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Anatomy Study of the structure of body parts and their relationship to one another
Physiology Study of the function of body parts, how they work to carry out life sustaining activities
Gross or Macroscopic Anatomy Study of large, Visible Structures
Regional Anatomy Looks at all structured in a particular area of the body
System Anatomy Looks at just one system
Surface Anatomy looks at internal structured as they relate to overlying skin
Microscopic Anatomy Deals with structures to small to be seen by naked eye
Developmental Anatomy Studies anatomical and physiological development through out life
Cytology Microscopic study of cells
Histology Microscopic study of tissues
Chemical Level Atoms, Molecules and Organelles
Cellular Level Single Cell
Tissue Level Group of similar cells
Organ Level Contains at least 2 types of tissues
Organ System Level Organs that work together
Organismal Level all organ systems combined to make the whole organism
Maintaining Boundaries Separation between internal and external environments must exist.
Movement Of body parts Via skeletal muscles also cardiac muscle and smooth muscle.
Contractilly Movement at the cellular level (fibers)
Responsiveness Ability to sense and respond to stimuli
Digestion Breakdown of ingested foodstuffs followed by absorption of simple molecules into blood.
Metabolism All chemical reactions that occur in body cells. Sum of all catabolism and anabolism
Excretion Removal of wastes from metabolism and digestion
Reproduction At a cellular level involves division of cell for growth or repair, organismal level is the production of off spring.
Integumentary System Forms the external body covering and protects deeper tissues from injury. Synthesizes Vitamin D and houses cutaneous receptors and sweat and oil glands
Skeletal System Protects and supports body organs and provides framework the muscles use to cause movement. Blood cells are formed within bones. Bones store minerals like calcium
Muscular System Allows manipulation of the environment locomotion and facial expression. Maintains posture and produces heat.
Nervous System As the Fast Acting control system of the body it responds to internal and external changes by activating appropriate muscles and glands.
Endocrine System Glands secrete hormones that regulate processes such as growth, reproduction and nutrient use by body cells.
Cardiovascular System Blood vessels transport blood which carries oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, waste etc
Lymphatic System Picks up fluid leaked from blood vessels and returns it to blood. Disposes of derbies in the lymphatic system. Houses white blood cells involved in immunity.
Respiratory System Keeps blood constantly supplied with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide.
Digestive System Breaks down food into absorbable units that enter the blood for distribution to body cells.
Urniary System Excretes nitrogenous wastes from the body. regulates water, electrolyte and acid base balance of the blood.
Male Reproductive System Testes produce sperm and male sex hormone and male ducts and glands aid in delivery of sperm to the female reproductive tract.
Female Reproductive System Ovaries produce eggs and female sex hormones. The remaining female structure serves as sites for fertilization and development of the fetus.
Survival Needs Nutrients, Oxygen, Water, Temp, and Appropriate Atmospheric Pressure.
Homeostasis Steady state of the body maintains internally despite continuous changes in environment. Always readjusting. Contributions of all organ systems.
Homeostatic Controls Involves 3 Components Receptor, Control Center, and Effector.
Receptor Affective, monitors environment and responds to stimuli
Control Center Determines which variables is maintained. Receives output from control.
Effector Receives output from control. Provides the means to respond, either reduces or enhances stimuli
Created by: JohnW
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