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Chapter 6 Muscles
Question | Answer |
Contractility | The ability to shorten with force |
Excitability | The ability to respond to stimulus |
Extensibility | The ability to be stretched |
Elasticity | The ability to recoil to its original state |
Epimysium | Surrounds the whole muscle |
Fascia | The most superficial tissue that separates muscles |
Fasicle | The numerous visible bundles of muscles |
Perimysium | Surrounds each fasicle |
Muscle Cells | Muscle fibers |
Endomysium | Surrounds each muscle fiber |
Shape of the muscle fibers cells | Cylindrical cells |
Myofibrils | The cytoplasm of each fiber |
Actin | The thin myofilaments that resemble 2 pearl strands twisted together |
Myosin | The thick myofilaments that resemble bundles of golf clubs |
Sarcomeres | The highly ordered units from Z-Line to Z-Line |
What gives muscles a banded apperance | Actin and Myosin |
What is the light area of the Z- Line | I-Bands |
A-Bands | The darker area |
H-Zone | The space between each sarcomere |
M-Line | The line that goes down the middle of the H-Zone |
Motor neurons | Nerve cells that carry action potentials to skeletal muscle fibers |
Neuromuscluar junction | Sends the axons to the muscles and branches |
Motor Unit | The single motor neuron that innervates skeletal muscles |
Presynaptic Terminal | The enlarged nerve terminal |
Synaptic Cleft | The space between the presynaptic terminal and the muscle cell |
Postsynaptic Terminal | Muscle fibers |
Synaptic Vesicles | They secrete Acetycholine |
Acetycholine | It makes the muscle contract |
Actycholinestrease | It breaks down actycholine and makes the muscle relax |
The Sliding Filament Mechanism | The sliding of actin and myosin during a contraction |
Muscle Twitch | A contraction of an entire muscle in response to stimulus to one or more muscle fibers |
Threshold | A muscle fiber that isn't able to respond to stimulus until that stimulus reaches a certain level |
All-or-none response | The point of when a muscle contracts maximally |
Lag phase | The time between the point in which a muscle reacts to stimulus |
Contraction phase | When the muscle contracts |
Relaxation phase | When the muscle relaxes |
Tetany | When a muscle remains contracted without relaxation |
Recruitment | The increase in number of motor units |
ATP | Adenosine triphosphate |
ADP | Adenosine diphosphate plus phosphate |
Mitochondria | Where ATP is produced |
This is short lived and very unstable | ATP |
Created whenever ATP is stockpiled | Creatine Phosphate |
Anerobic respiration | Doesn't require oxygen |
Aerobic respiration | Requires oxygen (most beneficial) |
Oxygen debt | The amount of oxygen needed in chemical reactions to convert lactic acid to glucose |
Muscle Fatigue | When ATP is used up too quickly and can'r make up for the lost |
Isometric | The length of the muscle doesn't change but tension does |
Isotonic | The tension doesn't change but the length does |
Muscle tone | Constant tension of the muscles in the body for long periods of time |
Fast-twitch muscles | Contract quickly fatigue quickly |
Slow-twitch muscles | Contract slower fatigue slower |
Origin | The most stationary end of the muscle |
Insertion | The muscle undergoing the most activity |
Belly | The muscle that is undergoing equal amounts of activity |
Synergists | Muscles that work together |
Antagonists | Muscles the work in opposition |
Prime mover | One muscle plays the major role in the desired movement |
Nomenclature | The descriptive name of a muscle |
Occipitofrontalis | Raises the eyebrows |
Obicularis Oculi | Closes the eyelids and creates crows feet |
Obicularis Oris | Puckers the lips |
Buccinator | Flattens the cheeks |
Zygomaticus | Smiling muscles |
Lavator Libii Superioris | Sneering |
Depressor Anguli Oris | Frowning |
Mastication | Chewing |
Muscles used in mastication | 2 pairs of pytergoids, temporalis, and massters |
Intrinstic Tongue Muscles | Changes the shape of the tongue |
Extrinstic Tongue Muscles | Move the tongue |
Sternocleiodmastoid | Neck muscles |
Erector Spinae | The group of muscles on each side of the back |
External Intercostals | Elevates the ribs during respiration |
Internal Intercostals | Contracts during forced expiration |
Diaphragm | Aids in quiet-breathing |
Linea Alba | Extends to the sternum, through the naval,to the pubis |
Rectus Abdominis | On each side of the linea alba |
Tendinous Inscriptions | Crosses the rectus abdominis in 3 or more places |
Trapezius | Rotates scapula |
Serratus Anterior | Pulls scapula anterior |
Pectoralis Major | Adducts and flexes the arm |
Latissamus Dorsi | Medially rotates, adducts, and powerfully extends the arm |
Deltoid | Attaches the humerus to the scapula to the clavicle |
Triceps Brachii | Extends forearm |
Biceps Brachii | Flexes forearm |
Branchialis | Flexes forearm |
Branchioradalis | Flexes and suppinates the forearm |
Retinaculum | Holds wrists so it does not "bowstring" |
Flexor Carpi | Flexes wrist |
Extensor Carpi | Extends wrist |
Flexor Digitorum | Flexes fingers |
Extensor Digitorum | Extends fingers |
Gluteus Maximus | Buttocks |
Gluteus Medius | Hip muscles |
Quadriceps Femoris | Extends the leg, (anterior) |
Sartorius | Flexes the thigh |
Hamstrings | Extends the thigh, Flexes the leg (posterior thigh) |
Gastrocnemius & Soleus | Forms the calf muscle |