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SC 2110 Chp 7
Urinary System Study Review
Question & Answers | Questions & Answers |
A. Using the following terms, trace the path of urine from the renal arterioles (bloodstream) to the point at which urine leaves the body. The first answer is provided. | Use following words to answer 1-8 glomerular capsule, glomerulus , renal pelvis, renal tubule, ureter, urethra, urinary bladder, urinary meatus |
1. glomerulus | 5. ureter |
2. glomerular capsule | 6. urinary bladder |
3. renal tubule | 7. urethra |
4. renal pelvis | 8. urinary meatus |
B. Match the term in Column I with its definition or a term of similar meaning in Column II. Write the correct letter in the spaces provided. | |
1. voiding- C | A. Hormone secreted by the kidney that stimulates formation of red blood cells. |
2. trigone- I | B . Notch on the surface of the kidney where blood vessels and nerves enter |
3. renal cortex- J | C. Urination; micturition |
4. renal medulla- G | D. Nitrogenous waste |
5. urea- D | E. Cup-like collecting region of the renal pelvis |
6. erythropoietin- A | F. S mall molecule that carries an electric charge in solution |
7. renin- H | G. Inner region of the kidney |
8. electrolyte- F | H. Hormone made by the kidney; increases blood pressure |
9. hilum- B | I. Triangular area in the bladder |
10. calya (calix)- E | J. Outer section of the kidney |
C. Give the meanings of the following medical terms. | |
1. caliceal- pertaining to a calix (collecting cup of renal pelvis) | 8. urethrostenosis- narrowing (narrowed portion) of the urethra |
2. uric acid- nitrogenous waste excreted in urine; high levels of uric acid in the blood are associated with gouty arthritis | 9. vesicoureteral reflux- backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureter |
3. urinary meatal stenosis- narrowing of the urinary meatus | 10. creatinine- nitrogenous waste produced as a result of muscle metabolism and excreted in the urine |
4. cystocele- hernia of the urinary bladder | 11. medullary- pertaining to the inner, middle section (of the kidney) |
5. pyelolithotomy- incision to remove a stone from the renal pelvis | 12. cortical- pertaining to the outer section (of the kidney) |
6. trigonitis- infl ammation of the trigone (triangular area in the bladder in which the ureters enter and urethra exits) | 13. calciferol- active form of vitamin D secreted by the kidneys |
7. ureteroileostomy- new opening between the ureter and the ileum (an anastomosis); urine then leaves the body through an ileostomy; this surgery (ileal conduit) is performed when the bladder has been removed | |
D. The following terms all contain the suffix -uria, meaning urination. Write their meanings in the spaces provided. | |
1. nocturia- frequent urination at night | 4. polyuria- excessive urination |
2. dysuria- painful urination | 5. anuria- no urination |
3. oliguria- scanty urination | |
E. In the following terms, -uria means urine condition (substance in the urine). What ’ s in the urine? | |
1. pyuria- pus | 4. glycosuria- sugar |
2. albuminuria- protein | 5. ketonuria- ketones or acetones |
3. hematuria- blood | 6. bacteriuria- bacteria |
F. Give the meanings of the following terms that relate to urinary signs and symptoms. | |
1. azotemia- excess nitrogenous waste in the bloodstream | 4. enuresis- bedwetting |
2. polydipsia- condition of much thirst | 5. urinary retention- inability to release urine from the bladder |
3. urinary incontinence- inability to hold urine in the bladder | 6. ketosis- abnormal condition of ketone bodies (acids and acetones) in the blood and body tissues |
G. Give short answers for the following. | ANSWER FOR G: 1-7 |
1. What is the difference between hematuria and uremia? | Hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine, and uremia is a toxic condition of excess urea (nitrogenous waste) in the bloodstream. Hematuria is a symptomatic condition of the urine (-uria), and uremia is an abnormal condition of the blood (-emia). |
2. What is diuresis? | Diuresis is the excessive production of urine (polyuria). |
3. What is a diuretic? | A diuretic is a drug or chemical (caffeine or alcohol) that causes diuresis to occur. |
