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Question | Answer |
Organs in foregut | Esophagus, stomach, 1/2 duodenum, liver,gallbladder, pancreas |
Artery in foregut | Celiac trunk |
Veins in foregut | Gastric v., splenic v. |
Lymph nodes in foregut | Celiac nodes |
Organs in midgut | 1/2 duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, appendix,ascending colon, 2/3 transverse colon |
Artery/vein/lymph nodes in midgut | Superior mesenteric a./v./lymph nodes |
Organs in hindgut | 1/3 transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoidcolon, rectum |
Artery/vein/lymph nodes in hindgut | Inferior mesenteric a./v./lymph nodes |
Transpyloric at level: | L1 |
Subcostal at level: | R10/L3 |
Transumbilical at level: | L4 |
Intertubercular at level: | L5 |
Abdominal planes | Vertical: Sagittal; midclavicular |
Inguinal canal houses: | spermatic cord |
Closed sac surrounding abdominal contents | Peritoneum |
Parietal peritoneal layer drapes over: | Uterus, or bladder in males |
WRT peritoneum, organs are: | Retroperitoneal or intraperitoneal |
Peritoneal cavity contains: | Fluid only |
Hangs from greater curvature of stomach | Greater omentum |
Hangs from lesser curvature of stomach | Lesser omentum |
Parasympathetics to foregut/midgut: | Vagus n. |
Parasympathetics to hindgut: | Pelvic splanchnic n. |
Sympathetics to hindgut: | Lumbar splanchnic nerves |
Types of muscle in esophagus | Sk mx in upper part & smooth mx in bottom |
Pharynx to cardiac stomach via: | esophageal hiatus in diaphragm |
Greater and lesser omentum are formed by: | Folds of peritoneum |
Thoracic esophagus pierces diaphragm at: | T10 |
Volume of stomach | 50 mL to 4L |
Opening from stomach to duodenum | Pylorus |
Normal radiographic finding in fundus of stomach | Gas bubble |
Folds inside stomach | Rugae |
Narrowing of stomach before pyloric sphincter | Pyloric canal |
Curves around head of pancreas | Duodenum |
Four lobes of liver | Right, Left, Caudate, Quadrate |
Falciform ligament separates: | L and R lobes |
Round ligament: | Remnant of umbilical vein |
GB form & function | 10 cm long; Stores and concentrates bile |
Parts of pancreas | Head, Neck, Body, Tail |
Celiac trunk comes off: | Abd aorta at T12 |
Horizontal: | Transpyloric; Subcostal; Transumbilical; Intertubercular |
2 fascial abd layers & potential for infxn | Camper’s (superficial): fatty, so more infxn risk; Scarpa’s (deep): membranous, anchored to pubis, limits infxn spread to thigh |
Fns of Abd wall mx’s | Ext/Int oblique & transverse abd: Posture & movements of torso; Protect abd organs; Forced expiration; Defecation, micturition, parturition; End medially in aponeurotic sheet (form sheath around rectus abd mx) |
Arcuate line is at level of: | ASIS; superior to line = rectus sheath & transversalis fascia; inferior to line = only transversalis fascia |
Abd wall layers | Superficial (=Camper’s fascia); Deep (=Scarpa’s fascia); Ext Obl; Int Ob; Trans abd; Transversalis fascia; Parietal peritoneum |
Epigastric arteries run: | Inside rectus sheath deep to rectus abdominus |
Levels of abd dermatomes | Cutaneous branches of T7-T12/L1 levels; Xiphoid = T5/6; Umbilicus = T10; Pubis = L1 |
Abd wall lymphatics | Above umbilicus: axillary lymph nodes; Below umbilicus: inguinal (groin) lymph nodes |
As gubernaculum descends, what mx layers does it pierce? | Ext oblique, int oblique, transversalis fascia; NOT transv abd mx nor parietal peritoneum |
In devt, testes are initially ______ and pull the _______ with them as they descend | Retroperitoneal; processus vaginalis |
Contents of Inguinal canal | Testicular a.; Pampiniform plexus of veins; Ductus deferens; Lymphatics & nerves to testes |
Layers of Inguinal canal (superficial to deep) | Aponeurosis of ext oblique (=ext spermatic fascia); Mx of internal oblique (= cremaster mx); Transversalis fascia (=int spermatic fascia); (no contrib fr transversus abd mx |
