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Anat1 - Neck/Trunk

(Week 4)

The four suprahyoid muscles are: digastric, stylohyoid, mylohyoid, geniohyoid
Digastric O.I.A. O: lower mandible & mastoid process of temporal bone I: hyoid bone A: elevates hyoid bone
Stylohyoid O.I.A. O: styloid process of temporal bone I: hyoid bone A: elevates hyoid bone
Mylohyoid O.I.A. O: medial surface of mandible I: hyoid bone A: elevates hyoid bone
Geniohyoid O.I.A. O: inner surface of mandibular symphysis I: hyoid bone A: elevates hyoid bone
The _______ consists of four deep throat muscles that form the floor of the oral cavity, anchor the tongue, elevate the hyoid, and move the larynx superiorly during swallowing. suprahyoid
The _______ consists of four strap-like muscles that depress the hyoid and larynx during swallowing and speaking. infrahyoid
The four infrahyoid muscles are: sternohyoid, sternothyroid, omohyoid, thyrohyoid
Sternohyoid O.I.A. O: manubrium and medial end of clavical I: lower margin hyoid A: depresses hyoid bone
Sternothyroid O.I.A. O: posterior surface of manubrium of sternum I: thyroid cartilage A: depresses hyoid bone via thyroid
Omohyoid O.I.A. O: superior surface of scapula I: lower border of hyoid A: depresses hyoid bone
Thyrohyoid O.I.A. O: thyroid cartilage I: hyoid bone A: depresses hyoid bone
The major head flexor is the _______. sternocleidomastoid
Synergists to head flexion are the _______ and _______. suprahyoid, infrahyoid
Lateral head movements are acomplished by the _______ and _______ muscles. sternocleidomastoid, scalene
Head extension is accomplished by the deep _______ muscles and aided by the superficial _______. splenius, trapezius
The four deep neck flexors are: longus colli, longus capitis, rectus capitis anterior, rectus capitis lateralis
Sternocleidomastoid O.I.A. O: manubrium & medial clavicle I: mastoid process of temporal bone and superior nuchal line of Occ A: bilat: prime mover of neck flexion, Unilat: ipsilat lat flex, contralat rotation
The three scalene muscles are: anterior scalene, middle scalene, posterior scalene
Anterior Scalene O.I.A. O: TP C3-6 I: 1st rib A: Bilat: elevates ribs 1-2 accessory respiratory muscle, Unilat: ipsilat lat flex and rotation
Middle Scalene O.I.A. O: TP C2-7 I: 1st rib A: Bilat: elevates ribs 1-2 accessory respiratory muscle, Unilat: ipsilat lat flex and rotation
Posterior Scalene O.I.A. O: TP C5-7 I: 2nd rib A: Bilat: elevates ribs 1-2 accessory respiratory muscle, Unilat: ipsilat lat flex and rotation
The prime mover of back extension is the _______ _______. erector spinae
The three erector spinae muscles are: Iliocostalis, Longisimus, Spinalis
Splenius capitis & cervicis O.I.A. O: ligamentum nuchae, SP of C7-T6 I: mastoid process of temporal bone (capitus), TP of C2-4 (cervicis) A: bilat: act as a group to extend head, Unilat: ipsilateral rotation & lateral flexion
The three parts of iliocostalis are: lumborum, thoracis, cervicis
The three parts of longisimus are: thoracis, cervicis, capitus
The two parts of spinalis are: thoracis, cervicis
Iliocostalis O.I.A. O: Lumborum - Iliac crest & thoracolumbar fascial, Thoracis - lower 6 ribs, Cervicis - ribs 3-6 I: Lumborum & Thoracis - ribs Cervicis - TPs of C4-6 A: extend spine & maintain posture, ipsilateral lateral flexion
Longisimus O.I.A. O: TPs (lumbar, thoracic, and cervical) I: TPs (of thoracic and cervical and ribs), capitus inserts into mastoid A: extend spine & head & maintain posture, ipsilateral lateral flexion
Spinalis O.I.A. O: SPs (of upper lumbar and lower thoracic) I: SPs (of upper thoracic and lover cervical) A: extends spine
The three parts of semispinalis are: thoracis, cervicis, capitis
Semispinalis O.I.A. O: TPs (C7-T12) I: SPs thoracic and cervical, occiput A: extens spine (if unilat: contalat rotation & synergist of scm)
Quadratus Lumborum O.I.A. O: iliac cresta & lumbar fascia I: TPs L1-3 & margin of 12th rib A: Extend spine & maintain posture, unilat: ipsilateral lateral flexion
The four short muscles that extend from one vertebra to another (deep layer), and are synergists in extension and rotation of the spine are: intertraversarius (between TPs) rotatores longus & brevis (from TP to SP) multifidus (from lamina to SP) Interspinalis (from SP to SP)
The primary function of deep thoracic muscles is to promote _______ for _______. movement, breathing
External Intercostals O.I.A. O: inferior border of rib above I: superior border of rib below A: inspiration - elevation of ribs
Internal Intercostals O.I.A. O: superior border of rib above I: inferior border of rib below A: expiration - depression of ribs
The most important muscle of respiration is the _______. diaphragm
Diaphragm O.I.A. O: inferior, internal surface of rib cage and sternum, costal cartilage of ribs (5)6-10, bodies of most lumbar vertebrae I: central tendon inserts into itself A: prime mover of respiration
The diaphragm _______ on contraction. flattens
Upon _______, a strong contraction of the diaphragm increases intrabdominal pressure. inspiration
The four paired muscles of the abdominal wall are: internal obliques, external obliques, transversus abdominis, and rectus abdominis
Rectus Abdominis O.I.A. O: pubic crest & symphysis I: xiphoid process, costal cartilage ribs 5-7 A: flex and rotate lumbar region, stabilize trunk, increase abdominal pressure
External Oblique O.I.A. O: outer surface lower 8 ribs I: via aponeurosis linea alba, pubic crest & tubercle, iliac crest A: bilat: contraction - assists rectus, Unilat: contraction - contralat trunk rotation and ipsilat lateral flexion
Internal Oblique O.I.A. O: lumbar fascia, iliac crest & linguinal ligament I: Linea alba, pubic crest last 3-4 ribs & costal margin A: bilat: contraction - assists rectus, Unilat: contraction - ipsilateral trunk rotation & lateral flexion
Transversus Abdominis O.I.A. O: inguinal ligament, lumbar fascia, cartilage last 6 ribs & iliac crest I: linea alba & pubic crest A: compresses abdominal contents, stabilizes trunk
The _______ _______ muscle fibers run inferior and medial ("hands in pocket"). external oblique
The _______ _______ muscle fibers run perpendicular to external oblique muscle fibers. internal oblique
Created by: sdouglass
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