4. What is antidiuretic hormone? | Antidiuretic hormone is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that normally helps the renal tubules to reabsorb water back into the bloodstream. It works against diuresis to help retain water in the blood. |
5. What is hyponatremia? | Hyponatremia is abnormally low levels of sodium in the bloodstream. |
6. What is hyperkalemia? | Hyperkalemia is abnormally high concentration of potassium in the blood. The major cause is chronic renal failure. |
7. What is PKU? | PKU is phenylketonuria. This occurs when there are high levels of phenylketones in urine and phenylalanine in the blood. The condition causes mental retardation in infants. |
H. Match the listed terms, pertaining to urinalysis, with their meanings/descriptions that follow. | Use these words to answer H 1-9 albuminuria, bilirubinuria, glycosuria, hematuria, ketonuria, pH, pyuria, sediment, specific gravity |
1. A bnormal particles present in the urine—cells, bacteria, casts, and crystals | sediment |
2 . Smoky-red color of urine caused by the presence of blood | hematuria (blood in urine) |
3. Turbid (cloudy) urine caused by the presence of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and pus | pyuria (pus in the urine) |
4 . Sugar in the urine; a sign of diabetes mellitus and a result of hyperglycemia | glycosuria (sugar in the urine) |
5. Urine test that reflects the acidity or alkalinity of the urine | pH |
6 . High levels of acids and acetones accumulate in the urine as a result of abnormal fat breakdown | Ketonuria (ketone bodies in the urine) |
7. Dark pigment that accumulates in urine as a result of liver or gallbladder disease | bilirubinuria (high levels of bilirubin in the urine) |
8. Urine test that reflects the concentration of the urine | specific gravity |
9. Leaky glomeruli can produce accumulation of protein in the urine | albuminuria |
I. Describe the following abnormal conditions that affect the kidney. | ANSWER |
1. renal failure | kidney does not excrete wastes |
2. polycystic kidney | multiple fluid-filled sacs form in and on the kidney |
3. interstitial nephritis | inflammation of the connective tissue (interstitium) lying between the renal tubules |
4. glomerulonephritis | inflammation of the glomerulus of the kidney (may be a complication after a streptococcal infection) |
5. nephrolithiasis | condition of kidney stones (renal calculi) |
6. renal cell carcinoma | malignant tumor of the kidney in adults |
7. pyelonephritis | inflammation of the renal pelvis and parenchyma of the kidney (caused by a bacterial infection, such as with Escherichia coli, that spreads to the urinary tract from the gastrointestinal tract) |
8. Wilms tumor | malignant tumor of the kidney in children |
9. nephrotic syndrome | group of symptoms (proteinuria, edema, hypoalbuminemia) that appears when the kidney is damaged by disease; also called nephrosis |
9. nephrotic syndrome | high blood pressure caused by kidney disease |
J. Match the listed terms with their meanings/descriptions that follow. | Use these words to answer J 1-10 abscess, catheter, diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, edema, essential hypertension, nephroptosis, renal colic, secondary hypertension, stricture |
1. idiopathic high blood pressure --essential hypertension | 6 . high blood pressure caused by kidney disease or another disease --secondary hypertension |
2. swelling, fluid in tissues--edema | 7. tube for withdrawing or giving fluid--catheter |
3. narrowed area in a tube --stricture | 8 . inadequate secretion or resistance of the kidney to the action of antidiuretic hormone --diabetes insipidus |
4. collection of pus --abscess | 9. prolapse of a kidney --nephroptosis |
5. inadequate secretion of insulin or improper utilization of insulin leads to this condition-- diabetes mellitus | 10. severe pain resulting from a stone that is blocking a ureter or a kidney --renal colic |
K. Give the meanings of the abbreviations in Column I. Then select the letter of the sentence in Column II that is the best association for each. | |
1. CAPD-- (F)- continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis | A. Bacterial invasion leads to this condition; acute cystitis is an example. |