Inguinal canal (entrance/exit) | Entrance = deep inguinal ring (transversalis fascia); Exit = superficial inguinal ring (ext oblique) |
Inguinal canal Walls: | Ant = ext oblique; Post = transversalis fascia; Roof = int oblique/ transv abd; Floor = inguinal ligament |
Direct (acquired) hernia | Through abd wall; Bulge located medially; May exit superficial inguinal ring, although rarely enters scrotum |
Indirect (congenital) hernia | Through inguinal canal (esp. deep ring); Most common: assoc w/patent processus vaginalis; eritoneal sac may protrude into scrotum |
Peritoneum innervation | Parietal layer = somatic sensory innervation (pinpoint pain); Visceral layer = visceral sensory innervation (genl dull pain) |
Intraperitoneal structures attach to abdominal wall via: | Mesentery |
Mesentery | Double layered folds of peritoneum; Fn to suspend abd contents & keep them in place; contain blood, lymph, & nervous supply to tissue |
Greater omentum | Primarily fatty tissue (highly vascular); drapes over the abd contents like an apron; hangs off stomach & transverse colon |
Lesser omentum | Membrane that extends from the stomach to the liver |
Adheres to structures in abd cavity & suppresses infxn | Greater omentum |
3 regions of gut embryology | Foregut, midgut, hindgut (Each has separate vasculature and lymphatics) |
Gut Embryology: Foregut | Esophagus, stomach, 1/2 duod, liver, GB, pancreas; Artery: Celiac trunk; Veins: Gastric v., splenic v.; Lymph: Celiac nodes |
Gut Embryology: Midgut | 1/2 duod, jejunum, ileum, cecum, appendix, asc colon, 2/3 transverse colon; Artery: Sup mesenteric a.; Vein: Sup mesenteric v.; Lymph: Sup mesenteric nodes |
Gut Embryology: Hindgut | 1/3 transv colon, desc colon, sigmoid, rectum; Artery: Inf mesenteric a.; Vein: Inf mesenteric v.; Lymph: Inf mesenteric nodes |
Sympathetics to foregut/midgut: | From sympathetic trunk via thoracic splanchnic nerves |
Consequences of malfunctioning cardiac sphincter | Heartburn/ acid reflux / GERD; Hiatal hernia |
Most common site of duodenal ulcers | Superior part (proximal 1/4) of duodenum |
Fn of duodenum | Receives stomach contents, pancreatic juice & bile from accessory organs of foregut (liver, gallblader, pancreas) |
GB adheres to: | Ventral/inferior surface of liver, between right and quadrate lobes |
Pancreatic duct runs _____ & joins ______ | Length of gland; bile duct to form hepatopancreatic sphincter(=ampulla) |
Spleen location & size | Superiormost border of upper L quadrant; Close proximity to L kidney, stomach, & tail of pancreas; typically size of a fist |
AKA Porta Hepatis | Portal triad; Bile duct & hepatic artery proper & portal vein; in lower fold of lesser omentum (hepatoduodenal ligament) |
____ are not part of the gut, but are actually __________ | Liver, GB, pancreas; accessory organs |
_____ runs length of pancreas, and joins bile duct to form ______ | Pancreatic duct; hepatopancreatic sphincter(=ampulla) |
Tail of pancreas sits at: | Hilum of spleen |
Site of nearly all chemical digestion and nutrient absorption | Small intestine |
Boundary between duodenum and jejunum at: | duodenojejunal flexure |
Boundary between jejunum and ileum: | Indistinct |
Jejunum vs ileum: jejunum | Proximal 2/5ths; Thicker walled; Prominent plicae circulares (jejunum site of most absorption) |
Jejunum vs ileum: ileum | Distal 3/5ths; Thinner walled; Fewer plicae circulares; Peyer patches |
Colon: Begins with: | cecum and appendix in LRQ |
Lg int: geog rel to small intestine | Ascending, transverse & descending colon frame the small intestine |
Sigmoid colon is S-shaped portion leading: | down into pelvis |
Flexures of large intestine | R colic (hepatic); L colic (splenic) |
Greater omentum attached to ____ colon | Transverse |
Large intestine: midgut/hindgut | Ascending & R 2/3 of trans = midgut; L 1/3 of trans & desc = hindgut |
Colon innervation | Midgut: vagal (parasym??) (check this); hindgut: splanchnic n. (S2-S4) (parasym) |
