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Question | Answer |
Occipitofrontalis | raises the eyebrows |
Orbicularis oculi | closes the eyelids and causes “crows feet” wrinkles in the skin at the lateral corners of the eye. |
Orbicularis oris | puckers the lips. |
Buccinator | flattens the cheeks. Trumpeter’s muscle. Orbicularis oris and buccinator are the kissing muscles |
Zygomaticus | smiling muscle. |
Levator labii superioris | sneering |
Depressor anguli oris | frowning |
Mastication | chewing |
Intrinsic Tongue Muscles | change the shape of the tongue |
Extrinsic Tongue Muscles | move the tongue. |
Sternocleidomastoid | lateral neck muscle and prime mover. Rotates and abducts the head |
Erector spinae | group of muscles on each side of the back. Responsible for keeping the back straight and the body erect. |
External intercostals | elevate the ribs during inspiration. |
Internal intercostals | contract during forced expiration |
Abdominal wall muscles | The muscles of the anterior abdominal wall flex and rotate the vertebral column, compress the abdominal cavity, and hold in the abdominal viscera. |
Trapezius | rotates scapula |
Serratus anterior | - pulls scapula anteriorly |
Pectoralis major | adducts and flexes the arm |
Latissimus dorsi | medially rotates, adducts, and powerfully extends the arm. “Swimmer muscles” |
Deltoid | attaches the humerus to the scapula and clavicle, and is the major abductor of the upper limb. |
Triceps brachii | extends the forearm. Occupies the posterior compartment of the arm. |
Biceps brachii | flexes the forearm. Occupies the anterior compartment of the arm. |
Brachialis | flexes forearm |
Brachioradialis | flexes and supinates the forearm |
Retinaculum | strong band of fibrous connective tissue that covers the flexor and extensor tendons and holds them in place around the wrist so that they do not “bowstring” during muscle contraction. |
Flexor carpi | flexes the wrist. |
Extensor carpi | extends the wrist |
Flexor digitorum | flexes the fingers. |
Extensor digitorum | extends the fingers. |
diaphram | accomplishes quiet breathing |
flexor carpi | flexws the wrist |
on each side of the linea alba is what? | rectus abdominus |
neck muscle | sternocleid omastoid |
gastrocnemius ans soleus | form calf muscles |
the sarcomeres isthe basic strucyural an functional unity of what? | muscle |
trunk muscle | erector spinal |
trapezius | rotates scapula |
muscles that word in opposition to each other | antagonists |
what muscle is located between the metacarpols | interossi |
a thread like structure that extends from one end ofthe fiber to the other | myofibrils |
3 thoraic muscles | xternal intercostal diapham and intercostals |
sarcomeres join end to end to form what | myofibrils |
sartorius | flexes the thigh |
zygo maticus | smiling muscle |
gleueus maximus | buttocks |
two tounge muscles | intrinsic and extrinsic |
nerve cells that carry actions potiential to skeletal muscle fibers | motor neurons |
enlarge nerve terminal | presyanatic terminal |
secrete neurotransmitor | acetylcholine |
charge difference across the membrane | resting membrane potential |
brief reversal back of the charge | action potiental |
each branch that connects to the muscle forms what | neuromuscular junctions |
musce fiber will not respond to stimuelus reaches alevel called? | threshold |
tetany | muscle remains contracted without relaxing |
the fasciculis is composed of what single muscle cells? | fibers |
each muscle fiber is surrounding by what connective tissue sheath | endomysium |
muscles that work together to accomplish specific movement | synergists |
pectoralis major | adducts and flexes the arm |
each zline is an attachment site for what | actin |
in the center of each sarcomere is another light area called what? | h zone |
a single motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle fibers it intrevates is called what? | motor unit |
what is near the center of the cell? | synapse |
biceps brachii | flexes the forearm |
deltoid | attaches the humerus to the scaoula and clavicle |
brachialis | flexes forearm |
latissimus dorsi | medially rotates, addusts, and powerfull extends the arm |
serratus anterior | pulls scapula anitierofly |
extensor carpi | extends the wrist |
flexor digitorium | flexes the fingers |
4 pairs of mastification muscles | 2 pairs of steroids, temporalis, and masseter |
extrinsic tongue muscles | moves the tongue |
external inter costals | elevate the ribs during inspiration |
internal intercostals | contract during forced expiration |
2 major kinds of protein fibers | actin myofilament and myosin myofibments |
19 hand muscles located within the hand | intrinsic hand muscles |
extensor digitorium | extends the fingers |
each skeletal muscles is surronded by what connective tissues sheath | epimysium |
mastification | chewing |
depressor angui oris | frowning |
quad riceps femoris | extends the leg |