2. BUN-- (D)- blood urea nitrogen | B. This electrolyte is secreted by renal tubules into the urine. |
3. RP-- (G)- retrograde pyelogram | C. A machine removes nitrogenous wastes from the patient ’ s blood. |
4. cysto-- (E)-cystoscopy | D . High levels measured on this test lead to the suspicion of renal disease. |
5. UA-- (I)-urinalysis | E. This endoscopic procedure is used to examine the interior of the urinary bladder. |
6. UTI-- (A)-urinary tract infection | F. Dialysate (fluid) is injected into the peritoneal cavity and then drained out. |
7. CKD-- (J)-chronic kidney disease | G. Contrast is injected into the urinary bladder and ureters and x-ray pictures of the urinary tract are taken. |
8. K+ -- (B)-potassium | H. X-ray pictures of the urinary bladder and urethra are taken while the patient urinates. |
9. VCUG-- (H)-voiding cystourethrogram | I. The parts of this test include specific gravity, color, protein, glucose, and pH. |
10. HD-- (C)-hemodialysis | J. This condition includes mild to severe kidney failure. |
L. Match the listed procedures with their definitions/meanings that follow. | Use these words to answer L 1-10: cystectomy, cystoscopy, cystostomy, lithotripsy, nephrectomy, nephrolithotomy, nephrostomy, ureterolithotomy, urethroplasty, ureteroileostomy |
1. Excision of a kidney --nephrectomy | 6. Surgical repair of the urethra --urethroplasty |
2. Surgical incision into the kidney to remove a stone --nephrolithotomy | 7. Creation of an artificial opening into the kidney (via catheter) from the outside of the body -- nephrostomy |
3. Visual examination of the urinary bladder via endoscope -- cystoscopy | 8 . Surgical formation of an opening from the bladder to the outside of the body --cystostomy |
4. Crushing of stones--lithotripsy | 9. Removal of the urinary bladder -- cystectomy |
5 . New opening of the ureters to a segment of ileum (in place of the bladder) --ureteroileostomy | 10. Incision of a ureter to remove a stone --ureterolithotomy |
M. Circle the correct term to complete the following sentences. | PICK THE CORRECT ANSWER OUT OF THE WORDS THAT ARE IN "( )" |
1 . After diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma (made by renal biopsy), Dr. Davis advised Donna that (nephrostomy, meatotomy, nephrectomy) would be necessary. | nephrectomy |
2 . Ever since Bill’ s condition of gout was diagnosed, he has been warned that uric acid crystals could accumulate in his blood and tissues, leading to (pyuria, renal calculi, cystocele). | renal calculi—don ’ t confuse a calculus (stone) with dental calculus, which is an accumulation of dental plaque that has hardened |
3 . The voiding cystourethrogram demonstrated blockage of urine flow from Jim’ s bladder and (hydronephrosis, renal ischemia, azotemia). | hydronephrosis |
4 . Narrowed arterioles in the kidney increase blood pressure, so (urinary incontinence, urinary retention, nephrosclerosis) is often associated with hypertension. | nephrosclerosis |
5. Eight-year-old Willy continually wet his bed at night while sleeping. His pediatrician instructed his mother to limit Willy’ s intake of fluids in the evening to discourage his (nocturia, oliguria, enuresis). | enuresis |
6. David ’ s chronic type 1 diabetes eventually resulted in (nephropathy, meatal stenosis, urolithiasis), which led to renal failure. | nephropathy |
7 . After Sue’ s bilateral renal failure, her doctor advised dialysis and possible (cystostomy, nephrolithotomy, renal transplantation). | renal transplantation |
8. When Maria’ s left kidney stopped functioning, her contralateral kidney overdeveloped or (metastasized, atrophied, hypertrophied) to meet the increased workload. | hypertrophied |
9 . A popular diet program recommends eating foods high in fats and protein. People on this diet check their urine for the presence of (ketones, glucose, amino acids). | ketones |
10. PART A- Andrea’ s urinalysis revealed proteinuria, & her ankles began to swell, demonstrating pitting, a condition known as (ascites, edema, stricture). | edema |
10. PART B- Her (gastroenterologist, urologist, nephrologist) diagnosed Andrea ’ s condition as (polycystic kidneys, nephrotic syndrome, bladder carcinoma) and recommended drugs to heal leaky glomeruli and diuretics to reduce swelling. | nephrologist nephrotic syndrome |