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A/P Chap. 6

Tissue and Membrane

List the four basic types of tissue 1. Epithelial 2. Connective 3. Muscle 4. Nervous Tissue
Describe the functions of epithelial tissue 1 of 4 Covers surfaces, lines cavities, and engages in secretion/absorption and protective functions.
Describe the functions of connective tissue 2 of 4 The primarily function is to bind together the parts of the body, including support, protection, storage of fat, and transport of substance
Describe the function of Muscle tissue 3 of 4 Contract therefore causing movement
Describe the function of Nervous tissue 4 of 4 found in the peripheral nerves, brain and spinal cord
Explain how epithelial tissue is classified: according to cell shape: 1. Squamous 2. Cuboidal 3. Columnar
Types of Layers 1.Simple-one layer 2. Stratified-more than one layer
Differentiate between endocrine and exocrine glands: 1of 2 Endocrine Secretes hormones Don't have duct Hormones secrete directly into blood to travel to site of action
Differentiate between endocrine and exocrine glands: 2 of 2 Exocrine Have ducts or tiny tubes the exocrine secretions are released before reaching body surface or body cavities ex. mucous, sweat, saliva, digestion tract
List the type of epithelial membrane 1. Squamous 2. Cuboidal 3. Columnar
List the type of connective membrane Binds together the parts of the body. other functions include: Support Protection fat storage transport of substance 1. Connective tissue has good blood supply (except in ligaments and tendons heal slower) 2. Abundance of intercellular matrix
Mucous membrane: line all body cavities that open to the exterior of the body. mucous membrane usually contain stratified squamous (more than one layer of square tissue) epithelium or simple columnar epithelium (one layer of column tissue)
Serous membranes: line the ventral body cavities, which are not open to the exterior of the body. secrete thin, watery, serous fluid
Key Term: Adipose tissue Type of connective tissue that stores fat
Key Term: Areolar tissue Loose connective tissue
Key Term: Chondrocytes a cartilage forming cell
Key Term: Columnar epithelium Type of epithelium that has column shaped cells
Key Term: Connective tissue one of the four basic types of tissues that generally holds and supports body structures
Key Term: Cuboidal epithelium type of epithelium that has cells shaped like cubes
Key Term: Endocrine gland ductless glands that secretes hormones, usually into the blood
Key Term: Ligament Strong band of connective tissue that joins bone to bone
Key Term: Mucous membrane Type of membrane that lines the cavities and tubes that open to the exterior of the body
Key Term: Muscle tissue Type of tissue that contains the contractile proteins, actin, and myosin; three types of muscles are smooth, skeletal, and cardiac
Key Term: Nervous tissue Type of tissue that includes neurons and neuroglia
Key Term: Osseous tissue bone tissue
Key Term: Parietal layer Pertaining to the wall of cavity, as in the parietal pleura that lines the wall of the thoracic cavity
Key Term: Serous membrane Membrane that covers an organ or lines cavities that do not open to the outside; includes the pleurae
Key Term: Squamous epithelium flattened, scale like epithelial cells; simple or stratified
Key Term: Tendon strong band of connective that anchors muscle to bone
Key Term: Visceral layer internal organs of the body
What does epithelial tissue do: Epithelial tissue is primarily concerned with protection, absorption, secretion, and filtration
What is the difference between simple and squamous epithelium and stratified squamous epithelium? Simple squamous epithelium is a single layer of squamous epithelial tissue, whereas the stratified squamous epithelium is multilayered.
What causes the overlying skin to ulcerate in a pressure or decubitus ulcer? Identify one action that is considered preventive. The weight of the body cuts off the blood supply of the skin. The skin is compressed between the mattress and the bone underneath the skin. By changing the patient's position, blood flow is restored to oxygen-deprived site
What is meant by pseudo stratified epithelium?
Why is the urinary bladder composed of transitional epithelium? Traditional cells can adapt to stretching, as happens with the urinary bladder. The cell appear stratified when the bladder is empty and simple when the bladder is full (stretched).
Differentiate between endocrine and exocrine glands. Where do endocrine secretions "go"? Exocrine glands secrete into ducts that carry the secretions to the surface of the body; include sweat and digestive enzymes. Endocrine glands are ductless and secrete hormones directly into the blood; the blood transport the hormones throughout the body
List two differences between the intercellular space of epithelial and connective tissue. The intercellular space in connective tissue is much larger than in epithelial tissue. The intercellular space in connective tissue differs from tissue to tissue. Bone has a hard intercellular matrix, whereas blood a liquid intercellular matrix.
