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Anatomy Chapter 5

Agonist role played by a skeletal muscle to cause a movement
Antagonist role played by a skeletal muscle acting to slow or stop a movement
Aponeurosis a flat, sheetlike fibrous tissue the connects muscle or bone to other tissues
Concentric type of contraction that results in shortening of a muscle
Ecccentric contraction accompanies by lengthening of a muscle
Endomysium fine, protective sheath of connective tissue that surrounds a skeletal muscle
Epimysium outermost sheath of connective tissue that surrounds a skeletal muscle
Fascile bundle of muscle fibers
Isometric a type of contraction that involves no change in muscle length
Muscular fiber an individual skeletal muscle cell
Perimysium a connective tissue sheath that envelops each primary bundle of muscle fibers
Peristalsis wave of symmetrical squeezing of the digestive tract walls that occurs during digestion
Acetylecholine neurotransmitter chemical that stimulates muscle
Neuromuscular junction link between an axon terminal and muscle fiber
Synaptic Cleft tiny gap that separates the axon terminal and muscle fiber
Fast-twitch Type of muscle that contracts quickly
Motor neuron nerve that stimulates skeletal muscle tissue
Slow-twitch type of muscle that contracts slowly and is fatigue resistant
Abduction movement of a body segment away form the body in the frontal plane
Adduction movement of a body segment closer to the body in the frontal plane
Circumduction rotational movement of a body segment such that the end of the segment traces a circle
Dorsiflexion movement of the top of the foot toward the lower leg
Eversion movement in which the sole of the foot is rolled outward
Flexion forward movement of a body segment away from anatomical position in the sagittal plane
Hyperextension backward movement of a body segment past anatomical position in the sagittal plane
Inversion movement in which the sole of the foot is rolled inward
Lateral rotation outward (lateral) movement of a body segment in the transverse plane
Medial rotation inward (medial) movement of a body segment in the transverse plane
Opposition touching any of you four fingers to your thumb; this movement enables grasping of objects
Plantar flexion downward motion of the foot away from the lower leg
Pronation medial rotation of the forearm (palm down)
Radial deviation rotation of the hand toward the thumb
Supination lateral rotation of the forearm (palm up)
Ulnar deviation rotation of the hand toward the little finger
Tendinitis inflammation of a tendon, usually accompanied by pain and swelling
Muscle strain injury that occurs when a muscle is stretched beyond the limits to which it is accustomed
Contusion bruises or bleeding within a muscle that results from an impact
Muscular dystrophy group of similar inherited disorders characterized by progressively worsening muscle weakness and loss of muscle tissue.
Shin splints name for pain localized to the anterior lower leg
Hernia a balloon-like section of the lining of the abdominal cavity
Created by: cheyannem
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