Ileocecal valve | At junction of ileum and cecum; prevents reflux from cecum to ileum |
Appendix location | Variable; usually retrocecal; McBurney = 1/3 btw ASIS & umbilicus |
Sup mes artery | Blood supply to midgut; off of abdominal aorta at L1; above duod |
Inf mes artery | Blood supply to hindgut; off of abdominal aorta at L3; below duod |
Marginal artery found: | running around the large intestine; SMA & INF form anastomoses |
All blood from gut drains to: | hepatic portal vein, via Gastric, splenic, SMV, IMV |
Main anastomoses of hepatic portal: | Gastroesophageal jct.; Rectal veins; Ant abd wall |
Hepatic caval veins become enlarged: | Esophageal varices; Hemorrhoids; Caput medusae at umbilicus |
hemorrhoids: | blood drains into caval system (instead of portal system) |
Caput medusae: | blood flows to inf/sup epigastric v, flows to ext iliac; will lead to enlarged epigastric v |
Infantile ductus venosus becomes: | Ligamentum venosum |
Abd (pre-aortic) lymphatics | Foregut: Celiac nodes; Midgut: Sup mes nodes; Hindgut: Inf mesenteric nodes |
Iliopsoas mx fn | hip flexion |
Quadratus lumborum fn | Stabilize RXII and laterally bend trunk |
Abd Aorta: Unpaired branches | Celiac trunk; SMA; IMA |
Renal vasc/innerv/lymphatics | Renal a./v. (asymmetric); Innervation same as fore/midgut; Lateral aortic (lumbar) nodes near renal arteries |
Abd Aorta: Paired branches | Middle suprarenal a.; Renal a.; Gonadal a. |
Abd Aorta: Inferior bifurcation into: | R/L common iliac a. (then Internal iliac a. & External iliac a.) |
Abd veins | Hepatic, renal, gonadal, common iliac v. |
Sup suprarenal a. comes off: | Inf phrenic a. |
Inf suprarenal a. comes off: | Renal a. |
Middle suprarenal a. comes off: | aorta directly |
Suprarenal cortex produces: | corticosteroids |
Suprarenal medulla produces: | epi & norepi |
Kidneys are surrounded by: | perinephric (around) ¶nephric (next to) fat |
Kidney positions | T12-L3; R sits lower than L |
Kidney morpho variations | Pelvic kidney; Horseshoe kidney; Accessory renal arteries (devt remnant) |
How many calyces in kidneys? | 1 minor calyx per pyramid; 2-3 major per kidney |
Passage of urine from kidney to bladder | via ureter by peristalsis |
Kidney parts | Tough outer fibrous capsule; Renal cortex |
Urethral sphincter ctrl | Internal urethral sphincter = involuntary (autonomic) ctrl; ext sphincter = vol ctrl |
Bladder trigone composed of: | sm mx |
Bladder position | when deflated, entirely within pelvic cav; distended, may extend into abd cav |
Lumbar plexus: location/pierces: | L1-L3 spinal levels; all ventral rami; pierces psoas mx |
Lumbar plexus innervates: | Abd musculature; Skin of upper thigh and inner leg (e.g. calf) |
Lumbar plexus: 2major named branches | Obturator n. (Medial thigh); Femoral n. (Ant. Thigh) |
Peyer patches: lymphoid or myeloid cells? | lymphoid |
Adaptive immune system in GI tract is what type of tissue? | MALT/GALT (gut-associated lymphoid tissue) |
3 neuron types in enteric nervous system (intrinsic innervation) | IPAN (intrinsic primary afferent neurons); interneurons; secretomotor (efferent) neurons |
Extrinsic innervation in GI tract | sympathetic & parasympathetic nerves (cell body outside the gut wall; part of brain-gut axis) |
Neurotransmitters used by GI preganglionic nerves (vagus & pelvic n.) | Acetylcholine (Ach): activates nicotinic receptors on enteric neurons, which use Ach (on muscarinic receptors) and neuropeptides |
Pathway of extrinsic GI sensory nerves | Parasympathetic: gut to cell bodies in nodose ganglia to brainstem. Sympathetic: gut to cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia to spinal cord |
Network of cells interacting with enteric nerves and smooth muscle cells, AKA: | interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) |
Substance produced by parietal cell membranes that allows HCl secretion | H+-K+ATPase (active transport) |
What is the suspensory ligament of the duodenum? | Ligament of Treitz |