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Chapter 6
Question | Answer |
Contraction | The process when the muscle gets stronger and tighter |
Muscle fibers | A muscle cell |
Skeletal muscle | It is the majority of the muscle |
Endomysium | It is a wispy layer of connective tissue |
Perimysium | Fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the primary tissue |
Epimysium | Is a fibrous tissue that surrounds the skeletal muscle |
Fascicle | A cluster or a bundle |
Smooth muscle | A muscle that has no striations |
Cardiac muscle | Muscle that surrounds the heart |
Sarcolemma | This is a cell membrane that encloses each muscle cell |
Sarcomere | One of the repeating contractile segments |
Myosin | A family of ATP-dependent motor proteins |
Actin | A globular multi-functional protein |
Sarcoplasmic reticulum | A membrane bound structure found in muscle cells |
Motor unit | Made up of motor neurons and skeletal muscle fibers |
Axon | The long threadlike part of a neuron cell |
Acetylcholine | Is one of many neurotransmitters |
Muscle fatigue | A condition in which the muscle`s capacity to produce maximum voluntary actions |
Isotonic contractions | Is where muscle contraction without appreciable change in voluntary actions |
Isometric contractions | Is where contraction without appreciable shortening of force |
Origin | The origin of muscle is bone |
Insertion | Is the point where muscle attaches to skin |
Synergists | A muscle that assists in the prime mover |
Antagonists | A muscle that acts opposition to another muscle |
Fixators | A muscle that serves as a stabilizer |
Fascia | Is another connective tissue located outside the epimysium |
Muscle twitch | Is a contraction of an entire muscle stimulus |
Orbicularis oculi muscle | The muscle that controls the eyelids |
Zygomaticus major muscle | Muscle that controls facial expressions |
Buccinator muscle | Muscle that keeps food in the correct position |
Levator labii superioris | It elevates the upper lip |
Depressor anguli oris | Muscle that controls frowning |
Levator anguli oris | Muscle that controls smiling |
Risorius | Muscle that angles the mouth |
Depressor labii inferioris | It is the muscle that moves the mandible |
Frontalis | It moves your eyebrows |
Zygomaticus minor | A muscle that inserts the outer part and the upper lip in facial expression |
Superior auricular | Pulls the ears upward |
Masseter | This muscle plays a major role in chewing food |
Vertical muscle of tongue | This muscle flattens and broadens the tongue |
Levator palpebrae superioris | Retracts and elevates eyelids |
Posterior auricular | Inserted at the lower part of the cranial |
Transverse muscle of the chin | This is a facial nerve |
Stylohyoid | Elevates the hyoid during swallowing |
Styloglossus | retraction and elevation of the tongue |
Teres minor | Rotates the arm laterally |
Palatoglossus | Raises the back part of the tongue |
Palatopharyngeus | Pulls pharynx and larynx upward |
Inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue | retracts the tongue superior |
Pectoralis major | Makes up most of the chest |
Pectoralis minor | Located near the upper part of the chest |
Triceps | Extends forearms |
Rectus abdominis | Helps flex the spinal cord |
Biceps | Flexs elbow |
Serratus anterior | protracts and stabilizes scapula |
Transversus thoracis | depresses ribs |
Gastrocnemius | This is one of the main muscles in the calves |
Soleus | This is a small muscle in the back of the lower leg |
Plantaris | This is a small muscle in the back of the lower leg. |
quadriceps femoris | It flexes the thigh |
hamstring muscles | This muscle helps bend the knee |