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Chp 6-Cardiovascular
Question | Answer |
aorta | Largest artery of the body; vessel through which oxygenated blood exits the heart |
Arteriole | A tiny artery connecting to a capillary |
Artery | A thick-walled blood vessel that, in systemic circulation, carries oxygenated blood away from the heart |
Atrioventricular bundle | bundle of fibers in the interventricular septum that transfers charges in the hearts conduction system; also called the bundle of His |
Atrium | Either of the two upper chambers of the heart |
blood | essential fluid made up of plasma and other elements that circulates throughout the body; delivers nutrients to and removes waste from the body's cells |
blood pressure | measure of the force of blood surging against the walls of the arteries |
bundle of His | same as atrioventricular bundle |
capillary | the smallest blood vessel that forms the exchange point between the arterial and venous vessels |
carbon dioxide | waste material transported in the venous blood |
carotid artery | artery that transports oxygenated blood to the head and neck |
diastole | Relaxation phase of a heartbeat |
Ductus arteriosus | Structure in the fetal circulatory system through which blood flows to bypass the fetus's nonfunctioning lungs |
endocardium | membranous lining of the chambers and valves of the heart; the innermost layer of heart tissue |
femoral artery | an artery that supplies blood to the thigh |
heart | muscular organ that receives blood from the veins and sends it into the arteries |
inferior vena cava | large vein that draws blood from the lower part of the body to the right atrium |
left atrium | upper left heart chamber |
left ventricle | lower left heart chamber |
myocardium | muscular layer of heart tissue between the epicardium and the endocardium |
popliteal artery | an artery that supplies blood to the cells of the area behind the knee |
pulmonary artery | one of two arteries that carry blood that is low in oxygen from the heart to the lungs |
Purkine fibers | specialized fibers that conduct the charge |
pulmonary vein | one of four veins that bring oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium |
pulse | rhythmic expansion and contraction of a blood vessel, usually an artery |
right atrium | upper right chamber of the heart |
right ventricle | lower right chamber of the heart |
septum | partition between the left and right chambers of the heart |
sinus rhythm | normal heart rhythm |
superior vena cava | large vein that transports blood collected from the upper part of the body to the heart |
systole | contraction phase of the heartbeat |
ventricle | either of the two lower chambers of the heart |
angi(o) | blood vessel |
aort(o) | aorta |
arteri(o) | artery |
ather(o) | fatty matter |
atri(o) | atrium |
cardi(o) | heart |
phleb(o) | vein |
Ven(o) | vein |
aden(o) | gland |
ech(o) | sound |
hem(o) | blood |
electr(o) | electric |
AMI | acute myocardial infarction |
AV | atrioventricular |
BP | blood pressure |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft |
CAD | coronary artery disease |
CHD | coronary heart disease |
CHF | congestive heart failure |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident |
CVD | cardiovascular disease |
DSA | digital subtraction angiography |
DVT | deep venous thrombosis |
arteriography | viewing of a specific artery by x-ray after injection of a contrast medium |
auscultation | process of listening to body sounds via a stethoscope |
cholesterol | fatty substance present in animal fats; cholesterol circulates in the bloodstream , sometimes causing arterial plaque to form |
doppler ultrasound | ultrasound test of blood flow in certain blood vessels |
echocardiography | use of sound waves to produce images showing the stucture and motion of the heart |
holter monitor | portable device that provides a 24 hour electrocardiogram |
phlebography | viewing of a vein by x-ray after injection of a contrast medium |
sonography | production of images based on the echoes of sound waves against structures |
sphygmomanometer | device for measuring blood pressure |
stress test | test that measures heart rate, blood pressure, and other body functions while the patient is exercising on a treadmill |
aneurysm | ballooning of the artery wall caused by weakness in the wall |
angina pectoris | chest pain, usually caused by a lowered oxygen or blood supply to the heart |
aortic regurgitation | backward flow or leakage of blood through a faulty aortic valve |
arrhythmia | irregularity in the rhythm of the heartbeat |
asystole | cardiac arrest |
atheroma | a fatty deposit (plaque) in the wall of an artery |
bradycardia | heart rate of fewer than 60 beats per minute |
cardiac arrest | sudden stopping of the heart; also called asystole |
claudication | limping caused by inadequate blood supply during activity; usually subsides during rest |
congestive heart failure | inability of the heart to pump enough blood out during the cardiac cycle; collection of fluid in the lungs results |
coronary artery disease | condition that reduces the flow of blood and nutrients through the arteries of the heart |
cyanosis | bluish or purplish coloration, as of the skin, caused by inadequate oxygenation of the blood. |
deep vein thrombosis | formation of a thrombus (clot) in a deep vein, such as a femoral vein |
dysrhythmia | abnormal heart rhythm |
fibrillation | random, chaotic, irregualr heart rhythm |
flutter | regular but very rapid heartbeat |
gallop | triple sound of a heartbeat, usually indicative of serious heart disease |
hemorrhoids | varicose condition of veins in the anal region |
hypertension | chronic condition with blood pressure greater than 140/90 |
hypotension | chronic condition with blood pressure below normal |
infarct | area of necrosis caused by a sudden drop in the supply of arerial or venous blood |
ischemia | localized blood insufficiency caused by an obstruction |
mitral stenosis | abnormal narrowing at the opening of the mitral valve |
murmur | soft heart humming sound heard between normal beats |
myocardial infarction | sudden drop in the supply of blood to an area of the heart muscle, usually due to a blockage in a coronary artery |
occlusion | the closing of a blood vessel |
perfusion deficit | lack of flow through a blood vessel, usually caused by an occlusion |
phlebitis | inflammation of a vein |
pulmonary edema | abnormal accumulation of fluid in the lungs |
rub | frictional sound heard between heartbeats, usually indicating a percardial murmur |
tachycardia | heart rate greater than 100 beats per minute |
thrombus | stationary blood clot in the cardiovascular system, usually formed from matter found in the blood |
varicose | dilated, enlarged, or twisted wein, usually on the leg |
angioplasty | opening of a blocked blood vessel, as by balloon dilation |
arteriotomy | surgical incision into an artery, especially to remove a clot |
balloon catheter dilation | insertion of a balloon catheter into a blood vessel to open the passage so blood can flow freely |
bypass | a structure (usually a vein graft) that creates a new passage for blood to flow from one artery to another artery or port of an artery; used to create a detour around blockages in arteries |
embolectomy | surgical removal of an embolus |
endarterectomy | surgical removal of the diseased portion of teh lining of an artery |
graft | any tissue or organ implanted to replace or mend damaged areas |
stent | surgically implanted device used to hold something (as a blood vessel) open |
thrombectomy | surgical removal of a thrombus |
venipuncture | small puncture into a vein, usually to draw blood or inject a solution |
antianginal | agent used to relieve or prevent attacks of angina |
antiarrhythmic | agent used to help normalize cardiac rhythm |
anticoagulant | agent that prevents the formation of dangerous clots |
antihypertensive | agent that helps control high blood pressure |
beta blocker | agent that lowers blood pressure by reducing contraction strength of the heart muscle; slows heartbeat |
diuretic | medication that promotes the excretion fo urine |
thrombolytic | agent that dissolves a thrombus |
vasoconstrictor | agent that narrows the blood vessel |
vasodilator | agent that dilates or widens the blood vessels |