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Med/Surg Terms
Question | Answer |
Head | crani- |
Eye | optic-, opt- |
Ear | ot- |
Nose | nas-rhin- |
Mouth | stomat- |
Pharynx | pharyngo- |
Tooth | odont- |
Mind | psych- |
Brain | cephal- |
Nerve | neur- |
Spine | spino- |
Neck | cervic- |
Throat | pharyngo-, fauci, laryngo |
Windpipe | trache- |
Chest | thorac |
Chest lining (membrane) | pleur- |
Lungs | pneum-, pulm- |
Heart | cardi-, cordi- |
Artery | arteri- |
Vein | phleb-, vene, |
Blood, Bleeding | hema-, emia |
Gland | aden-, adeno- |
Life | bio |
Rib | cost-, costo- |
Pelvis | pelvi- |
Arm | brachi- |
Hand | chir-, man- |
Leg | mel- |
Foot | ped-, pod- |
Bone | ossi-, osti- |
Marrow | myel- |
Joint | arthr- |
Cartilage | chondr- |
Gullet | esophag- |
Stomach | gastro- |
Liver | gastr-, hepae-, adeno- |
Belly | abdomin- |
Cell | cyt- |
Cancer | carcin-, carcino- |
Tissue | hist-, histio- |
Body | somat-, somato- |
Movement | -duction |
Gall Bladder | cholecyst- |
Intestines | enter-, colo- |
Kidney | nephr-, ren- |
Kidney pelvis | pyel- |
Breast | mamm- |
Ovary | ovari- |
Woumb | uter-, hyster- |
Testicle | orchi- |
Skin | derm-, epithel- |
Muscle | myo- |
cutting | -sect |
puncturing | -centesis |
breaking (remedy a deformity) | -clasia |
dilation | -ectasis |
removing, cut out | -ectomy, -tomy |
making an opening | -ostomy |
a process or its result | -iasis |
inflammation expansion | -itis |
knowledge of, science of | -ology |
gradual decline | -lysis |
measure instrument | -meter |
cutting instrument | -tome |
tumor, swelling | -oma |
use of heat displacement | -thermy |
condition of state caused by | -osis |
disease | -pathy |
fixation | -lexy |
molding, repairing | -plasty |
bursting forth | -rrhagia |
suturing, sewing | -rrhaphy |
flowing | -rrhea |
instrument of examination | -scope |
dilation or | -extasis |
sensation | -esthesia |
graphic record | -gram |
graphic recording instrument | -graph |
incision into a part | -otomy |
lack of | -penia |
downward | -ptosis |
breath | -pnea |
away from | ab- |
without | a-, an- |
to, at | ad- |
before | ante- |
position in front of | antero- |
against | anti- |
slow | brady- |
through | dia- |
difficult, painful, unusual | dys-, dis- |
outside of | ecto- |
electric | electro- |
within, inside | endo- |
upon | epi- |
out of, away from | ex-, ec- |
over, excessive | hyper- |
under, below less | hypo- |
below, after | infra- |
around | circum- |
large | macro- |
excessively large | mega- |
new | neo- |
within | intra- |
bad | mal- |
middle (half way) | medio- |
middle of | meso- |
beyond, more than | meta- |
beside, beyond | para- |
surrounding | peri- |
many, several | poly- |
grayish | polio- |
false | psuedo- |
backward | retro- |
beneath | sub- |
above | super-, supra- |
across, beyond | trans- |
beyond | ultra- |