Describe the protein fibers located in the intercellular space of connective tissue. The protein fibers are collagen fibers, elastin fibers, and reticular fibers
Connective tissue what does it look like? collagen injections? The injections of collagen into the skin smoothes out wrinkles.
Connective tissue: Loose connective tissue: What is the function of loose connective (areolar) tissue? Areolar connective tissue anchors and cushions organs
Loose connective tissue: What is the role of adipose tissue? Adipose tissue cushions some organs, holds them in place, and insulates the body with regard to temperature loss.
Loose connective tissue: Why does a kidney "float"? A very thin person may experience a "floating kidney" because of the lack of adipose tissue that normally holds it in place.
Loose connective tissue: Why does a seal have blubber? A seal has blubber (adipose tissue) to conserve heat.
What is the difference between a tendon and a ligament? A tendon connects muscle to bone. A ligament connects bone to bone, usually across joints
Dense Fibrous connective tissue: What is fascia? Fascia is tough flat sheet of connective tissue.
Connective tissue: Cartilage; What is the function of a chondrocyte? what is the perichondrium? A chondrocyte is a cartilage-making cell. The perichondrium is a connective tissue membrane that surrounds cartilage and carries the blood supply to the cartilage.
Connective tissue: Cartilage: List three types of cartilage. Generally, where is cartilage located in the adult body? Three types of cartilage are hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage, and elastic cartilage. Cartilage is found in the voice box, ends of long bones, nose, and rib cage.
Who is most likely to suffer from cooper's droop? An older adult female is most likely to develop Cooper's droop. Cooper's ligaments support the breast. With age, the connective tissue weakens, and the breast sag or droop.
What is osseous tissue? What makes it hard? Osseous tissue is bone tissue. The intercellular matrix contains hard minerals, such as calcium, and phosphate.
What effects do exercise and weight-bearing have on bone formation? d Exercise and weight bearing stimulate the movement of calcium into the bones; they are bone-strengthening activites.
Nervous tissue: Name the two types of nervous tissue: 1. Neurons 2. Neuroglia
List the three parts of a neuron: 1. Dendrites 2. Cell body 3. Axon
List the three types of muscle tissue: 1. Skeletal muscle 2. Smooth muscle 3. Cardiac muscle
What is meant by striated muscle? What types of muscles are striated? Striated muscle appears striped. Skeletal and cardiac muscle are striated.
Name the two types of tissue repair? 1. Regeneration 2. Fibrosis
What is the difference between scar and a keloid? A scar forms when an injured site repairs itself through the formation of fibrous connective tissue. A keloid is excessive scar formation. Keloid formation usually occurs on the upper trunk and earlobes and is a cosmetic concern.
List the two types of membranes. 1. Epithelial tissue membrane 2. Connective tissue membranes
List three types of epithelial membrane Three types of epithelial membrane are the mucous membranes, serous membranes, and cutaneous membrane
What is the cutaneous membrane? The cutaneous membrane is an epithelial membrane called the skin.
What cavities are lined with mucous membranes? Mucous membranes line the cavities that are open to the outside (respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary tracts (urinary and reproductive)
What cavities are lined with serous membranes? Serous membranes line the ventral cavities (thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities); these cavities do not open to the outside.
Differentiate between the parietal and visceral layers of serous membrane. The visceral layer covers the outside of the organs; the parietal layer lines the walls of the cavities like wallpaper.
Differentiate between the visceral and parietal pleura. The visceral pleura covers the outside of the lungs; the parietal pleura line the walls of the pleural cavity.
What happens if excess fluid accumulates in the space between the visceral and parietal pleura? An accumulation in the intrapleural space exerts external pressure on the lung and collapses the lung.
What is peritonitis? Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, the serous membrane located in the abdominopelvic cavity.
Define and locate the pericardium. The pericardium is a serous membrane that partially surrounds the heart. It is located within the mediastinum, a part of the thoracic cavity.
Connective tissue: List five connective tissue membrane: Synovial membranes, periosteum, perichondrium, meninges, and fascia
What is a tissue? A tissue is a collection of cells that are similar in structure and function.
Created by: clist0712
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