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A & P Hood Test 2


flattened sheet of white, fibrous connective tissue; serves as attachment for flat muscles, or as sheet enclosing/binding muscles groups.....what is this? Aponeuroses
fatty or fatlike....what is this? adipose tissue
A type of connective tissue that surrounds various organs and supports both nerve and blood tissues....what is this? areolar tissue
bacterial destruction...what is this? bactericidal
to deposit mineral salts.... what is this? calcify
muscle of the heart...what is this? cardiac muscle
white, semiopaque, nonvascular connective tissue...what is this? cartilage
scar tissue...what is this? cicatrix
a wound where infection is not present...what is this? clean wound
fibrous protein occurring in bone and cartilage...what is this? collagen
a band of fibrous tissue connecting bones or supporting organs...what is this? ligament
to transplant tissue into a body part to replace damaged tissue...what is this? graft
protects the body by covering external in internal surfaces....what is this? epithelial tissue
cells whose intercellular sectetions (matrix) support and connect the organs and tissues of the body...what is this? connective tissue
elasticlike fibers found in connective tissue...what is this? elastin
tiny red granules that are visible in the base of a healing wound; consists of newly formed capillaries and fibroblasts...what is this? granulation
band or sheet of fibrous membreanes covering or binding and supporting muscles...what is this? fasciae
type of cartilage that forms the skeleton of the embryo...what is this? hyaline
lines the stomach...what is this? gastric mucosa
lines the small and large intestines...what is this? intestinal mucosa
type of tissue that lines surfaces and spaces that lead to the out side of the body...what is this? mocous membrane
contains cell material that has the abillity to contract and move the body...what is this? muscle tissue
moucouse membrane...what is this? mucosa
lines the abdominal cavity...what is this? peritoneal membrane
the lining of a body cavity...what is this? parietal membrane
lines the heart cavity...what is this? pericardial membrane
a thin layer of tissue that covers a surface or divides an organ... membrane
contains cells that react to stimuli and conduct and impulse nervous tissue
bony; composed of or resembling bone... osseous
organs that are grouped together because more than one is needed to perform a function.... organ system
the name given to a double-walled serous membrane beginning the letter p... serosa
lines the respitory passages.... respiratory mucosa
muscle attached to a bone or bones of skeleton and aids in body movements; also known as voluntary or striated muscle... skeletal muscle
repair of wound with small or large tissue loss... secondary repair
a double-walled membreane that produces serous fluid... serous membrane
(1) in osteology, aline of connection or closure between bones as in a cranial suture;(2) in surgery, a fine threadlike catgut or silk used to repair or close a wound primary repair
dried capillary fluid that seals a wound scab
(1)normal lynph fluid(2)thin, water body fluid... serous fluid
lines the thoracic cavity... pleural membrane
cord of fibrous connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone or other structure... tendon
the membrane covering each organ in a body cavity... vasceral membrane
cells grouped according to size, shape, and function; epithelial,connective,muscle, and ner tissue
double layer of connective tissue that lines joint cavities and synovial fluid... synovial membrane
Created by: Queenjules
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