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Chap 13 Cereb cortex


Primary Motor Cortex (4) 1. Located in precentral gyrus of frontal lobe 2. controls motor functions (somatic)
Pyramidal Cells large neurons in primary motor cortext
Premotor Cortext (6) 1. Located anterior to precentral gyrus 2. controls more complext movements 3. involved in PLANNING movements
Frontal Eye Field (8) 1. Located anterior to premotor cortext 2. controls eye movement-especially when lookin at target
Broca's (45) 1. Left Cerebral Hemisphere- manages speech production 2. Right Cerebral Hemisphere- adds emotion to spoken words
Primary Somatosensory Cortex (1) 1. Located in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe 2. Contralateral- Receives sensory nerve signals from opposites side of body
Association Somatosensory Area (7) 1. Located posterior to Primary Somatsensory Cortex 2. touch feel, etc 3. uses memories of previous sensory inputs
Primary Visual Cortex (17) 1. Located deep in calcarine sulcus 2. first of a line of interpreters of visual inputs
Visual Association Areas 1. Surrounds Primary Visual Cortext covering occipital lobe 2. continues interpretation of visual inputs-color, form and movement
Primary Auditory Cortex (41) 1. Function: interpret sound inputs by rhythm, pitch, and loudness 2. Location: Superior Edge of Temporal bone
Auditory Association Area (22) 1. Location is posterior to primary auditory cortex 2. EVALUATION OF SOUND: interprets sound to spoken words or thunder
Wernicke's Area 1. Located in Auditory Association Area 2. Left Hemisphere region that helps understand and recognize SPOKEN WORDS
Gustatory Cortex 1. conscious awareness of TASTE stimuli 2. located in roof LATERAL SULCUS
Vestibular Cortex 1. Located in posterior part of insula, deep to lateral sulcus 2. responsible for sense of BALANCE
Olfactory Cortex 1. Located in piriform lobe 2. Connected to part of brain dealing with emotion 3. provides conscious awareness of SMELLS
Association Areas Make associations between different types of sensory information
Prefrontal Association 1. Anterior Association Area 2. most complicated and accounts for a lot of stuff 3. large region of frontal anterior to motor cortex 4. SEPARATES HUMANS FROM ANIMALS
General Interpretation 1. Posterior Association Area 2. Location: interface of visual, audiotry, and somatosensory association areas 3. integrates all theses senses to FORM UNIFIED PERCEPTION 4. Awareness of spatial location of body
Language Association Area 1. Left Cerebral Hemisphere surrounds lateral sulcus 2. Two main parts: -Brocha- Speech production -Wirnkie's area- speech comprehension
Left Hemisphere -deals more with logic, math, and language -Intelligence
Right Hemisphere -deals more with emotions, reading facial expressions, visuals -BIG PICTURE
Created by: vs604
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