent the breakdown of clots
antimicrobials destroy bacteria, fungi, and protozoa
antiretrovirals prevent replication of viruses
immunosuppressants suppress the body's natural immune response
thrombolytics dissolve blood clots
Created by: aleelyse
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